How To Lose Fat and Build Muscle During Ramadan (Science-Based)

» How To Lose Fat and Build Muscle During Ramadan (Science-Based)

Learn all about how to improve your fitness during Ramadan!

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Ramadan is coming up soon and I have been receiving many questions about how to approach fitness during this month. So to help those participating in Ramadan, let’s look into how you can approach your fitness.

Ramadan is a month in which Muslims fast from the break of dawn to sunset. This is a food and water fast. Even though you are fasting for the bigger part of the day, there still are great opportunities to improve your fitness during Ramadan. In fact, I coach many clients every year that participate in Ramadan and we are still able to take steps forward with our training and fat loss progress.

I participate in Ramadan myself as well, so I will be sharing my learning lessons and also what the research shows about how we can maximize your fitness during this month.

See the timestamps below!

0:00-0:42 About Ramadan Fitness
0:43-2:54 Train Before or After Iftar
2:55-4:04 How To Train In Ramadan
4:04-5:13 How To Lose Fat In Ramadan
5:14-6:59 Meal Timing In Ramadan
7:00-7:33 Hydration During Ramadan
7:34-8:48 Summary & Conclusion


Music by Ryan Little – Think About You –



  1. Today, it's all about how to manage your training and nutrition during Ramadan! In about a week, the month of Ramadan starts. With this video, I hope to help those participating in Ramadan manage their fitness well and keep progressing. Comment below if you have any questions about your Ramadan routine!

    To apply for 1-on-1 Online Coaching, visit this page:

  2. Bro can you help me i have a horribly skinny body and it is Ramadan I want to start going to the gym and not worry that I won't gain muscle and weight?

  3. Here is the best tip: LEAVE THE DEATH CULT OF MOHAMED. There are better opinions. You will not have to fast in ramadan or stuff your faces at night, but in the end you will not go to hell. Believe in JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD and you will be saved

  4. How many wader do I have to drink?

  5. in the reducing resistance training volume research you showed all the authors names are tunisian

  6. If I stop workout for a month but take protein intake.. During ramadan.. Will i loos my muscles?

  7. The irony is,,, southasian or people of southasian descent tend to gain weight during ramadan

  8. How about the obligatory salah😮the taraweh

  9. My dear friends, believe in ✝️

  10. You need a whole month break to rest your body . Detox and damaged bad cells and improve your self mentally. Then you ready again 😊❤

  11. Good video cos what's conveyed is backed by research. Thanks bro

  12. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

  13. assalamualaikum brother, im on body recompotion any suggest than what u say on the video?

  14. what should the iftar meal consist of?

  15. Respectfully, anyone who says working out in ramadan is a waste of time has probably never worked out in his life
    Stay hard brother ☝🏻🕌💪🏻

  16. Thank you so much, dude! I’m a male model & i’ve been struggling with this. The magreb prayer, where I live is late and short after iftar my gym closes

  17. This video leaks quality I don't know how you don't have a couple of hundred thousand subscribers already?

  18. Brother what about the growth hormones that are released and enchanted during the fasting window. I’ve heard that it enhances growth and I’ve felt the growth although I do feel weak not having water. What’s your thoughts on this?

  19. Don't forget , make your worship priority and fitness is somewhat part of islam

  20. Selamünaleyküm
    I do not training in ramadan
    I do ibadet to me and ALLAH
    after Ramadan i start with training InşAllah

  21. most food in this world is cooked in pure SHIT seed oils such as cottonseed, canola, palm, crisco, and onward. these vegetable oils are awful for the heart with their omega-6 fatty acids way out of whack against the 3s. then you add in the starches people love to eat (pasta, bread, rice) and grains, and you have an obese world. the other reality of fitness is that it is a LIFESTYLE which is pure hell to maintain IF you want a good or an amazing body. most people (I'd say 99%) don't have nor want to build the discipline to first build and then maintain it. and it only gets harder and that much worse by the decade after you hit your prime in your 20s.

  22. Isn't it compulsory for Muslim men to have a beard? Are you really Hindu capitalising off a Muslim event?? Good business strategy

  23. What about taraweeh prayers? Because in my country Malaysia, we normally pray 20 rakaats, and normally end around 9 30 pm, is it okay to workout late at night after 9 30?

  24. that makes a lot of sense!

  25. Most helpful video on the web regarding this topic! Thank you brother, may Allah accept your fast and bless you

  26. May Allaah reward you! Change the music brother and, if you really want, use nasheed inshaaaaAllaah.

  27. This is the one month I don’t care about gym

  28. Or you can stop believing in made up fairy tales , don’t starve yourself like an idiot… eat and drink because we are humans and we need it to survive, it’s normal and it’s f*cking natural !!!!!

  29. Best video I've seen about training and nutrition during Ramadhan.. May Allah reward you brother.

  30. Should you workout 2 times in a single day during Ramadan?

  31. Salaam brother. Im from the Philippines. I see that you break your fast taking whey protein and dates then meal afterwards. In my case I break my fast by taking whey protein (Nitrotech Ripped) and water then I workout first before taking my iftar meal. Is that okay and safe? Then in my Suhor meal before Imsak what do you reccomend or suggest I eat. I am overweight but I’ve been going to the gym for over 3months now. I weigh 130KG now from 145KG and Im about 6foot tall.

  32. Try to workout before Fajr prayer if not just workout and deal with the dehydration for a few hours it will be okay. Allah is the greatest

  33. Jazakallah
    But the problem is i don't snack i only feed when i am hungry 😢

  34. What do you think about consuming creatine in ramadan?

  35. Best way to do Ramadan in my opinion is to take night as the day and day as the night..
    As we are fasting everyday we can make it to our advantage…
    We can be active during night and sleep during day so everything is safe and it won't be that hard on kidneys…no vasopressin involved

  36. Jazakh Allah Khair brother!

  37. Ro insaw slmw morrocan food while am fasting hahah enjoy it

  38. Masha Allah! May Allah aza wajjal give you success and accept your fast and the gains for the Akhira! Ameen!

  39. i workout about 1 hours after iftar

  40. Mashallah brother, very useful information! Thank you!

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