Beginner Light Dumbbell Workout

» Beginner Light Dumbbell Workout

Full-length beginner workout videos at and the “Justin Agustin Fitness app available on in the Apple Store, Google Play, Roku, FireTV, Android TV and more! Exercise from the comfort of your own home with zero gym equipment!
I have low-impact options for beginners, workouts to strengthen your muscles, and improve mobility! Just press play and follow along with me.

Here are some basic but effective lightweight exercises to build strength! Practice with water bottles at first then move on to some light dumbbells. Each move might require a different weight, but essentially you want to be comfortable lifting 10 repetitions with good technique. Stand in front of a mirror when performing this routine. Happy workout!

For a full dumbbell workout plan, try out @kathleen_jd ‘s 30-day course 💪🏽 more info below ⬇️

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  1. How heavy dumbell should be for beginners

  2. Is it every pose 10 times × 3 days per week?

  3. How many kgs dumbell she is using for this exercise?

  4. Thanks so much for showing that you can use regular home items if you don’t have weights!!
    This is in my rotation for 3x a week!!

  5. Very helpful short reel I keep going back too thanks!

  6. I totally get this type of exercise video. It ticks all the boxes.❤

  7. Can you please tell me what is the weight of dumbbell for the beginners!?

  8. Does this excercise help in shoulder muscles or any other part of our body?
    Waiting for ur reply

  9. Weight gain or weight loss

  10. Thanks for sharing ❤️ 👍

  11. Hi, do take have any online classes for weight lifting?

  12. When you say x3, does that mean you do straight 30? Or 10, break, 10, break, 10?

  13. Exhale through the mouth?!

  14. Thank you! This is just what I am looking for!

  15. Very super sir… Ia m a bigginer…. This vedio very usefull for me…

  16. Happy workout.

  17. Simple instructions, effective method. Great short video. Thanks

  18. Been wondering for a DIY dumbell idea, water bottle isn't so bad!

  19. How many calories does this whole workout burn

  20. Is it ok for beginner using 1 litre mineral water bottle?

  21. Why is the man covered up and the woman is not allowed to have the same self-respect?

  22. Weights of the dumbbells ?

  23. Hello, how far back should our triceps be? Should it not be in line with the shoulders ?

  24. Please help me to train muscles and guide me by uploading dumbbell exercise or body weight exercise tutorial videos :

    1. Neck
    2. Omohyoid
    3. Sternohyoid
    4. Sternocleidomastoid
    5. Trapezius neck
    6. Shoulders
    7. Deltoid
    8. Interior head
    9. Middle head
    10. Posterior head
    11. Biceps
    12. Brachialis
    13. Bicep brachii
    14. Long head
    15. Short head
    16. Pronator teres
    17. Palmaris longus
    18. Forearm
    19. Extensor carpi ulnaris
    20. Abductor pollicis longus
    21. Extensor pollicis brevis
    22. Extensor pollicis longus
    23. Flexor carpi radialis
    24. Brachioradialis
    25. Flexor carpi ulnaris
    26. Chest
    27. Pectoralis major
    28. Pectoralis minor ( beneath major )
    29. Abs
    30. Serratus anterior 
    31. External oblique
    32. Rectus abdominis
    33. Tendinous inscriptions
    34. Back
    35. Teres minor
    36. Teres major
    37. Infraspinatus
    38. Rhomboid major
    39. Trapezius back
    40. Erector spinae ( deep )
    41. Latissimus dorsi
    42. Thoracolumbar fascia
    43. Triceps
    44. Triceps brachii
    45. Lateral head
    46. Long head
    47. Medial head
    48. Glutes
    49. Gluteus medius
    50. Gluteus maximus
    51. Thighs
    52. Sartorius
    53. Pectineus
    54. Adductor longus
    55. Gracilis
    56. Tensor fasciae latae
    57. Vastus medialis
    58. Rectus femoris
    59. Vastus lateral
    60. Patella ( kneecap )
    61. Hamstrings
    62. Biceps femoris
    63. Iliotibal band
    64. Adductor magnus
    65. Semitendinosus
    66. Gracilis
    67. Semimembranosus
    68. Calves
    69. Gastrocnemius
    70. Soleus
    71. Peroneus brevis
    72. Flexor hallucis longus
    73. Tibia ( bone )
    74. Tibialis anterior
    75. Extensor digitorum longus
    76. Peroneus longus

  25. I was doing 2kg bicep curl on 1st day of gym… but people were looking at me all weird

  26. I miss working out

  27. It’s not good to do everyday?

  28. How long should we do this before changing to higher level?

  29. Love the format and delivery of this full body dumbbell workout! Great job and thank you!!😊

  30. Can you do these sitting down??

  31. Thanks you :)))

  32. Can people with hernia do strength training

  33. Are those 250 ml bottles?

  34. What is the weight of dumbbell

  35. The wall push-ups 😅 but thank u


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