Diet Soda Bad For Belly Fat? Science Explained

» Diet Soda Bad For Belly Fat? Science Explained

Diet Soda is often discussed in regards to fat loss as it has a lot of research showing negative health outcomes. The type of research that is shared may be the issue though. I found an interesting study that discusses the use of NNS or non nutritive sweetness which are used in low or zero calorie beverages.

Should you be using diet soda if your goal is to lose belly fat and maintain it. This study may surprise you!

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  1. My favorite diet soda is mountain dew, do you have a favorite?

  2. Thank you for this information!
    Keep bringing truth and knowledge in fitness!
    Even if you repeat yourself over and over…. Keep going until every person understands.
    Thank you again. 😊

  3. Coke Zero tastes just like regular coke

  4. I bust out a Fresca , when the kids have their ice cream or say we pull into a convenience store after getting gas, bro I go straight for a diet soda because I know everyone in the car is going to be having candy and chips, so a diet soda will help me it also makes me feel included with the fam.

  5. Great video, Paul, would also like to add the typical argument against diet soda, people say aspartame is a carcinogen, so therefore diet soda is poisonous, but with the amount it contains it would require you to drink about roughly 50 cans or so a day (I don't remember the actual number) before that actually becomes a concern. Dosage makes the poison.

  6. Hi Paul! Thanks so so much for all your sharing!! I am wondering, I am already a muscular men, but I am trying to lose more fat. Would it be better to focus on my 15-20k + steps when I dont have enough time to traing AND do my steps in the same day? Or it would be better to do less steps and train, or just train. Ive already lose 20lbs from 217 to 195 this morning since mid december, my goal is between 180 and 185. I am 6ft tall and athletic, just want to be leaner

  7. Diet sprite is my go to! Also i like to carbonate bcaas with a soda streamer. No flavor is off limits!

  8. Paul “ Common Sense “ Revelia

  9. If I drink some diet sodas I cannot lose weight even though I eat the same. 🤷‍♂️

  10. Aspartame causes Atherosclerosis but keep thinking its "safe".

  11. Great video, sir. I LOVE zero-sugar sodas. Those and a little macro-friendly treat every now and then go such a long way for long-term adherence

  12. I love when people rag on diet soda but drink heavily. Talk about poison, people.

  13. Amen to that 👏 focus on doing the work

  14. He's great. I don't drink diet soda, cuz I don't like them, but he changed my mind about the bad label they get.

  15. One diet soda feels like such a treat when being strict with my food intake 🎉

  16. Stunning content 👌

  17. Diet soda has sodium, it’s more hydrating then water.

  18. Diet Orange Sunkist and Cole Zero 💪🏼

  19. Great video! Thanks for posting. Watching as I drink my Coke Zero at 9% body fat 💪😅

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