How to do Dips to grow your CHEST

» How to do Dips to grow your CHEST


  1. Any movement is gonna hit the chest, its okay

  2. What was the song at the beginning?

  3. Never do it like this idiot

  4. Our deonddd vai told uss this 1 year ago .

  5. thanks for the explanation. i am a pretty experienced lifter but in some prior videos it was not so obvious what you were trying to say. i think especially younger people will love your explanations.

  6. May I think dips for chest is like "push-up in the air"?

  7. Did u ever think about what are you saying or are you just repeating fitness influencers? Because it rly looks like you have no idea how biomechanics work…

  8. My

  9. I do it with rings. Focusing to go as low as possible. The eccentrics slow transition from push to pull will prep it for the rings muscle up. I find that transition part the most challenging on the triceps and elbow. The joint is just not used to the stress which a dip and pull up will never expose the elbow to.

  10. This is exactly what I do just gotta be careful when leaning forward had a coworker do this and injured his back and was out of commission for 2 weeks

  11. Did I hear the Dark Souls death sound?🎉

  12. This very help me to improve my lower chest

  13. Why why why follow this guy?? Obviously he's not a body builder!!

  14. you can also try bringing your hips back so you lean forward more

  15. Will it make a difference if keep my thighs straight while leaning forward?

  16. Dave Matthews playing in the background

  17. Dude, ya just saved my dip 💪🏼👍🏼

  18. Unrelated but who is listening to Dave Matthews Band at the gym that’s incredible

  19. just do a planche pushup at that point 😅

  20. Words?!

  21. I tried it and it was perfect

  22. Bros wearing jordan 2s

  23. Thank you! It helps a lot! I can still feel a little discomfort in my shoulders but it is better ^^

  24. Can I replace bench or dumbbell press with dips

  25. Finally someone getting this right

  26. Don't do dips listening to Shreksophone if you want to grow your chest, noted!

  27. The secret is more Dave Matthews

  28. step 1 : don't take advice from small guys

  29. Shout to you, dropping weight and getting my form right

  30. Tyler you got a weird looking face

  31. Exactly what I needed. Got rid of shoulder pain. ❤.

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