Guide to DRY FASTING for Ramadan (& How to Burn the Most Fat During)

» Guide to DRY FASTING for Ramadan (& How to Burn the Most Fat During)

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  1. I have diabetes 2 and on medication (tablets and ozempic) my sugars are high. Should i fast?

  2. Please make a Ramadan Fasting video every year. Your videos are very helpful.

  3. A summary recap would have been great.

  4. Here is the best tip: LEAVE THE DEATH CULT OF MOHAMED. There are better opinions. You will not have to fast in ramadan or stuff your faces at night, but in the end you will not go to hell. Believe in JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD and you will be saved

  5. The correct way to Break your fast:
    1. A class of water
    After a few minutes:
    2. 2-3 dates
    After 15-30 minutes
    3. A small- medium size healthy meal.
    Always avoid big meals if you want the benefits of fasting Ramadan.

  6. Brilliant especially the electrolytes bit thank you 2025 Ramadan

  7. This is how I first learned of dry fasting, by friends telling me about how they celebrate Ramadan and what they do. In previous years, even though I am not Muslim, I would dry fast during Ramadan. I now dry fast whenever, throughout the year. I love dry fasting. It clears up my skin and I always feel good.

  8. Thank you for this Thomas

  9. Thanks, but… Carbs and protein for iftar… fats and protein for suhoor, and slowly drink a liter of water with a half gram of salt, for 200 pound / 90 kilogram male.

    Keep it simple and focus on your Deen!

  10. Muslim here thank you this is a great video and has helped me stay healthy and stronger during Ramadan

  11. Very informative, thank you, I was wondering how long I'm supposed to fast during Ramadan, or also how to make things right now that I've already messed up

  12. Whether it is high intensity or moderate , I can only risk doing it towards the end of fasting as I have plenty of time to feed myself there after

  13. Whos here ramadan 2025 💪🏼💪🏼

  14. As muslim, I very much Appreciate the effort and passion, put into the research. However, all the actions and words said by the prophet Mohamed gives a pretty good Guidance and ROLE MODEL of how and what to eat. However, the effort appreciated.

  15. Who’s here during Ramadan 2025

  16. So interesting. This morning i woke up earlier that usual with an urge to do a fast, only to find out it is Ramadan. Cool!

  17. This made a lot of sense great video Ramadan Mubarak Mubarak 2025

  18. Who's here in Ramadaan 2025?

    Ramadaan Mubarak to all. May Allah accept all your efforts

  19. who’s here in ramadan 2025

  20. Ramadan Mubarak Thx you for study fasting during Ramadan and give us such information in details we are respect you in Muslim world 😇

  21. Great video. Thank you for all the research. May God accept our fasts.
    One correction though; Muslims are not generally Vegetarians or Vegans (you may have us confused us with Hindus/Buddhists). Muslims have no problem consuming fish or fish oil.
    We do tend to stay clear of pork or bovine based gelatin due to prohibition of consuming pig and cows not slaughtered in Islamic manner.

  22. Ramadan is starting today!

  23. Thank you we really need this!

  24. Ramadan 2025??????? tomorrow is the first

  25. Thank you. No wonder why i always gained weight. I drink crazy amount of water. I appreciate you covering this for us.

  26. Who is here for Ramadan 2025? 🌙

  27. Ramadan Kareem 2025 thank you Thomas for all the good science that confirms all the goodness and benefits. God bless this month and all that observe and honor it

  28. 2025 trying Ramadan. It’s going to be a challenge even with egg shortage.

  29. I can’t tell if that’s a green screen or not

  30. This actually fits in with how our ancestors probably got started, and your absolutely correct about eating after dark, this is stored as fat, but back to our ancestors they would have probably went out hunting and or gathering during the morning and before pottery they would have had to make a special trip to a water source to drink, and return to their camp to eat, and then once it was dark they would have been dune until the next morning and repeat, so I guess my point is that we should be breaking our fast mid afternoon, because we are our ancestors children.

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