Harvard Professor: The Science Behind Losing Belly Fat, Avoiding Cancer & Living Longer

» Harvard Professor: The Science Behind Losing Belly Fat, Avoiding Cancer & Living Longer

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In this episode, Jake meets with Daniel Lieberman, a renowned researcher in human evolutionary biology and a Professor at Harvard University, to discuss the profound impact of exercise on our health and longevity.

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Daniel delves into the evidence revealing how just a moderate amount of physical activity can significantly lower our risk of death from numerous diseases, including cancer. He challenges the notion of exercise as a modern demand, highlighting its importance for human well-being throughout history.

He also shares personal strategies for staying active, emphasising the social and enjoyable aspects of physical fitness. Daniel also highlights the physiological benefits of exercise, from combating inflammation to promoting mental well-being.

Touching on the importance of sleep, Daniel explains how society can better support healthy lifestyles through public education from a young age. He discusses that improving our exercise habits and diet could drastically enhance our quality of life and reduce chronic diseases.

With insights grounded in evolutionary biology and supported by compelling evidence, this episode challenges us to rethink our relationship with exercise and prioritise health in a sedentary world.

0:00 Introduction
1:00 What Is High Performance?
2:43 21 Minutes a Day
6:49 Take The Stairs
9:17 How Do You Change?
14:10 Fat Is Important
21:39 Brain Repair
23:12 Humans Are Lazy
26:55 Muscle Wasting
29:55 Effects On Mental Health
34:37 Finding Balance
37:09 The Power Of Sleep
41:06 Exercise Makes You Less Tired
46:44 Illness Is Preventable?
48:51 The Optimal Diet
51:19 There Is No Perfect
52:06 Quick-Fire Questions

#HighPerformance #DanielLieberman #HarvardProfessor



  1. 26:04 that like and subscribe button disrupts the train of thought. Stupid sound effect

  2. I feel guilty if I don't exercise enough. Do I need to seek a therapist?

  3. Fantastic video! I love how you break down this topic in such an engaging way—congratulations on the great content! 🎉 For everyone watching, if you're interested in more science-backed health and fitness tips, check out my channel @HugoHealthLab. Let’s keep learning and growing together!

  4. This is why living in NYC and taking the train can keep you healthy. And running on the treadmill does not count. Our muscles don't fire the same when we are on the treadmill.

  5. Well the speed you walk I'm always on the look for snakes and I mean I have to look out for snakes like the third most venomous in the world I've got 2 dogs so I'm looking after 3 of us Well I've got a 18 teen year old red heeler and he has nerve damage in his back legs but he's all there so I'm keeping going so all the best to you all

  6. Ok no stairs where I live but sand dunes much better that's a work out

  7. Did anyone else notice the irony? 'People trying to make money from the anxiety of having enough sleep, selling matrasses etc.' rewind a few minutes back, an ad for a matrass 😂

  8. New research shows the Reduced Exertion Interval Training [REHIT] takes no more than 12 minute per day to live longer. This exercise strategy maintains healthy fat levels and sufficient muscle mass for longer life. At 70 yo male, I eat only .5gram protein/ kg muscle weight [5 eggs – as recommended by other MDs and 1 sardine can – as recommended by Dr. Bozworth] to maintain a healthy muscles for active lifestyle. I exercise everyday for 9 minutes, with 2 sets for 1-2 minutes until exhaustion with dumbbells per set, with 2-3 minutes interval rest. The 2 sets of 1-2 minutes dumbbell exercise until exhaustion increases my heart rate from 80-90% for blood circulation thru body and brain. The rest of the 9 minutes is for warm-up and cool down. I do not need much protein, because I maintain lean muscle mass for longer life.

  9. So prestrokeitrainedhard every dayhadstrokenowheelchairbound in theworstshapephysicsllyicoulimsginitssnightmsrenosupportttoimprove what Cani do scarediesdsnironmsntristhletlovedthtrsiningthrewsrdswereawesomeiwassohsppystrong nothinginlifeseeemedtoo hsrdineverthoughtidenduphericontemplste endingitslallseemsthewayoout

  10. So prestrokeitrainedhard every dayhadstrokenowheelchairbound in theworstshapephysicsllyicoulimsginitssnightmsrenosupportttoimprove what Cani do imscared

  11. I see 85 year olds playing pickle ball and it really helps with their mental health, it really helps with their physical health.

  12. I appreciate Lieberman’s approach. It is very practical and scientific. It is different than some of the pseudoscience out there of popular researchers pushing supplements and their products, which ultimately makes them wealthy.

  13. The main problem with human movement lies in our way of thinking. To use Kahneman's words, there are two types of thinking, fast and slow. Fast thinking can be called instinctive thinking and the other is the mind. Unfortunately, fast (instinctive) thinking leads us to save energy and only move when it is necessary for our survival. In the past, we had to move a lot to survive, but not anymore. But our instinctive thinking has not changed. Fortunately, we still have slow thinking, our enlightened mind. But we have to train this mind in childhood; it is called self-discipline. Unfortunately, this form of discipline has been neglected recently.

  14. 12:07 if my boss signed the entire team up for a race, I’d quit my job

  15. I am disappointed in you Jake for advertising a highly processed drink containing caffeine. These caffeine drinks are causing ill health for young people unaware of the excess of caffeine they are consuming as a result of scoffing down these rubbish drinks just so they can get through another shift or look cool. Caffeine causes jitters, anxiety and depression. Please don`t advertise products that hide caffeine in packaging only because it gets consumers addicted to their products. It is an unhealthy and unethical practice. We have had people hospitalized due to consuming these products unaware of the accumulative excessive caffeine they are ingesting from these drinks. This is one product our young people do not need to be influenced by.

  16. It seems so obvious once you’ve been at it a few months.

  17. Dr. Lieberman's book, "Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do is Healthy and Rewarding" is an amazingly well written, thorough and humorous read that is packed with useful information and research sources. 🙂

  18. What’s the point? Mindless Dr Babbling. Yeah yeah … excercise. We evolved for Body movement. Ad for Huel … geez .. eat nutrient dense real food for chrissakes.
    Nothing about the problems with addictive foods that turn on fat storage… leptin signal breaks… insulin resistance gets trashed. No exercise is going to repair that. Waste of time.

  19. I disagree. In my personal experience and the experience of many others, exercise is good for losing weight, gaining muscle mass and removing visceral/belly fat.

    They got it wrong on fat and they also got it wrong on cholesterol – coming to a YouTube near you …… Try to do independent research, not sponsored by big pharmaceutical companies, please.

  20. Totally disagree with the diet comments, there is an optimal diet! And it’s a clean whole food diet, without added chemicals, absent of sugar, seed oils, and highly processed no foods. You don’t necessarily need to eat optimally, just be cognizant of it and do your best. As far as diet, it also has to be livable to be able to maintain it….

  21. I love to exercise, as a kid I was very active. As an adult, always gone to the gym. Lifted, ran, swam, biked. Did races, did triathlons. At 66, I’m walking, biking, lifting, hiking, dancing…l

  22. I exercise an hour everyday alternative walking and going to the gym. I’m also garden, cleaning and just moving. I eat low carb, high protein, mod healthy fats and eat clean whole food. Avoid sugar and seed oils. But I do enjoy a glass of wine each night.

  23. I would respect this guy more if he called out his Harvard buddy's who keep pushing carb and vegan study's sponsored by NESTLE etc.

  24. Yes, make your speaker eat DONUTS and drink SODA to stay healthy. Harvard MDs are quacks

  25. Damn learn-nothing smug academics keep repeating the move-more mantra that has failed over and over again. Meanwhile they ignore the explosion in people getting well by going carnivore/keto. Ignore what the hunters / not-much-gatherers ate. Megafauna whenever possible. Ruminants. The thinking, cooking ape that evolved (or was created) to the top of the food chain.

    Athletes who strenuously exercise but pile-in sugars and starches damage their health. Eventually get fat. Some die of heart attacks. Ex-athletes become TOFI diabetics. Old athletes get their chops back by dicthing the carbs and eating fatty meats, run marathons again.

  26. Yea eat natural foods but buy my liquid gruel called Huel….gee makes me think of the word Hurl

  27. Physical activity is just one of the ways how to lower blood glucose. Therefore it works against diseases. So if you are not eating carbs, you don't "has to" be physical active.

  28. Yet another simplistic solution. Nutrition is the big problem.

  29. Gym fashionista. Utter rubbish.

  30. Harvard professor needs to go back to school. Does not know cause and effect. Fat is not bad for you. Eating fat and meat is good.
    Being fat and over weight is bad. Eating fat does not cause inflammation thats caused by sugar spikes poor diet of sugar and carbs causes inflammation. Vegetable sitting and clogging your colon causes inflammation eg gluten for Crohn's disease..

  31. Every species on the planet have an optimal diet. We were evolved as carnivores not omnivores.

  32. too many commercials

  33. SPAM SPAM SPAM. You can get all these things cheaper and in higher quantities just about anywhere.

  34. This guy is wrong about estrogen in the luteal phase. Ugh. Its not super high in the luteal phase; its highest in the follicular and ovulatory phase.

    Then it steeply drops, then it slightly raises again but is considered not to be high due to the ratio of estrogen to progesterone in the luteal phase. He is correct about progesterone being high in the luteal phase.

    He is making it all very unclear for people though. He also talked about cancer in relation to estrogen in the luteal phase. Again, he is really oversimplifying something. Luteal phase estrogen levels are not the issue. Also, it's not all so simple as estrogens and progesterone… There's other things involved… FSH, LH, and others, and the interplay is very important

  35. Make your guest eat bread with jelly and fruit juice 3x a day and let us see how he is as he claims THERE IS NO OPTIMAL DIET

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