A Surprising fix for rounded shoulders 😳 | #shorts

» A Surprising fix for rounded shoulders 😳 | #shorts

Have rounded shoulders? Here’s a surprising fix!

#badyogi #yogatips #shorts #badyogitips #roundedshoulders #roundedshouldersfix #badposturefix

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  1. You your self have round shoulders, it's visible in many of your videos

  2. Not really true.. you need the back muscles /scapula muscles to hold the shoulder blade down so it doesn’t cause the chest/front delt to be tight.. but stretch all you want 😂

  3. Omg thank youuuu sooooooo much. You have no idea how much this has helped me!!! ❤❤❤❤

  4. Weird girl tho

  5. So if you don't have a foam.roller.will a roller blanket on r towel work

  6. When I push my shoulders back I get back rolls.

  7. this moght be why whenever i smoke 🌲 i suddenly notice a weird tightness in my chest muscles and sometimes front of my neck. my body must be trying to relax but cant

  8. Will regular pushups also help with this 😢?

  9. Hi
    Could you Pl speak alittle bit slowly

  10. I dont have anything like this
    Is there any other way?

  11. Thank you so much for your tips! God bless and remember Jesus Christ loves you 🙂

  12. I realised mine is actually weak abs not the actual shoulders

  13. Dont waste your time, just go to damn gym and do it with the right posture your body will automatically come right, after a month of hard training

  14. Thank you SO much! This has helped significantly

  15. This is so good, it feels really relaxing too (I hope I'm doing it correctly)

  16. Leaning backwards with a pillow or two under your chest is more relaxing, less painful, and very effective

  17. But your chest is already outside so it is easy for you , some people chest are inwards

  18. I'm wondering how much large breasts can contribute to this issue as well…

  19. Can I use a tennis ball?

  20. just do t and y raises at the gym and strengthen the weak low and mid traps. Simplest fix, i did these consistently and my rounding has gone.

  21. Wow! Thank you so much – you just improved the quality of my life ❤️

  22. i felt electricity on my triceps near my elbows that is so odd :O

  23. This habit started early on. During my childhood, my grandma and mother would hit my back to sit up straight so that is how they went fixing it back then.

  24. Can you do this with a yoga block?😊

  25. I'll have to try this 👀 I noticed the tightness in my chest muscles but for some reason never thought to look up how to stretch them 💀

  26. I will stick with qui gong, yoga to stretch this area out.

  27. I needed this! My chest is so tight, and shoulders are so round!

  28. I KNOW this will partially fix me!!!!!!!
    thank you

  29. I have nothing like that, is it okay for me to use the plastic bottle? (with water)

  30. I just have a too large chest. I cup 😭

  31. This will change a concaved rotator cuff it's genetic

  32. cd9j18

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