Shoulders, biceps and triceps hit in this upper body dumbbell and bodyweight shoulder and arm workout! Presses, raises, curls and push ups all combined to build strength in the upper body!
All you will need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells and your mat! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 9 kg each (19.8 lbs each). However absolutely have your weights handy if you have a selection!
We will perform each set 3 times or if single arm work, 4 times! There is a staple involving biceps and triceps that will become progressively more challenging as you fatigue!
We finish with a combination of different push ups! Of course increase of skullcrusher push ups, simply perform regular push ups!
Timer 40/20 entire way!
Shoulder press x3
Arnold press x3
Palms up curls
Skullcrusher dumbbell
Alternating lateral raises x3
Single arm reverse fly X4
Palms up curls
Skullcrusher dumbbell
Cross body curls x3
Tricep press x3
Palms up curls
Skullcrusher dumbbell
Hammer curls x3
Tricep push ups x3
Palms up curls
Skullcrusher dumbbell
Wide curls x3
Diamond press x3
Palms up curls
Skullcrusher dumbbell
Single arm press X4
Alternating frontal raises x2
Finisher 30 seconds rest no rest!
Pike push ups
Diver push ups
Skull crusher push ups
Cobra neutral position push ups
Your arms will be very tired and that ‘dead arm’ feeling during this!!
Please ensure not to cut corners… keep those elbows in during curls!! This makes it more challenging and really makes the biceps work harder!!
Have fun everyone!!
Please ensure you warm up! Here’s my recommended warm up routine:
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Disclaimer: If you are new to exercise or planning on embarking on a new fitness programme, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
I love it! And thamk you for the informative caption! it helps me choose my workout and assemble my dumbbles before starting. You're amazing Caroline!
I feel stronger every day . Thanks Caroline
. So much detail and effort in planning your workouts. It’s amazing 
You've made me stronger and better …
thank you
Amei o treino

Just…WOW! Absolutely loved this workout – it made me feel so strong and proud of my progress!! Thank you Caroline!!
Thank Caroline.. ok..47wlllistenbutfullbody iscoolfoamatures..i trustyoycauseilikeyou..thanks..noiwaahewririshgirlofdirestrauts
7 kgs for my shoulders and biceps and 5 kgs for my delts and triceps. Not a tough one, I don't seem to have sweated. 2 skull crusher push-ups in the finisher, which is cool because I didn't use to be able to do them at all. A pleasant one, it cheared me up.
Caroline, you are a beast and a beauty…thank you
Round 2
I started with 2 x 20 lbs, but I dropped to 17.5's after the first set of alternating lateral raises.
Did 10 tricep push-ups in a row first set!
Mil gracias Carolina
Loved this! I used a range of 7-12. I did take a nap after work and before I started this video.
String is beautiful
Day 39


thank you
Did this exercise cause me to gain muscle mass?
Great workout!
Oh Caroline

, that was epic bicep tricep shoulder failure. Thank you for your magnificent workouts
Hello, a question: Can exercises with small dumbbells help me?
Thanks. Good practice.
You know when Caroline says shoulders you're in trouble! Great pump – arms look great for my dress this afternoon!
Thank you Sooooooooooooooooooooo Much!!!!!!!!!!
Arms and shoulders as classic as great. Also some cool new tracks!
now that was EPIC! jiggly, jiggly, jiggly arms and vibrating too
. Thank you Caroline for another great start to my day.
So much fun today during my second round of EPIC II. My arms are on fire! Thanks, Caroline!
Believe her when she says dead arms!
Gracias eres la mejor
Loved this one! I love arm day!

The staple wide pushups and the finisher were fire. I used 15 and 12lbs throughout.
First time using 15 lbs for all of the bicep curls and I am feeling it!!!! This truly is a dead arms workout!
amazing workout. I did not care for the soundtrack. I listened to my own music…