Strength Training at Home Full Body Dumbbell Workout - 45 Min Total Body Workouts with Weights

» Strength Training at Home Full Body Dumbbell Workout – 45 Min Total Body Workouts with Weights

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  1. Thank you. Day 9 of 2025 fitness.

  2. Where did you get the weights?

  3. Hello coach! Thank you for this one🙏 Would it be possible to give us more options for mobility routine? Went through your how library and only found this one.

  4. Told my Facebook group about your awesome videos.

  5. Why is the volume so low in this video compared to the others?

  6. Thank you so much for getting me to do exercise three times a wee with you. You two are so lovely and it brights my day when I see you two joke around a bit. ❤❤

  7. The sweetest and humblest coaches ❤️😊

  8. Such a great workout❤🎉I love the Union ! Definitely, looking forward to more ! Thank you 🙏🏾

  9. Coach cossak and claudia are the best..just finished this work out and i lovin! thank you guys.

  10. HASfit is the absolute best!

  11. Lo

    Been working with HasFit since before Claudia. Now the two of you together are simply perfect. There's a couple of moves in this one I cannot do, the ones kneeling on the floor, so I sit on a chair (I'm 84 is my excuse), but the rest are OK. I'm curious what weights you use, the video is not quite sharp enough. Claudia blows me away, cause her weights are not light !

  12. Just finished this video. Thank you for your videos. I really love the pacing and the instructions on how to do the exercise. Both of your voices are also calming and it really helps me not stress out on doing the exercises. I love the reminders to always do things at your own pace and level and it really helps me finish your videos. Thank you so much and more power to you guys!

  13. Love you guys! But Claudia please count evenly when doing single sided exercises. You’re count been be off by 2-3 reps sometimes 😂😂

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