My Top 5 Standing Abs Exercises
Grab a dumbbell and try out these standing exercises to target that core from every angle. As a bonus you will also get in some killer stability and balance training. Win. Win.
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Really appreciate this thanks.
Why can't men do the same routine snd mot look llike stupid? This could be practiceing swordplay after all if you think about it?
How many reps and sets do u do
Lol didn't feel anything

Nice work
Love ur workouts!!

Isn't the standing twist more of a shoulder exercise? There's no resistance for the abs
How heavy are the weights?
How many seconds for every exercise. And how many reps?
Nice workout and good form

Great ab workout
Thank you so much for all you do Heather! your workouts are simply the best and free to boot!!. Lucky us indeed!!
How much do those dumb bells weigh? I'm pushing 60, and doing crunches is out of the question. I think those ab exercises may be just what I'm looking for, I hope.
Teddy Swims. Fabulous musical choice. And workout very good
Anything Teddy

Great workout! I loved the hip mobility routine!
How many sets and reps, please?
I love this workout. Dam I can feel the burn all around
Having lost 5" in my waist over the last 6 months doing crunches, bicycle crunches, and reverse crunches, I find myself unable to do that any longer. (health concerns, I'm 66). So, I've been searching for this very Tube to help me maintain. Working abs while standing/sitting. I don't think much of anything you offer up diet wise, but thank you so much for your guidance!
Love it
i love your tricep workout its in my everyday workout routine. . i would love to try this also. . thank you
How many sis
What’s the music called please ?
How much kg dumpells this?
This is 10/10

I love this song

I'm so taken by the song, i even forgot why I was looking at this video

How many each
Since 4.23 I use kettlebells.
Is Orbitrek true or a marketing hoax? I'm testing it out for myself on my channel!