Dumbbell Back and Biceps Workout - Pull Workout @ACHVPEAK

» Dumbbell Back and Biceps Workout – Pull Workout @ACHVPEAK

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• 9 total exercises performed one at a time
• 3 sets of each exercise
• 40 sec on // 20 sec off // 40 sec Ext Breaks

1. Shrug High Pulls
2. Reverse Grip Rows
3. Bent Over Rows
4. Hammer Curls
5. Concentration Curl – L
6. Concentration Curl – R
7. Lying Pull-Overs
8. Cleans
9. Alt Close Curls

We always appreciate feedback so please leave a comment and let us know what you would like to see in future videos!

PLEASE NOTE: All information provided by ACHV PEAK is of a general nature and is furnished only for entertainment purposes only. None of the information in our videos is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that the use of this information is at your own risk and hold ACHV PEAK harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims.



  1. • Shrug High Pulls (1:00)
    • Reverse Grip Rows (4:00)
    • Bent Over Rows (7:30)
    • Hammer Curls(10:50)
    • Concentration Curl L (14:15)
    • Concentration Curl R (17:30)
    • Lying PuII-Overs (20:50)
    • Arm Hang Cleans (24:10)
    • Alt Close Curls (27:40)

  2. Such a great pull workout for my 74 year old body💪👍!

  3. i’ve worked out to this video dozens of times and Chance’s appearance always gives me the extra motivation I need to find my inner-jaguar.

  4. I’ve noticed I’m always sore on the workouts that focus on one muscle group. I also really squeezed on the bicep portion as you instructed . Feels good ! I will return to the video weekly

  5. Really enjoyed this loved the burn
    Thanks 🏋️‍♂️

  6. 28:27 this is the best and cutest workout I've done ever, thank you !!! ❤️. I really love the fact that you don't use noisy music in the background , just pure motivatiom, plz keep it up

  7. Any recommendations on how to progress with weights anybody..i only have 1 kg and 4 kg dumbbells.. i am looking for some good muscle build up .. weigh 82 kg male ..

  8. This is a good pull workout and I’m using your push workout as well so thanks a lot

  9. How long should I use dumbbells a day?

  10. Best 30 minute workout out there. Can't wait to see the results in six weeks.

  11. „Siéntate aquí!”

    Me, tired af: “ well then..😮‍💨

  12. Short & snappy, loved this!!

  13. didn't know you have a son :)) this man is wholesome

  14. Very great bicep workout!

  15. Bacanísimo que le hables a tu hijo en español.

  16. Excellent,great work out, thanks so much.

  17. i LOVEEEEE when kids come in hahahahah

  18. Wow fealt the burn
    But feel awesome
    Thank you .

  19. I felt the pullovers more in upper chest than in laps, dont know if it is meant to be like that. maybe its because of the push day yesterday

  20. Thank you so much I've never stopped doing your work outside from lock down in UK. And still doing them . And seeing results.

  21. Dude, your Spanish is pretty good! Thanks for the video, 1st time doing concentration curls and they're very fun!

  22. so i do push mon, wed, fri, then pull tues, thurs, sat. then legs sunday? repeat? thank you

  23. Superb sir .i like ur way of demonstrate.i do the same with u in evening.Thanks sir.

  24. Thank you so much for these videos. Your son is very cute 🙂

  25. Os sigo desde España, he visto que le has hablado en español a tu hijo

  26. Thanks for the workouts bro

  27. Thank you for the video.
    May I know how to choose the correct dumbell weight for each exercise?

  28. my biceps are absolutely wrecked after this but this is very easy going in terms of lats exercises. I find it better to start this workout with a few sets of pull ups.

  29. Yo, I've been using you guys' dumbbell workout videos for the last 2 months–love you guys' energy! Quick question for this one, what is the difference between lying pull-overs and skull crushers? It seems like the former has your arms extended out more, but because i was so used to the form for skull crushers I kept having to consciously make sure I wasn't defaulting to that. Do they work the same muscle groups?

  30. Yeahyy! I made it 😍😍 Thnks for this exercise.
    I’ll always support you sir😍

  31. it's hard to know what weights to use for these kind of hiit-like workouts with such short breaks. Would be helpful to know what weights you're using so we can gauge ourselves roughly how heavy to go.

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