Stretches to GET YOUR SPLITS in 28 Days

» Stretches to GET YOUR SPLITS in 28 Days

👉 It may take you more or less than 28 days to get your splits. Everyone’s body is different, and everyone is at a different point in their fitness and flexibility journeys. Be patient with yourself and don’t push yourself past any point of comfort. If you’re brand new to stretching, this video may not be for you. Be nice to your body by only stretching what feels good 🤝

These are the stretches that I’d do in tumbling, dance, and cheerleading in my long-ago youth. My splits used to be better, but my right side has always been better than my left side. Don’t feel like a weirdo if one side is more flexible than the other, but maybe spend a little extra time foam-rolling and static-stretching your weak side.


1. Do this routine later in the day or in the evening when your body is more flexible.

2. Do this routine after your body is warmed up. (Here’s a warm-up you can do:

3. Use a foam roller before you do this routine. (Here’s a foam-rolling routine you can do:

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All of the music in this video was made by my first husband.
If you like it, you can check out his stuff on Spotify under the name Generation Lost:


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I’m not a doctor or your mom! To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk (so don’t even think about suing me)! I (Rachel Gulotta) will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of my fitness videos or information that I share. This includes emails, videos, and text. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Thanks for not suing me!



  1. Ok Day 1:March 24 2025
    That actually was the closest I ever got to the splits so I have hope!

    Gonna do this every day 🙏🏻

  2. I'm going to do this challenge. I can already do both splits (mostly, my legs are a little off the ground) when I stretch before. I want to be able to do them without stretching. I have rest days every other day because of working out.
    Day 1: ✅
    Day 2-3: 🧘♀
    Day 4: ✅

  3. Hey guys:) I'm gonna keep the progress in the comment section for the ones who are trying to achieve the splits. I myself am a bit flexible but not to the point where I can actually open splits but I am training right now to achieve the goal as this is very important for my ariel silks and trapeze classes, such as opening the straddles.

    Day 1: The whole "workout session" was very easy, I didn't struggle to do anything but my left leg is not flexible at all haha, so it was harder on the left side. Talking about the splits, I was halfway on the floor on the left leg but almost reaching the floor on the right one. Hopefully will be on my splits on 28th day.

    I will be updating the comment everyday as I will be practicing each day non stop and won't be missing days to see result. If you have any questions hit me up on the comments sections:) Just keeping a small diary with my progress for you guys and myself. Let's open these splits together!!

    p.s lol sounded like a personal trainer (also will be updating the results every 4 days)

  4. I’m excited to try to get my splits! Let’s goooo~

    3/17/25: ✅
    3/18/25: ✅
    3/19/25: ✅

  5. Guys pls hold me accountable to do this daily
    Day 1 ✅

  6. day 1 of doing this, im going to do this everyday! I’ll update when I start seeing results

  7. It worked for me! I got my left splits (I was getting close) in about a month! And my right splits have improved a lot as well!

  8. I prefer a video with some direction. Silence doesn’t help. I have to look at the screen the whole time. And then w don’t know when you changing poses unless I am looking at screen. Seriously, it seems lazy to do a video with no instruction.

  9. Sharing for people who may be starting in the same place as I am! I’ve been doing this routine regularly (5-6 days a week, sometimes twice a day since it relieves the soreness in my thighs when I’m sore after a work out) for about 6 weeks now, and while I’m still not able to do a split – the increase in my flexibility is actually crazy. I have never been super flexible, even as a kid. When I was starting back in December, I could touch my toes standing up but that was about it. Around 4 weeks of following this video, I was able to fully touch my nose to my knee and I could extend my hands well past my feet in a seated forward fold. At about 6 weeks I’m just now getting to being able to grab my ankle whenever I’m laying on my back and extending one leg at a time, for reference when I started I couldn’t even get my leg far enough to make a 90 degree angle. Also – I can fully touch my nose to about my shin when doing the half split and I’ve got a flat quad stretch when I’m laying down. All of which I wasn’t even CLOSE to being able to do less than two months ago. For some reason, I’m a lot more flexible on my left leg than my right and I’m just a few inches from getting my split on that side. My right side could use a lot more work. All that being said, I think if I keep up with this in another 4-6 weeks I’ll fully have my split on both sides, I’ll make sure to update here when I finally get it if anyone is interested in knowing a more realistic timeline for someone starting as a beginner! I’ve been trying to get in better shape for my wedding in May and after taking a few yoga classes realized how inflexible I was!

  10. Really cute but the black dog paired with her black leggings made it hard for me to really gage her movements

  11. Just keeping myself accountable. Goal: do this three times a week and have splits before 2025 ends
    Jan 15: ✅
    Jan 18: ✅
    Jan 22: ✅
    Jan 28: ✅
    Feb 2: ✅
    Edit: took a long break, restarting

  12. Day 1: sore, not improved yet but thats okay because its only day one.

    Update on day 5.

  13. “If you can” i CANNOTTTT

  14. Gotta do splits for dance in a month so ima kinda cooked so yeah
    Day one- no change just streched
    Day 2- nothing but pe today was so bad I shed tears
    Day 3- slightly deeper on right side
    Day 4- one did a full body strech plus this and im getter deeper
    Day 5- slight difference not much but LOTS of improvement from day 1
    Day 6- doing better!! Im so scared for pe tommorow 😭
    Day 7- I had dance today so I got home late but I still managed a little stretching time improving tho
    Day 8- getting progress about the same
    Day 9- the same
    Day 10- starting to get stuck at the same point im gonna keep doing this plus more
    Day 11- about the same but i did stretch for 35 minutes today so its a win 😼
    Day 12- TINY difference
    Day 13- getting there
    Day 14- I can do one pillow now
    Day 15- about the same
    Day 16-18- ngl ive been forgetting to update but i have been streching im stuck again tho so ima have to continue
    19- wasn't that good today
    20- still on 1 pillow
    21- still on 1 pillow🥲
    Day 23- Ngl guys ive been streching but yknow warching the same video gets boring so i usually watch tv but ill try 2 remember 2 update
    Idk even what day it is but lets say 35- havent got it but ive been streching daily kinda disappointed but good things take time🤍

  15. Hi everyone, I'll be doing daily updates.
    Start 1/9/2025

    Day 1 ✅
    Day 2 ✅
    Day 3 ✅
    Day 4 ✅
    Day 5 ✅ I'm noticing improvements, but I think I'm just stuck now, I'm going to try to go deeper into my stretches.

    Hey everyone, its 1/26/2025 I skipped the stretches for a while but I'm back to it again I don't know if to restart or to pick up where I left but maybe I will continue as day 6, however I think I'm going to move on to another stretch because I am stuck.

    Day 6 ✅

  16. I've started 75 hard, and getting back flexibility is a big goal of mine. Even as a boy I could do the splits effortlessly (at the annoyance of my far more athletic, gymnast sister who always struggled). As an adult, I am more flexible than my peers, but I haven't done much in a long time to keep it up. To my surprise, I got very low to the ground the first time I followed a long, but I'll check back in a month to let you guys know if I hit the floor.

  17. I’m gonna try and stay consistent- I’ve never done the splits before in my life and i really want to learn:
    Day 1:☑️ here we go

  18. I’m starting this today, I’m going to do it 6 days a week. I’ll update this comment once it get it 🤞🏾

  19. Updates :
    day 1 : im good, i still feel blocked by my hamstrings, kinda shaking too lmoaoo, still dont have my split
    day 2 : feel very Light
    day 3 : good, My hamstrings do not hurt me anymore
    day 4 : feel a bit sore but i feel so Much comfortable when i try to do the spliit


  21. I used to do stretching a lot in dance classes (not ballet) and I definitely was more flexible so I'm trying to gain that back! I'll keep ya'll updated
    Jan 1: ✅honestly was not as painful as I was anticipating but still far from the ground so I'll keep working on it!
    Jan 2: ✅more painful now 😅
    Jan 3: ✅ oww
    Jan 4: ✅Things were less painful today I'm excited for tomorrow!
    Jan 5: ✅Actually my hips were starting to sit on the pillow I put underneath during the splits!
    Jan 6: ✅I don't think I'm closer but everything is less painful (except them quad stretches)
    Jan 7: ✅getting there
    Jan 8: I had a dance class and literally couldn't walk after so I didn't do it today
    Jan9: ✅I really wanted to not do it today and I was fighting for my life with the stretches but by some miracle the splits itself was closer
    Jan 14: ✅

  22. I've been doing my own stretches daily for about 3 weeks now and have seen significant progress, so I'll use this video daily as an extra boost to get my splits. This video has taught me that I've not been stretching as many muscles as I thought, so hopefully in using this video I can make significant progress towards my splits.

    Day 1: Pretty close to the ground already, but there is still loads more work to do. Thankfully I'm naturally pretty flexible and have gotten my splits multiple times during my lifetime. The hardest stretch for me to do currently is definitely the heel stretch, so I'm excited to see improvements there.

    Day 2 : I felt much less flexible today, but I was also much closer to getting my splits, so not sure how that works. Still very much struggling with the heel stretch.

    Day 3 : Genuinely can't remember if day 2 was yesterday or not, but I've stretched today and I've realised that to get my splits I need to stretch my inner thigh more.

  23. Commenting to keep myself in check
    Day 1 ✅️: definitely hard, my hip didnt hurt as much when trying to do my left split though. My legs feel nice.
    Day 2 ✅️: some stretches were easier. I didn't warm up though so some hurt a bit more.

  24. I was SOOOO close on my right leg until I heard a crack sound in my hamstring 😭 UGH every time I'm so close something goes wrong then I have to heal and start all over

  25. I've been working on my splits for months and started your routine about a week and a half ago. I finally got my splits on my right side!!

  26. – day 3 in a row of doing this! I will give updates when I progress. Trying to do this every day! My right is a little better than left, but both are really hard and I am far from splits!!

    -Edit: day 12! this video feels a little shorter every time, before I had to stand for quad stretch, now I can lay down. I'm seeing a little progress! I'll update again at day 20

    -Somewhere around day 30! Slow, but seeing and feeling progress! 

    -Day 45 – Havent been as consistent but stretching when I can! (around 5 times a week). I'm seeing small progress, especially in dance class but I just want to get my damn splits already. Can't give up now! Like to remind me to update

    Update: it’s currently nutcracker week, doing a lot of dancing and my body is very tired so i’m taking the week off of doing this video.

  27. Oh those one leg quad stretch is no joke n me feet kill me doing it, so cant do that yet, hamstriings not a bother, heel stretch thats circus shit. I tried doing a 30 day split class like this a few yrs back, couldnt get them cause of quads, its the one thing that pple fail over, but im gonna try, almost do them but back quad wont touch the ground, tyvm btw x

  28. I'm doing this everyday for 30 days and i will try not to forget. I am soooo unflexible and stiff naturally and ive never been able to do the splits but im going to stay consistant.
    Im starting at (not fully accurate) 25cm left to the ground on my right.
    Day 1: ✅
    Day 2: some poses actually felt a little easier✅
    Day 3: ✅
    Day 4: I felt less stiff but i see no difference in the splits so far (im not expecting that until like day 15 anyway 🥲)✅
    Day 5: ✅
    Day 6: ✅
    Day 7: felt a little sore today but good✅
    Day 8: ✅
    Day 9: ✅
    Day 10: I actually measured today and i havent seen any big changes but it said 20 cm and now im thinking i didnt measure it right the first day because how am i already 5 cm closer!!!✅
    Day 11: ✅
    Day 12: ✅
    Day 13: ✅
    Day 14: Did similar exercises in my dancing class so i count that as done haha✅
    I haven't done the stretching in a couple of days (except on my dance classes) because I felt sore in my right hamstring. Which I have injured before (like 2 years ago now maybe) so I got scared it would come back. But it's better now so I will probably start the stretching again soon and start over. I will not give up! But this time I will really make sure to warm up a lot before stretching. So just so you know I haven't forgotten I was just scared of my hamstring being injured
    Try 2
    Day 1: warmed up thoroughly✅
    Day 2: ✅
    Day 3: shit i forgot, we'll call it a rest day😭
    Day 4: ✅
    Day 5: ✅
    Day 6:✅
    Day 7: measured 18 cm!!✅
    Day 8: ✅
    Day 9: rest day
    Day 10: –
    Day 11: –
    Day 12: haven't had time this weekend at all unfortunately 😭
    Day 13: Measured 16 cm on right !!🎉 almost 10 cm better than where i started✅
    Day 14: ✅
    Day 15: ✅
    Day 16: today i even saw a difference, im actually kinda close now!✅
    Day 17: rest day
    Day 18: ✅
    Day 19: ✅
    Day 20: omg mesured 14 cm!! And only 10 days left of the challange. I don't think I will make it all the way down but maybe I will get to 12 cm at least. I might continue on after this to get all the way down✅
    Day 21: ✅
    Day 22: holy shit i actually measured 12 cm today thats insane, how did it go from 14 to 12 in 2 days?!!!✅
    Day 23: rest day
    Day 24: also rest day
    Day 25: ✅
    Day 26: ✅
    Day 27: ✅
    Day 28: rest day
    Day 29: omg last day tomorrow, and im proud i did it today cuz i was close to not doing it✅
    Day 30: last day!!! And I have now 10 cm left on my right and 16 cm left on my left which is better than what I expected actually! Im so close and I will probably continue. Im so proud of myself ive never been this close to my splits before✅
    Okay so this is like a week after (October 27th) and I just wanna do a quick update. I have stretched like every other day and now im at 8 cm!!

    Okay update again its november 15th im still going strong and i can definitely say that the last cm to the ground take much more time but my goal is to reach the floor by christmas or new years eve. But i have made some progress, im att like 5,5 cm left to the ground on my right:)

    November 28th today and today I actually noticed a difference again. I can't really measure it anymore because im so low but I could feel and see that I was really close and I really really hope I can get it before christmas but idk. Im not making nearly as much progress now then in the beginning but I won't give up. Im honestly embarrased its taken me this long but whatever

  29. You really shouldn't have ads on this

  30. She makes the heel stretch look so easy. When i do it, its like im fighting a war with my leg to keep it on the floor instead of popping up

  31. Im currently 3 days into this and i am seeing a slight improvement hopefully i will be able to get my spilts by the 28 days ❤

  32. Im actually gonna try these for a month and see how it helps me. I have hip anf back pain and a good stretch like this sounds amazing! Plus im almost at the floor on both of my splits so im determined to get all the way to the floor again

  33. I tried but I need more time doing side and middle split

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