Grow Triceps with Dumbbells Only (Fully Explained)

» Grow Triceps with Dumbbells Only (Fully Explained)


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    IMPORTANT INFO➡️ If you only have access to DB's I recommend trying to hammer the long head of your triceps with the PJR Pullover for 2-3 sets.

    Then, you can just perform one other exercise that hits the lateral and medial head nicely. A couple sets close to failure will do something like a JM press or Skull Crusher – or an overhead moment could work.

    Save this so you always have it.

  2. Wrong the overhead is significantly better

  3. The first this train for tricep or beside chest?

  4. I disagree with only one thing, the overhead tricep extension is the BEST tricep exercise due to the most stretch and hits all three heads of the tricep, if I only have time for one , dumbbell overhead tricept extension is my go to, dips would be another great choice, but as always, train from all angles 🙌🦅🦉🇵🇸

  5. After almost 5 months of regular weightlifting, the laterals in my triceps have grown nicely, they're easily visible when I straighten my arms, but the longheads and medials, not quite as much. I'll give the two exercises you show here a shot targeting those parts of the triceps.

    Yeah, I know some people say you shouldn't focus on "eGo LiFtInG," but stfu, I want to see them as a reward for my hard work lifting weights and eating right. It's all for ME, to feel good about MYSELF, I don't really care what anyone else thinks looking at my body.

  6. skull crushers are for the long head?

  7. Ohhhh so this is why I got wicked triceps. This is pretty much my regular tri workout 👍

  8. Ekdum baddiya!!

  9. JM press would destroy my elbows and shoulders, not in a good way.

  10. 👍

  11. Song name

  12. ❤

  13. Bro's editor just wants to see his family😭

  14. 1 set of tricep press down does it all 😅

  15. I need try

  16. I do over_head triceps db extension is it good

  17. Your tricep genetics is same as mine

  18. 😊

  19. I tried it now my head spinning

  20. ❤❤❤❤

  21. this videos is just joke of the 2025

  22. I’m having a hard time with understanding the difference in arm positions between the skull crushers and the JM press.

  23. भाई तुम्हारा डबल टकले में लड़गया😂

  24. I always thought that first exercise hits the lower quadrant of chest too. Is that a secondary muscle of this exercise?

  25. Very nice ❤

  26. Nice

  27. 💩💩🤡🤡

  28. Excellent and concise explanations, thank you 👍🏾

  29. These exercises seem to put too much stress on joints, especially long head ones.

  30. ❤❤❤❤

  31. Nice

  32. My lateral head tricep is very pronounced but for the life of me I cannot get my long head to grow for nothing. 😑

  33. i actually do these now😂 actually scared one of my 25lb dumbells will smash my face if i ever drop it

  34. Get a job

  35. Yeah dodge trying to hit your head on ghat first one buddy

  36. Listening this in a loop really boosts my mental health to start reshaping my muscles.
    The best and clearest tips in bodybuilding channels 👍

  37. Overhead extensions and skullcrushers alike are definitely the way to go if you want to build bigger arms. Focused solely on these for a year and my triceps quite literally doubled in size.

  38. Damn you hit your head careful man

  39. Do you have exercises where I dnt have a bench

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