Can Vinegar Actually Burn Your Belly Fat?!
#GundryMD #GutHealth #Vinegar #balsamicvinegar #applecidervinegar
#GundryMD #GutHealth #Vinegar #balsamicvinegar #applecidervinegar
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Yes it’s really works DR GUNDRY
Dr. Gundry is the Best!!! MAHA!

Thank you Dr. Gundry.
Thank you for confirming that balsamic vinegar contains polyphenols
I love organic balsamic !!
I bought aged non organic. It tastes good but my partner is a kinesiologist and it didn’t resonate at all. I think too many additives. Organic balsamic rates highly for me !!
Thank you Dr Gundry
Well balsamic is made from grapes while apple cider is made from apples cider is more acdic zero calories while on the other hand grapes have more calories and is sweet not being sacarstic loved to be enlightened
Yes it works for me doctor G , thanks
OK, so how much and how many times a day should I take the vinegar?
Thank you again Dr. Gundry
I have Organic ACV and a few chunks of Organic Ginger Root 3-4 times a week.
I follow Dr Gundry religiously I stopped eating a lot of junk foods. No more peanut butter, no more popcorn,no more legumes, etc