I am not much of a stretcher, I just love this guy
I just bust out into stretches at work. If we’re slow I’m gonna do something. If you want to judge me for stretching that’s a you problem
Wait were we supposed to hide it? I’ve been doing cartwheels and splits in Walmart for too long
Yep, gotta grab my dick with my left hand through my right pocket, nothing to see here folks, carry on.
Your so fucking epic dude
But we did notice your mismatching shoes lol
That’s so nice. Thank you!
Hey stretchy dude what is the thing on the side of your head?
I may sound like a creep but I find him and his voice so adorable
How do I stretch my back? It always feels so stiff
Cheeky stretch at the end
Stretch in public people! Let people be jealous that you're flexy and work on their own flexiness
lol no one’s gonna notice… Says the guy wearing two different colored shoes
Wait is that the reason my leg’s blood flow stops so much? Like I naturally sit like that.
that table pigeon is just how I regularly sit lol
I love this student videos really helped me increase my flexibility and now I can do some weird flexible things that I wasn’t able to do before just cause I didn’t know how to
so I have been stretching naturally my whole life
This mans trust to his pants kills me
Ummm i did that last one near a school and someone called the cops on me???????
Girls on the last one
Does this guy have a sinple guide or website like hybridcalisthetics
Ohhh I do the first one all the time!! I hate sitting still for long periods of time.
"No one's gonna notice, stay flexy"
Who cares if people notice if one will have better health
Yeah no one's gonna notice–like how his shoes aren't the same
Oh man I love it
can we get more of these
I love u channel bro… owesome!!! N yeah I do practice ur advice too… Stay flexible…
Hey, nice secret shoulder stretch you added at the end!!!
I love stretching. I'm wanting to get back into gymnastics after 45 years away from it. My splits held out really well.
Very good!
I am not much of a stretcher, I just love this guy
I just bust out into stretches at work. If we’re slow I’m gonna do something. If you want to judge me for stretching that’s a you problem
Wait were we supposed to hide it? I’ve been doing cartwheels and splits in Walmart for too long
Yep, gotta grab my dick with my left hand through my right pocket, nothing to see here folks, carry on.
Your so fucking epic dude
But we did notice your mismatching shoes lol
That’s so nice. Thank you!
Hey stretchy dude what is the thing on the side of your head?
I may sound like a creep but I find him and his voice so adorable
How do I stretch my back? It always feels so stiff
Cheeky stretch at the end
Stretch in public people! Let people be jealous that you're flexy and work on their own flexiness
lol no one’s gonna notice… Says the guy wearing two different colored shoes
Wait is that the reason my leg’s blood flow stops so much? Like I naturally sit like that.
that table pigeon is just how I regularly sit lol
I love this student videos really helped me increase my flexibility and now I can do some weird flexible things that I wasn’t able to do before just cause I didn’t know how to
so I have been stretching naturally my whole life
This mans trust to his pants kills me
Ummm i did that last one near a school and someone called the cops on me???????
Girls on the last one
Does this guy have a sinple guide or website like hybridcalisthetics
Ohhh I do the first one all the time!! I hate sitting still for long periods of time.
"No one's gonna notice, stay flexy"
Who cares if people notice if one will have better health
Yeah no one's gonna notice–like how his shoes aren't the same

Oh man I love it
can we get more of these
I love u channel bro… owesome!!!

N yeah I do practice ur advice too…
Stay flexible…
Hey, nice secret shoulder stretch you added at the end!!!

I love stretching. I'm wanting to get back into gymnastics after 45 years away from it. My splits held out really well.