Fix Rhomboid Pain

» Fix Rhomboid Pain

Are you dealing with a nagging discomfort in between your shoulder blade and your spine? No matter how many stretches you do, or how much time you spend foam rolling it, does it still persist? Pain in this area often gets labeled as a rhomboid issue because it is a relatively superficial muscle that you can appreciate from any anatomy chart. However, how to fix rhomboid pain sometimes may actually have little to do with the rhomboids. In this video, you’ll learn the ultimate secret of how to fix rhomboid pain by taking a look at a very specific movement…thoracic rotation!

Rhomboid pain is labeled as pain in between your shoulder blade and your spine (interscapular pain) that can even refer up to the base of your neck or down the middle of your back. It is often described as a nagging dull ache or pain, pressure, knifelike, pulling, or even a burning sensation (is that really rhomboid pain? Food for thought). You’ll often find people dealing with discomfort in this area wanting to fidget around in efforts to feel better – moving their head and neck around trying to stretch, rounding their shoulders, squeezing their shoulder blades back, or twisting their upper back, you name it. The occasional soreness in this region is nothing to be concerned about, especially if you did a hard upper back workout or carried a backpack for a long time. However, dealing with constant discomfort or pressure in this area can become a real nuisance.

Just because you’re dealing with discomfort in between your shoulder blade and your spine doesn’t mean we have to point the finger at the rhomboids every time! To fix rhomboid pain, we need to take a look at and consider all of the other anatomical structures in the area.

If there was only one movement assessment I had to pick when it comes to evaluating interscapular pain, I’m going to look at thoracic rotation mobility. Poor thoracic rotation mobility can wreak havoc on the body and can definitely refer pain and discomfort to the rhomboid region. Poor thoracic rotation mobility is often coupled with poor scapular mobility/stability, which only contributes to the issue more! I have found that simply improving thoracic rotation mobility can improve interscapular discomfort. Be sure to watch the full video to learn not just how to assess, but also how to improve thoracic rotation mobility and potentially fix rhomboid pain!

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  1. You are awsome..Thanks for the very useful video..god bless you.

  2. We underestimate stretching so much

  3. I developed sudden rhomboid pain some 5 days ago which is radiating to left arm.. can only lay on my back painlessly..

  4. So many versions for this issue !
    But this method has worked the best for me
    Thank you !

  5. Am I the only one who does this and it comes back like 1 minute later? I am literally in agony* heck even methocarbonol wont touch the pain 🙁 need a good doc like yall

  6. had left rhomboid pain for the last 6 or so, wow.

  7. What do you think about the imbalance of the arms closing behind the back (when for example the right arm from below is more restrained to the left arm reaching from above?)

  8. OMG, when i did the exercise 6:38 I SCREAMED cause the pain was so strong that i freezed in that position 😢 should I go to the doctor?

  9. BRO. May everything in life good go right for you. THANK YOU

  10. This is also apparently good for serratus anterior pain so it probably ties into helping thoracic outlet syndrome.

  11. Just started on this exercises. Will report back on progress in a week time

  12. Wooooooooowwwwwww!!!! Finally bro

  13. This looks like what I need. I can’t wait to try this out. I’m 33 and dealing with this injury since I was 22.

  14. You two guys are life saviour…. tried to lift a handlle locked scooter to move….which hurt my right rhomnoid issue….. its hurting but way better after following your exercise

  15. I was so annoyed when I saw this video setting up what looked like another gimmicky 'PT' exercise that produces no results.

    But I reluctantly got down on the floor and halfheartedly performed this movement and it gave instant relief. Really impressed. And grateful for this one.

  16. Its not 45 degree, its more like 60-70 degrees or on the other shoulder even more.

  17. Is it normal that that muscle is bigger when hurts

  18. I'd like to comment. got huge pain at the rhomboid on my right when I was doing dips. pain going up to the neck. took me a while to figure out what I had. I thought it was my cervicals. took wrong medicine first and did exercises for my back , which made it worse. .. horrible , I have a stressful job and I was starting to get depressed. found this video, took anti-inflammatory medicine (ketaprofene 100mg) for 2 days, because I couldn't sleep… while doing these exercices. and pain completely went away in 3 days. still not sure how long I need to rest before going back to the gym though. thanks a lot guys

  19. I want you to know this video literally changed my life two years ago. I suffered from rhomboid pain for 4 years straight. I tried everything. Name it. I tried it. Multiple pt, chiropractors, mri's, x-ray, pain meds, muscle relaxers. I almost gave up hope that I'd ever be pain free again. I tried the reverse twist stretch in this video and it took the pain away almost immediately. I couldn't believe it. I remember I was so tight at the time. I still do the stretch because it feels good and keeps me loose. I can't thank you enough. From the bottom of my heart thank you!!

  20. it's kidding, hez showing his biceps triceps 😢
    such a body wouldn't get any shoulder blade pain 😅

  21. I did it yesterday and now it seems I’m good. Can’t be sure because all my back hurts, but not that’s spot anymore 🙂

  22. I’ve been doing these for a week and a half every day and the pain is gone…after being there for over 10 years. I’ve seen so many chiropractors, been to massage, acupuncture, etc and nothing gave me lasting relief. Just 10 days of this…life changing. Can’t believe it was a free video on YouTube that actually helped. Thank you SO much. It’s so nice to live without this pain anymore and I’m excited to get back to workouts without pain.

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