My guest is Dr. Herman Pontzer, Ph.D., a professor of evolutionary anthropology and global health at Duke University, known for his research on human bioenergetics, particularly energy expenditure and the exercise paradox. We discuss his work comparing highly active hunter-gatherer groups to more sedentary cultures, exploring their total energy expenditure and the surprising similarities.
We examine the impact of factors such as age, sex, exercise, and pregnancy on daily energy expenditure. We also break down whether diet or exercise plays a greater role in weight management and weight loss.
Additionally, we explore how genetics and the environment interact to shape human physiology, highlighting how population-level findings often overlook individual variation and emphasizing the need for medical and diagnostic practices to account for this diversity.
Read the full episode show notes:
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David Protein:
Renaisance Periodization:
Eight Sleep:
00:00:00 Dr. Herman Pontzer
00:01:18 Energy Expenditure & Metabolism
00:03:59 Hunter-Gatherers, Energy Expenditure vs Sedentary Cultures
00:07:19 What is Energy Expenditure?; Maintaining Energy Budget
00:13:42 Sponsors: David Protein & LMNT
00:16:23 Weight Gain; Calories In, Calories Out
00:22:18 Exercise & Calories Burned, Energy Expenditure Changes?
00:29:56 Movement Efficiency, Exercise & Metabolism Research
00:37:55 Metabolic Recalibration & Exercise Threshold
00:43:33 Hunter-Gatherer Groups, Energy Expenditure, Fertility
00:47:23 Sponsors: AG1 & Renaissance Periodization
00:49:53 Pregnancy & Energy; Overtraining, Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome (REDs)
00:57:37 Metabolism “Slowing Down”, Age or Sex Differences?
01:04:22 Metabolism & Age, Puberty, Older Adults
01:11:51 Body Composition, Individual Food Intake
01:16:49 Sponsor: Eight Sleep
01:18:12 Anthropology, Natural Fallacy, Diversity & Adaptations, Physical Activity
01:27:59 Population, Individual Variation, Diversity, Race
01:34:33 Kidney, eGFR Calculation; Clinical Equations & Race
01:40:51 Genetics, Diversity, Populations; Genetic Testing
01:49:29 One-to-One Gene Fallacy, Height, Environment, Diversity
01:51:20 Height & Weight, Genetics & Environment Interplay
01:56:31 Science Literacy & Research; Diabetes, Heart Disease & Race
02:02:33 Diversity, Physiology & Medicine, EMT
02:07:08 Upcoming Projects, Metabolic Ceilings
02:09:39 Metabolism, Diet & Exercise, Individual Approach
02:14:57 Crash Metabolism?, Herman’s Links
02:17:30 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Perform Newsletter
#science #health #caloriedeficit #weightloss
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Excellent hosting and prompting of questions/clarifying statements, Dr. Galpin!
A brilliant researcher like Dr. Pontzer clinging desperately to the throughly outdated Calories In/Out model is quite sad
"The organs matter"
The metabolism does slow down when you have a disorder like anorexia nervosa for nearly 30 years, or even as few as 5 years. So can you build your metabolism back up by building muscle and how much can you build it up by (in calories)?
My understanding is that the hunter gatherer burns about .5 to 1.7 times their BMR per day. Probably a busy New Yorker does the same. It is difficult to sustain 2.2 times BMR hence the challenge of 3 week cycling grand tours. But to say exercise doesn’t play in weight control is I believe ignoring that we are told 20% of Americans do less than 1.2 times BMR. I think for those exercising has a potential role because they have no real room to cut calories elsewhere.
Fantastic conversation. Completely engaged for the whole thing!!
Hi Andy, I am big fan of your channel and have seen almost all your videos (some of them several times) from years ago. However, in this one, I could not find the answer of the question from the title "How We Really Burn Calories & Lose Weight?"
He must be getting this info based on studies done on men. Because women can get peri menopause in late 30s and that definitely changes things..
I go through more calories on an off day than professional soccer players do on game day. People can massively change the calories out thing. It’s just that the science hasn’t been done much on it yet.
After hearing his work cited by Layne Norton, RP and Dr Eric Trexler so many times, awesome to hear from Dr Ponzer himself! Thank you both!
At 41:00 I suspect it's not a 1:1 relationship; the 2,600 was a big overshoot. Possible you do 1,300 and body doesn't compensate 300 or 600
What did we actually learn about what to do to burn fat here??
Wow fantastic conversation, but I don't get the point about how the Hadza's diet disproves the "concept of the paleo diet". What are the Hadza eating that isn't consider paleo? BTW I'm not even a strict paleo fan, I'm just honestly confused.
1:34:11 wow nothing about how Europeans are originally dark brown wow
2:02:07 my Stanford undergrad degree was in human biology, "the cultural context of illness" love seeing my intersection of passions reflected in Dr. Pontzer's work!
I want in this Ultra marathon study!!
Great idea to invite dr. Herman Pontzer, Burn is one of my favourite books. Congrats for your podcast, is amazing! Waiting to see Andrew Huberman as a guest, in the end this podcast has his signature
I would also love to see you hosting, with your valuable knowledge, a conversations with Stuart Phillips, Luc van Loon or Mike Israetel.
I am so confused now… so how do we lose weight?? It sounds like exercise won’t work, and eventually our bodies stop burning more calories with a reduction in food, right? I listened to the other episode on metabolism too… Would it be possible to make these more real with an example of how someone lost weight in real life? In particular, when losing weight/body fat to look a certain way rather than for obesity/health weight loss
Can't find the site? Can you share it please and ty
I’ve got to say being an undergrad in exercise science and men’s physique competitor graduating in the spring I’ve thoroughly enjoyed these! Thanks Dr. Galpin!
I'm about 43min into this.
I am not sure if this is adressed further in or not. I got impaitent and had to write my question/thought out.
In his observations and studies on movement they seem to be primarily focused on aerobic based excersice.
Which then got me thinking in biomechanical efficiency. I believed it was previoisly stated but, was his team only capturing energy expenditure from the same modalities over time? He did mention looking at tour de france and ironman but, these sound like highly trained endurance athletes. They've had plenty of time to become more energetically and biomechanically efficient.
My thought is, if I have an untrained individiual and continue to present progressive overloading, movement variability (both aerobic and anaerobic) and moderating training intensity, will this not deter some sort of energetic efficiency from happening?
Amazing conversation! Love it
Amazing episode!! Great knowledge dispensed.
Can anyone just tell me in summarise way what they talked about
Thank you for this! I've read "Burn" twice and even wrote an article about it for a fitness magazine that will be published in April. It has truly transformed my life! As a fitness instructor for 29 years, I was familiar with the setpoint theory but still believed that exercise could counteract it. The understanding of the decoupling of basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) from exercise has relieved a lot of pressure. Now, I focus on eating only what my body needs and tuning into its signals for more energy when necessary.
I really enjoyed this. Thanks!
Dr Galpin, do you have any plans on addressing the metabolism of professional bodybuilders aka professional dieters? Eric Helms comes to mind on this topic. Natural pro doctor bodybuilder etc. I’d be intrigued to hear his interpretation of Pontzer’s work…
Anyone else read his book in a german accent??
I may pick up this book. I wonder if he did much research on resistance training and how that affects calorie burn and metabolism. Once I shifted from using cardio to heavy resistance training to lose weight, I was far more successful losing fat while building muscle.
I'm lost. Only 28mins in and so far most of what Herman is saying is contradicting the last guest, no?