Arms Day compilation

» Arms Day compilation

just a quick arms day compilation / motivation vid. Working on editing the full vid this is just a sneak peak of whats to come stay tuned fam

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==========Shout Outs==========
1: Please be sure to subscribe and “turn on post notification ” on YouTube.
2: Let me know on instagram by commenting on my recent photo that you have it turned on.
I will feature on my coming videos.

For extra motivation and behind the scenes please follow us on Instagram:
Me: @kwameduah

Produced by Kwame Duah



  1. Bravo la Sală America Gym

  2. How to get 5% bodyfat

  3. Plz give me full arm workout for difination look for competion

  4. Nice one sir all the way from california

  5. awesome video man keep it up

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