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A Neck hump is also known as a Buffalo hump or a Dowager’s hump.
It is often due to a faulty posture and with the correct exercises, can be corrected.
In this video, I will share my favorite exercises with you for correcting the Neck Hump.
I have seen some remarkable results in our clinic when these exercises are combined with postural correction.
Time Stamp:
00:00 What is the Neck Hump
01:14 YWTL Exercise
01:37 Pull Arm/Tilt Head
03:00 Arm Up/Turn and Tilt
This will no doubt help you fix your neck hump fast, in your own home.
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#neckhump #athome #exercises
Thank you for watching our video: How to fix a Neck Hump at Home (FAST) | FREE Exercise Sheet
Don’t forget to check out Part II of this video:
Best and most useful exercises I have ever done for my back. Started 3 weeks ago and can already see and feel a huge difference. I can finally sit up straight. That has saved me a trip to the physiotherapist. Thank you so much!!
Great exercises. Thank you. How many times a day should I be doing them please?
I'll like and subscribe to anything that helps me with my neck pain.
Thank you doc.
I really wanted to cut my hair short until I realised I had a neck hump that made me so self concious. Thanks for this <3
Muchas gracias por tus instrucciones!!!
Thank you so much these seem really effective!!
I've got a terrible's so ugly!! I've got psoriatic arthritis though. I will definitely try these if I can
Me watching these exercises, channeling Carlin: "I don't bend that way!!!"
Damn i dunno why almost black out while trying the 3rd one.
Thank you so much, I have been working at a desk job and I noticed a bump, its not too bad or too noticeable yet so I'm glad I ran into this video so I know how to prevent it from getting any worse. I am also an artist, so I need to to be extra careful.
Can anyone tell if you do each exercise once?
Thankyou. Doing those exercises.
start doing this excise today 19/4/2023
Thanku so much
Great video, thanks
The first time I did these exercises, I realized how stiff and poor my posture was. Doing them hurt me. But I've been doing them every day and my posture is getting better!! Thank you!!!!
You are very handsome sir
Does anyone here got the number of Quasimodo, The Hunchback of Notre-Damme, someone needs to send this to him!
I tried these stretches, and being a remedial therapist I thought they were great, so thank you!
This exercise is too suitable for people who work long hours

The thumbnail:29000000 million views
Thank you!

forward head posture creates bunions, tilted hips, misalignment, poor gait/walking, parasympathetic nerves activate so person is in constant fight or flight mode angry, irritated, nervous, anxiety… fix posture to relieve other ailments
thank you
Very effective
30m views proves humans are evolving into buffalos with humps
Thank you! Love this!!
I'm gonna do it twice a day .
My first day :
I have a hump since 8yrs but from past 6month i am getting tremendous pain in neck on hump and in shoulders
i am just 35, i am crying with no help.. i am scared to visit doctor… nothing is helping me, i need to try this exercise, my life turned to hell…
am i the only one who is suffering from this horrible pain
29 million million views

You are a kind soul
Watching now!
Jij bent Nederlands
Thank you doc, def going to try this out . I have constant pain on my trapz.