How do to the high-to-low flye for your LOWER CHEST

» How do to the high-to-low flye for your LOWER CHEST


  1. Use less range of motion for less tension on the bicep unless wanted

  2. Saying it’s just like the dip has been the best way for me to comprehend what position to put myself when doing these 😂 thank you!

  3. Fcking hell dude’s grown so much from this video not just in subs also in physique. Mad inspiring

  4. How do you get into the position? I just can’t get the cables where they need to be

  5. I tried this excercise for the first time and i felt pressure on my lats and below my rear delt when i push down. It was uncomfortable

  6. I’ve been struggling working this area, I’ll be doing this from now on!

  7. What can you do when the weight of the plates keeps pulling you backwards. The only thing I can do is to move my chest forward to prevent being pulled backwards by the weight. But then I am doing what you said first in the video.

  8. This so true. I've said many times to my friends and told them to watch your videos. We are the same height as you, maybe weight the same as you and we too asians. So I said its better to follow your guides.

  9. This is good video to convey message than your other videos. Keep it up 👍💪

  10. Holy hell, this makes so much sense. Thank you 👍

  11. Can you explain why do I feel shoulder discomfort in cable flyes ? How to avoid that also ?

  12. Ohhhh.. that just clicked

  13. I love you bro but wassup with the forces

  14. Theres really no point in targetting lower chest, the upper chest is the underdeveloped part so the first variation is better

  15. how many exercise for chest in one day?

  16. For distinguished results, try not stepping forward but right between the cables. You can’t go heavy in this case however this could be treated as a finisher with lightweight or for the toning of the lower pec.
    Chest fly’s follow the smoothest path ever for the lower chest unlike for the clavicle (upper) head.

  17. I use to do these but i get a lot more activism with dips slightly leaning forward hits the lower chest crazy!

  18. This is awesome I been doing it wrong for so long now I can finally work on my lower chest the right way I feel the difference in the muscle pull too

  19. I always find it awkward and dangerous to setup your arms and hands into the initial position. Once you’re there, it’s easy to push and cross over. I just wish there was an easier way to get into the position without potentially hurting your elbows.

  20. I gonna start doing like that

  21. No homo… but u teaching me a lot of sh!t.

  22. Nah. Get into a bent over row position almost and pull straight in and down. Never feel contractions like that

  23. Im at the gym now, with my phone screen dimmed

  24. Good advice by I would say this is more of a fly press (variation of a fly and chest press somewhere in the middle of both) rather than a fly. Both still good workouts but important to know the difference since flys give you more of that wider chest while fly press increase both thickness and wideness

  25. Does listening to new jeans while doing this give an extra pump? Can I substitute it with TWICE?

  26. You’re snobby criticness is very annoying

  27. Honestly I don't want my lower chest to grow because it doesn't look good aestheticly(am I the only one?)😅

  28. Sticking out your tongue for the pictures

  29. I think your chest got some Cracks Left side 😮

  30. Can never tell the expressions asians make

  31. How do you easily pull the cables down
    This is the part where I struggle since I struggle to push the weight for me to start and then end up doing 15-20 reps

  32. Im with Mario on this one. Theres only 2 heads and usually only the top one is underdeveloped and needs biasing.

  33. You just gave me confidence to start working on the cable flys .. now that’s gym bro love ❤️ 😆 😂

  34. As much as it can feel intimidating sometimes to watch these guys that are so shredded, I love it because for shit like this I can literally watch his lower chest get more activation when he changes form

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