Atlas Misalignment Symptoms & Correction Exercises For Atlas Pain

» Atlas Misalignment Symptoms & Correction Exercises For Atlas Pain

Are you tormented by headache, neck pain, dizziness, tinnitus, or back pain? Then your atlas vertebra could be out of alignment. When your first cervical vertebra moves, it can affect your whole body. What are the symptoms for a misaligned atlas and what can you do to correct it?
Find out in this video!

Can’t Turn Head From Side to Side (5 Minutes Everyday) 👉

✅ Foam Roller Set ►
✅ Osteopressure Tool ►
✅ Jaw Hero ►
✅ Stretching Strap ►
✅ Back Hero ►

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🧑‍🤝‍🧑 We are Liebscher & Bracht – an alternative healthcare company focusing on the best and sustainable way to ease the pain and suffering of the body. Our vision is to enable a pain-free and healthy life for everyone, despite any condition or age. Overall health can be possible – by knowing how to activate the self-healing powers. Let us help you on your way to healing – by easing your suffering and enhancing your quality of life.

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🧑‍🤝‍🧑 We are fortunate enough to help millions of chronic pain sufferers to ease their pain by providing online content on YouTube. If you suffer from chronic or severe physical pain, please perform the exercises as described in the videos to ease your suffering.

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0:00 Atlas Misalignment Symptoms
1:34 Exercises
8:55 Bonus Exercise (Foam Roll Neck)



  1. PSA from an LMT: “As hard as you can” means providing as much pressure as you can without pain, it does not mean use your full physical force. This may be why lots of people in the comments are finding issue with the exercises. Also, it’s a good idea to apply ice and drink plenty of water after exercises like this.

  2. PSA from an LMT: “As hard as you can” means providing as much pressure as you can without pain, it does not mean use your full physical force. This may be why lots of people in the comments are finding issue with the exercises.

  3. Highly recommended. Obviously the pressure must be increased day by day.. it can't happen overnight

  4. Does tis help with kyphosis please..of course I have forward head posture..

  5. What kind of gobbledygook nonsense is this? There is no evidence to support any of this garbage. Crazy batshit.

  6. I can't thank you enough
    I had this pain for 3 weeks
    It finally felt better after so long

  7. God, thank you for deliverance from evil and from wickedness. God, thank you for righting our cervical alignment and spine. Thank you for protecting our necks. Thank you for healed and healthy bones. Thank you for your abounding grace and support and love. Thank you for unconditional kindness, goodness, faithfulness and joyfulness. God, thank you for saved lives In Jesus mighty name. Amen 🙏 🤍

  8. How often do you recommend?

  9. you cannot correct your own atlas.

  10. It's like magic. If anyone has any problem, message me.

  11. Can u think of how an 85 yr old could do some of what u show ? mAYBE PUT AN OLDER PERSON IN VIDEO WITH U !


  13. I feel like this channel intentionally gives the opposite of what's good just to make the people suffer more, it's insane how people can hurt their necks from this exercise.

  14. Is it okay if I crack that area from time to time

  15. I have an unstable mass in my right carotid, and my DR says no chiro due to stroke risk.
    Do any of these exercises present a similar issue?

  16. 😢Medlidande till alla som lider ….Av ….😢Denna smärtan ….jag svimmade 😢😢😢😢i bland klarar man inte 😢hålla upp huvudet 😢….Har ris kudden ..Och nack…kragen 😢

  17. Powerful preaching, amazing message ! 💖

  18. You don’t need to “press as hard as you can.” 5-10% of your strength is plenty. Really have to be careful with your cervical spine.

  19. I have cervical instability and those exercises make me worse

  20. If you are having a lot of pain in your body, start by cleaning it out.

  21. Absolutely do not do this as hard as possible! Bad advice for regular sedentary people

  22. Be aware that depending on the issues you have with neck or back pain some exercises aren’t appropriate and may cause more damage. ALWAYS, ALWAYS seek professional medical guidance BEFORE attempting anything you find on social media. God Bless!

  23. Guys do not pull your head down with your hand especially if you're hyper flexible, you will only get worse dizziness.

  24. I wake up with occipital tightness due top my head moving during the night into bad positions. This helps a lot – thanks 🙂

  25. Neck exercise is better than stretching to build muscles to support your head.

  26. This helped my ribs and everything!!

  27. instant subscribe! the release I felt made me laugh, almost cry. Thank you very much!

  28. In my opinion someone who hasn't been damaged a lot and then recovered quite a bit won't have a lot of understanding of the pitfalls may not be able to guide someone

  29. Your absolutely the sweetest most helpful. Thank you for your help.

  30. Thanks – best I've tried – actually worked.

  31. I’ve suffered greatly with neck/ shoulder issues after a bad car accident. I found these exercises by mistake and it was a miracle I did. I found much relief just in the first time trying. I’m so greatly grateful!!! I wish everyone knew! I definitely recommend this video to anyone suffering from neck issues. I was told 6 years ago I need a 4 level neck fusion but it was a horrible and very dangerous surgery! I wasn’t going to trust my life to any medical professional. I worked with injury medical and legal specialists I understand the risks! So no way surgery. Now I have relief.

  32. I have been adjusting the Atlas for 27 years with before and after films to verify a positive change in alignment. I can assure you that nothing mentioned in this video will improve the atlas position! If you want to bring your patients to my clinic, I would be happy to pre / post xray them and you can see for yourself if you are actually improving the alignment of the Atlas. That said, nothing wrong with your procedure … its just not going to improve that Atlas alignment.

  33. Mostly terrible advice

  34. Thank you!!! Bless you!!!

  35. How horrible tattoos are…

  36. Not clear instructions in the first exercise.

  37. boring presentation – bad exercise – nice lady – idiotic tattoos
    do not do this exercise!!!

  38. Don't attempt this , why do you gurus not include people with spinal fusions in the neck. These things can injure us. I tried the first two suggestions and when looking at left pocket then the pushing back into hands hurt me, now my nose is burning, and my face is feeling hot and sweaty, I already have balance and equilibrium issues ( non spinning) just a horrible balance issue where during any quick side movements my body has to catch up to the turn. I have what has the skin crawling feelings , my lower jaw is hurting out of nowhere, my breathing feels slower.

  39. Here's how: GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR!!! You are at brain stem level and you could greatly harm YOURSELF! SMH

  40. These can harm some people. I couldn't watch anymore after she told everyone to press as hard as they could. That's a big no-no. Went to the comments, and sure enough, several were injured from doing this.

  41. What are you releasing?

  42. Thank you so freaking much! Thank you genuinely!

  43. U r sweet as ur techniques

  44. You said vertebra (singular) exactly correctly.
    However, two or more bones in the back are called vertebrae, pronounced verte-brie, like the cheese.

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