Confused About the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals Schedule? Here's Everything You Need to Know

» Confused About the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals Schedule? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

We’re breaking down this year’s new Semifinals structure.

With the 2025 CrossFit Open fully in the rearview mirror, we now turn our attention to what comes next. 

For around 99% of Open participants, the Community Cup is on deck, a new event for the 2025 season. 

  • CrossFit describes the Community Cup as “a unique format for our local athletes to compete against their peers based on their level earned during the Open.”

This event takes place June 9-15, so you have plenty of time to work on those weaknesses that you found in this year’s Open. 

  • Athletes who registered for the 2025 Open and submitted scores for all three workouts can find their level on their CrossFit athlete profile. 

Key Takeaways for the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals

  • The Community Cup is the next CrossFit-organized competition on the schedule for the overwhelming majority of the community. 
  • The top 1,200 men and women in the Open (“Individual”) Division will move on to the In-Affiliate Semifinals.
  • For the age groups, the top 2%, or a minimum number (which varies by division), will be invited to the Age Group In-Affiliate Semifinals.
  • For the adaptive division, the top 20 athletes in each division will move on to the Adaptive Semifinals by WheelWOD.
  • All of the teams who completed the Open are eligible to compete in the Team In-Affiliate Semifinals. 

CrossFit Games In-Affiliate Semifinals

The In-Affiliate Semifinals are the next stage in the season for the top 1% of Open division individuals, the top 2% of age group athletes, the top 20 of each adaptive division, and all of the teams.

  • Below is our breakdown of the cutline for each division, as well as important details and dates for the CrossFit In-Affiliate Semifinals and WheelWOD Adaptive Semifinals. The leaderboard remains unofficial until CrossFit declares it locked. 

Keep in mind that some athletes may qualify in multiple ways and can compete in multiple divisions (individual, age group, and teams) at the Semifinals stage.

Individual Open Division

The Details

  • When: Thursday, May 1, at 12 p.m. PT until Sunday, May 4, at 5 p.m. PT.
  • Where: Virtual, must be done at an active affiliate (in good standing) of CrossFit.
  • Registration details: The registration fee is $100 USD, and athletes can sign up beginning on Monday, April 14.
  • Total Games tickets available: The top 11 men and 11 women from the In-Affiliate Semifinal will qualify for the CrossFit Games.

The Individual (“Open Division”) is made up of athletes who will compete for a spot as an Individual in the 2025 CrossFit Games in Albany, NY.

How many: A total of 1,200 men and 1,200 women qualify for In-Affiliate Semifinals based on unofficial registration numbers at the close of 25.1.

Open Division Total Registration 1% Qualify for Semis (minimum) Qualify to Games
Men (16-54) 119,700 1,197 1,200 11
Women (16-54) 89,901 899 1,200 11

According to the rulebook, the Individual Semifinals leaderboard will be finalized no later than May 19.

Age Groups

The Details

  • When: Thursday, April 3, at 12 p.m. PT until Sunday, April 6, at 5 p.m. PT.
  • Where: Virtual, must be done at an active affiliate (in good standing) of CrossFit.
  • Registration details: The registration fee is $100 USD, and athletes can sign up beginning on Monday, March 31.
  • Total Games tickets available: 
    • 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59: The top 30 men and 30 women qualify for the Games in each division.
    • 60-64 and 65-69: The top 20 men and 20 women per division qualify for the Games in each division.
    • 70+: The top 10 men and 10 women qualify for the Games.
    • 14-15 and 16-17: The top 30 boys and 30 girls per division qualify for the Games.

All Age Group Divisions listed below will compete for a spot at the Divisional Games, which includes the Masters CrossFit Games by Legends and the Teenage CrossFit Games by Pit Teen Throwdown. Both will be held in Columbus, OH, this summer.

  • Note: Athletes aged 16-54 are also eligible to compete for a spot as an Individual in the 2025 CrossFit Games.

How many: The top 2% from each division, but that exact number may differ. Five of the divisions registered more than enough to go over the set minimum. The other 15 divisions look to require the 200-athlete minimum for the second stage of competition.

Age Group Divisions Total Registration 2% Qualify for Semis (minimum) Qualify to Games
Men 35-39 26,444 530 200 30
Men 40-44 20,240 406 200 30
Women 35-39 19,590 393 200 30
Women 40-44 15,186 303 200 30
Men 45-49 13,185 264 200 30
Women 45-49 9,585 192 200 30
Men 50-54 8,044 161 200 30
Women 50-54 5,499 110 200 30
Men 55-59 4,901 98 200 30
Women 55-59 3,582 72 200 30
Men 60-64 2,626 53 200 20
Women 60-64 2,091 42 200 20
Men 65-69 1,184 24 200 20
Boys 16-17 1,179 24 200 30
Women 65-69 1,121 22 200 20
Girls 16-17 1,150 23 200 30
Boys 14-15 1,084 22 200 30
Girls 14-15 957 19 200 30
Men 70+ 626 13 200 10
Women 70+ 609 12 200 10

According to the rulebook, the Age-Group Semifinals leaderboard will be finalized no later than April 21.


The Details

  • When: Thursday, April 24, at 12 p.m. PT until Sunday, April 27, at 5 p.m. PT.
  • Where: Virtual. Must be completed in the team’s CrossFit affiliate.
  • Registration details: The registration fee is $100 USD, and athletes can sign up beginning on Monday, April 7.
  • Total Games tickets available: The top 20 teams qualify for the Games.

All teams that registered with their affiliates during the Open are automatically qualified through to the Semifinals stage. 

Note, while multiple teams from an affiliate can compete in Semifinals, per rule 2.14: “Only one team per affiliate will advance to represent that affiliate at the finals.”

According to the rulebook, the Team Semifinals leaderboard will be finalized no later than May 2.

Adaptive Athletes

The Details

  • When: The Adaptive Semifinals will take place from Thursday, May 8, until Sunday, May 11. Find more information here.
  • Total Games tickets available: The top 10 athletes from each division qualify for the Games.

Once the Adaptive Open competition has concluded, the top 20 athletes in each division will advance to an online Semifinal competition hosted on the WheelWOD platform.

Is There a Backfill Process?

In previous seasons, CrossFit, on occasion, backfilled athletes who did not initially qualify for the Semifinals when a qualified athlete declined their invitation. In 2025, that looks to be a thing of the past. 

  • Rules 2.03 and 2.06, which cover Semifinals registration for Age Groups and Individuals, both state, “Should an athlete decline their invitation, CrossFit does not intend to backfill that spot to the next athlete in line.”

Another Path to the Games

For the top one percent of individual athletes, there is an alternate way to earn a ticket to the Games. There will be 10 In-Person Qualifying Events, where one or two Games invitations will be available.  

For teams, age groups, and adaptive, there is only a singular path to the Games through the In-Affiliate Semifinal.

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Featured image: Heather Weir, @hweirphotography / Instagram 

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