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3 Exercises to strengthen your neck.
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Is it useful for patients who have a cervical disk ???
what is the ball name?
Can these excersices be done with a cervical heniated disc in c5-6?
Where can i get this ball pls
Hey I need how do you strengthen exercise temporal muscle could you help with this so have a video for this or could you please make me videos for this I hope you helps me please thanks
Thank you. When doing especially the last exercise, my brain hurts. Different from headache, but it's so uncomfortable after 5-7 seconds.
The last 5 years of try neck exercises and it's the reason not advancing. Shall I just keep going and once I m stronger it will go away?
I can't believe how good that feels! I have stiffness in that area
I have degeneration in cervical area. Can i do these ?
Thanks for the exercises. I see you’re not answering comments/questions but here goes nothing
I have 2 vertebra that are slightly shoved since an accident with a horse in childhood. I’ve gone to ortho-manual therapeut since forever, once every blue moon to have him push it back into better alignment. Also, a year ago for the first time a Cat-scan was made (I’m now 45 years old), the MD told me it’s not bad enough to take the risk of operating and placing pins.
Do you think if I just be careful for pain signals these would be good for me?
Generally I function normally, I can’t go in rollercoasters anymore. Last time I did that about 10 years ago I had no strength to keep my head up, I was like a rag-doll with my head flopping around
pretty scary and it hurt (but also kinda funny since I came out alright).
I wish I seen this 10 years ago!! Great stuff!!
How to avoid scm engaged?
Hi can I ask where can I buy that ball from thank you so much
I had a scum bag chiropractor ruin one of the facet joints in my neck by one swift adjusting. Hope he rots slowly. I am hopeful this will help i suffer every day. Thank you bless
Think u from Egypt
Is the third one the flexor exercise deep neck flexor?
Hello where can I get the ball? Would a tennis ball work?
thanks for the video. I have military neck and I bought a neck decompression device on amazon that costed me about 100 bucks. It has a pump and it tries to pull your head from the body. I do this like twice a week for 20 minutes. Is this recommended ? Thanks
After 15 years of physical therapy this is what I needed to actually get benefit from these exercises. Brilliant explanation. Thank you! I’m finally consistent because I’m seeing results. I’m careful to keep my hands in the anatomical position and slightly bend my knees so I isolate instead of using my core to compensate.
Hi. How many times in a day do I need to repeat these exercises?. Thanks
Hello and thank you! I’m wondering if there is recommended order if I’m doing both neck stretching and neck strengthening exercises?
Thank you , for this. Are these exercises good for whiplash when there's no pain anymore
I'm student of DPT
very nice