Neck and Shoulder pain when riding a bicycle? Here’s why it might occur and how to fix it.
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Hutchinson Tyres
I only get neck and shoulder problems when I add a helmet and glasses. The top part of the glasses frame gets in the way of the view looking forwards and the helmet tightening stuff interferes with the arms of the glasses. It's frustrating to know that absent a helmet and glasses I am comfortable but with them I'm not. Its a Kask helmet and Bolle glasses. Hey ho
I need to shorten the reach on my Ridley Fenix road bike however the handlebars are integrated, I would have to change the entire handlebar, any recommendations?
Does James do a Freddie Mercury tribute act in the evenings ?
Good for its intended use – I'm trying to cool 1,000 sq ft and it's not working great for that…
I'm sorry but feel that this was one of the worst bike fit videos I have viewed. As a certified fitter watching this made me cringe. When asked about what causes neck and shoulder pain the guy jumps right to "handlebars to wide". That's starting at the wrong end.
First you need to take some measurements of the person: look for leg length differences, leg length. torso length, arm length, flexibility and any physical restrictions or injuries past or present. Then you need the customer on their bike that they are experiencing the issues with to take some more measurements, see their position and posture. Typically any issue begins at the back of the bike, like saddle set back, saddle height, tilt, crank length, cleat / foot position.
Once that is set THEN you start looking forward looking towards bar height, width, stem length and hood position on bars…..and of course top tube /virtual top tube length (are they even on the right size bike??? )
Then the presentation of fast talking, throwing parts around and never bringing the young lady in for comments and showing any correction. I would encourage you to redo this in some sort of structure with correct info that would inform the viewer…this was like reading a book and starting the middle of it.
Best Entry Level Road bike..!!
I ride a recumbent touring bike and I no longer have to hold my head up at anytime to see where I am going. I relax into the full meh seat that I sit in ,not on, and at the end of any ride I am still sitting in a comfortable chair , pain free. Yup diamond frames will beat me to the top of any mountain but i will ride up in comfort . Comfort and speed what more do you need?
Does James always level the saddle front to back or does he ever have a few degrees nose down- like 2-3 degrees? I recently got a fit and the fitter put the nose down 3 degrees and he said it was to make it easier to rotate my pelvis forward. Wont a few degree forward increase pressure on my neck and shoulders? I have always run my saddle flat but not certain if it is okay to go a few degrees down.
Thanks for the video guys – I recently got professionally fit but was ignored by my fitter and was put in a more aero position than comfort/endurance like I asked. I’ve been dealing with a lot of neck/shoulder pain and having trouble with actually looking ahead. My saddle position and height all felt fine though but my reach still felt too long so I decided to reinstall most of my stem spacers (fitter slammed it) and flip my stem (running an 80mm with +/- 7deg) to run the positive angle and feel SO much better! Can actually look forward without jarring my neck all ride
It turns out that every time I change something at my bike, I return to one of your videos. Thanks a lot!
An extreme case:
while on long rides I never had any pain or numbness, I had severe numbness in the palms and soles of the feet on short rides where I was riding with intensity and being on drops… In other words, I had a great hyperextension of the neck.
The bike setup was flawless. The problem was a large hernia that was pressing on the spinal cord only when I was riding being on drops…Recently the hernia was removed with surgery…
Listen to your body… Initially we follow some principles like those that are shown at the video but then we have to take care in order to enjoy our lovely hobby as long as possible… Specially those over 40 years old…
Francis, I really enjoy your videos and I love BikeFitTuesdays, I've learned so much from you guys. Thanks for the great content. Ride Safe! Cheers mate.
her attitude is
Well done fast and precise information. Will follow the suggestions.
"we're very good at absorbing dysfunctions which is what makes us so successful as a species"
I wasn't expecting such a bone-shattering truth about humanity when I clicked on this bike fit video
maybe also heavy helmets in long distance riding causing problems? my aero helmet is 350 g
Sorry, but I haven't got the to listen to your juvenile comments and humour before getting to the meat video. There are other similar vids.
number one is saddle to bar drop
Is this guy on drugs???
The way he speaks and behaves seems strange to me…
This is the first video I have watched and found useful. It was direct and to the point so a much better format
A room full of guys with all eyes on Rachel, right? WRONG! This explanation was quick and to the point and trimmed all the fat. I love it!
I’d like to hear more about why James doesn’t like short nose saddles. I just got a Retul fit and he put me on a new short nose saddle… sure enough, im now getting really bad neck shoulder and arm pain.
Love the content you provide Francis.
I'd be interested to hear James thoughts on handlebar width for gravel bikes. Cheers
Love the info here.. guess I'll try adjusting my controls up a little bit and retaping.