One hour of pure joy! Let’s explore what our bodies can do! Every movement as full depth, range and control as you can during this calisthenics full body workout.
When lunging, ease into the depth and aim for that little bit lower each rep. Kick throughs, extend the toes away from body that little bit more. Push ups aim for depth rather than reps.
This is a no repeat workout. The timer will be on for 50 seconds of work with 10 seconds to get ready for the next movement.
All you will need for this bodyweight workout is your mat. A yoga block/thick book is optional for elevation in the uneven push-ups, kneeling to balance, lunges etc. A chair or something sturdy to hold onto during pistol squats is also an option.
Kneeling to stand
Kneeling to stand
Alternating pistol squats
Kneeling to rear foot tap
Kneeling to rear foot tap
Elevated curtsey lunge
Elevated curtsey lunge
Elevated squat 1 1/2 reps
Elevated squat 1/2 reps
X 1 leg push up to x 4 leg lift
X 1 leg push up to x 4 leg lift
Uneven push ups
Uneven push ups
Plank to alternating reverse plank
Knee tuck to side plank balance
Knee tuck to side plank balance
Push ups 360° clockwise
Push ups 360° anti-clockwise
Hover to kick thru to x1 leg glute squeeze
Hover to kick thru to x1 leg glute squeeze
Staggered squat
Staggered squat
Lateral to curtsey
Lateral to curtsey
Reverse crab to stretch
Reverse crab to stretch
Drop to slow push up
Wide to narrow push ups
Single leg hover to donkey lift
Single leg hover to donkey lift
Lunge to glute squeeze
Lunge to glute squeeze
Lunge pulses on toes
Lunge pulses on toes
Toes to leg extension
Straight arm plank hover
Straight arm plank hover
Superman to bird dog balance
Tricep push up to cobra push up
Abductor lift x 4 to leg extension
Side leg lift pulses
Abductor lift x 4 to leg extension
Side leg lift pulses
Stay low squat to side lift (switch half way)
Kneel to stand
Kneel to stand
Close squat to alt staggered squat
Hollow to single leg reach
Hollow to single leg reach
Hip lift with rotation clockwise
Hip lift with rotation anti-clockwise
Hollow to knee hug under
V sit w/ x1 leg pass thru
V sit w/ x1 leg pass thru
Tabletop to knee to head tuck
Plank walk in
Alt knee tap plank
Plank to 90° foot tap
Plank to 90° foot tap
Hover push up to leg extension
Remember to have fun! If you lose balance, smile and carry on!
Be proud of what your body can do!
Please ensure you warm up. Here’s my recommended Warm Up Routine:
If you would like an extended stretch, check out my NEW 20 Min UNWIND Routine:
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15 Min Core & Abs (Twenty Plank Variations) Workout:
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Disclaimer: If you are new to exercise or planning on embarking on a new fitness programme, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
Exclusive! Did this with my boyfriend and he was K.O.!
I wish there was a video like this, but with the exercises more mixed up. Now it seemed very leg, leg, leg leg, core, core, core, core. Allowed me no time to recover
شیر مادر حلالت
Oh god i really did ittt
Can I do this video daily as the only workout? I don't go to gym etc, and I was thinking what if I do this video daily?
Someone told me we need rest days only if we do weights, is that true? Or do I need rest days for this kind of videos without weights too?
I would appreciate a lot if someone helps me with my doubt
Great video as always! Blessings to all and *keep going, stay strong in mind, body and soul>
Never ever post comments on any videos but OMG this deserves one…for me it has been one of her most challenging workouts ever!! The strugle was real…so well played Caroline, thank you for challenging us all and well done to all of you too for getting through this workout!

holy eff that was hard at 6:30am
Thank you but as I told you I'm.catchibf huger mucles and I'm not looking for fitness in legday I train by yourevrules but for triceps&biceps same today or shoulders in another day…however training on each muvke max 2 times in day is enogh.bravo
Tough! But one step forward is better than none
247 calories burned

Did it for the third time over. Happy with my performance. Super fun and creative. Don't underestimate it – it's challenging. Sometimes necessary to rewatch the preview because I couldn't understand the exercise right away.

thank's my dear for your incredible exercise, never seen it before

I really struggled with this one. thanks dear caroline. You are awesome.

This was absolutely wonderful. Caroline, I cannot express how much I enjoy your workouts. I go to the gym 5 days a week, yet sometimes just prefer your content, as it’s so amazing and uplifting. Thank you so much!
I do this in two parts
Awesome workout, thanks

Thank you
caroline barbie
Can i get shredded just by doing these workouts and if so for how many times should I do this in a week? And what else would I need to do to lose fat and get lean, I cant go to the gym, will appreciate advice
Your balance on 1 foot is amazing I can’t do much of that but t love watching you
You are incredibly some of the things you do Wow beautiful
3rd time doing this workout! still feel very tough, though.
Thankyou Caroline i did it

damn it guys i had done so many of caroline's workout but this one actually killed my body… it was hellaaa tough like just after 20 min only i had to push myself to finish it and trust me when i say this it was not at all easy for my body to listen to my mind

this was the hardest! loved it
I just did this again….. Holy shiz!
This was the hardest workout in Epic Cosmos so far
I was SO excited when I read body weight only! I take it back!! This one had me hating life and realizing how uncoordinated I am!!
This was really hard…Not sure if I want to repeat this workout in the near future..

What's the name of the song at the 30 minute mark?
OMG I found this so much harder than the other workouts. This one was really tough!
This is a fabulous tempo training. Thank you for making me happy one more day, dearest Caroline! I miss your fresh content very much.
The abs/core at the end…what in the fresh hell! Thanks for another great workout –
I was a bit scared to do this workout because of the comments, but actually I think this workout was great! yeah sure there where some movements that was though and I had to look twice to see how to do it
But it was a great work out, if you are reading this, you can do it, take your time with the movements or rewind and do it again 


15 mins in this workout and sweating