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Does your diet include these incredible foods that help you lose belly fat? Check this out!
Potassium lowers insulin:
0:00 Introduction: How to lose belly fat
0:10 What is belly fat?
0:40 Cortisol and belly fat
1:30 Causes of belly fat
2:55 Ten foods that help you lose belly fat
10:45 Check out my video on which foods to avoid to lose belly fat!
Today I’m going to cover the top 10 foods that help you lose belly fat.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that turns protein into sugar. It causes your liver to make new sugar out of non-carbohydrate sources, such as fat, ketones and protein.
If your cortisol is really high, your body will make a lot of sugar. This increase in sugar will elevate insulin, and insulin makes belly fat. Consuming a high-carb diet and sugar, or eating too frequently can also cause your insulin to spike, leading to belly fat.
You’ll typically notice belly fat after the liver is already fatty because a lot of the visceral fat around the organs comes from a spill-off of fat from the liver. So, the best foods to help you lose belly fat address lowering insulin, lowering cortisol or supporting the liver.
Ten foods that help you lose belly fat:
1. Eggs
2. Salmon
3. Cod liver and cod liver oil
4. Sauerkraut
5. Cruciferous vegetables
6. Hamburger
7. Avocados
8. Broccoli sprouts
9. Asparagus
10. Nutritional yeast (non-fortified)
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Thanks for watching! Try including more of these foods that help you lose belly fat in your diet. I’ll see you in the next video.
I don’t get Triggered anymore anytime I see a post like this,Cause I was once diagnosed with Hernia Disease and Type 1 diabetes but all thanks to Dr udoka on YouTube for helping me in eliminating both illness few months ago.
Having Hiatal Hernia that leads to Belly fat is never a great feeling,I appreciate and say a big thanks to DR UDOKA on YouTube for helping me eradicate my Belly fat ailment and Herpes permanently with no side effects.
Dr udoka on YouTube herbs remains the best,I usually get herpes outbreaks and erectile dysfunction due to Hernial Problems every 3 weeks or so,but now is all over and far gone.
I have congenital cortisol hyperplasia. Ive been living with it for 53 years. People have no idea how your adrenal gland can sabotage your entire body

We love you Dr. Berg
If you get the homade sauerkraut
I love sauerkraut!!!

I am allergic to seafood can't gag eggs….and I love all the cans of seafoods…
I’m 65 & I weigh 171.1
Dr. Berg's Top foods to lose weight. Reduce insulin, cortisol, and increase sleep:
1 eggs – pr- no insulin, lecithin,
choline dissolves fat in liver.
2. salmon O3FA – reduces cortisol
3. cod liver oil – probiotics,
Vit C
4. sauerkraut
5 cruciferous veggies
Mg, K, fiber
6. Hamburger Pr-
7 avocado – K+ helps liver
8 broccoli sprouts sulfuraphane -reduces visceral fat, cancer
9 asparagus – detoxify NH4 fm liver, Fiber feeds microbiome
10 nutritional yeast – unfortified
I love and appreciate Dr. Berg!!!
"It isn't cruciferous vegetable night anymore"
I eat like this daily and still have belly fat. Frustrating.
Avocados are fruits anything with the seeds inside of the fruit?
Real food taste the best and doesn’t make me sick
Is there a blood test for cortisol
Salmon is sucked cos many tricks now in Salmon production; all artificial and full of anti fungus and antibiotics
This the video i was looking for!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!
Great book! How did they get a picture of me! LOL! Now that I am finally recovering from CFS/PTDS I see now all the aftermath and patterns my brain and body have been going through. 2 weeks on you protocols I feel less nervous more energetic, never hungry and lost 6 pounds in 1 week (all water). I am really doing it to stop the yoyo of hypoglycemic crashes and to clean up my fatty liver (that they never told me I had but we saw it on a MRI for my back and asked and they said yes it is fatty but my liver enzymes were normal and ps I was 130 pounds 5'7 at the time so being in FF for years and being addicted to carbs you can bet you have a NAFL.Yes the first week was really hard on my CNS because of the withdrawal but wow I feel better now and there is no stopping me at this point! Key people EAT THE SALADES too or you will not get enough of what you need!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE DrBerg! PS. and he's cute (can I say that)?
The best way is to sporting and drinking water with lemon
dude forgot chicken breast
what would you recommend for someone like me who is allergic to Salmon?
Thankyou Dr.Berg…you are so kind to share these facts and truths with us to help us become healthier. Really appreciate it
Avocados are a fruit
Fasting alternate days along with it .
What should be the proportion of consumption thru out the day ? All ingredients mentioned
Dr. Berg, does this also work for the pooch belly kind of belly fat?
Transform your life with proven methods that helped me and my family shed pounds and gain confidence. Discover our incredible journey and practical tips on my YouTube channel – your next success story starts here!
Thank you so much for this video.
Thankyou dr berg much appreciated…this is a real battle….
Hamburger!!!? F*ck yea!!
Can we change the avocado with something else?
(it makes me vomit)
Funny how the media was saying how bad eggs were for you.
I didn't know that hamburger can help lose belly fat. Thank you doctor
Blessed to find this channel
Ive been pre diabetic for years.
Dr. I'm happily married, but will all respect. I'm in total love of your channel. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and helping us to improve our lifestyles.

Can I just eat eggs and hamburger cause I hate that other stuff. Also what do you season the burger with? Or just eat it plain? Thank you!
איך אתם (רופאי ארה"ב) לא מתערבים הומניטרית בתרופות קריטיות ביותר עבורי שנשללות ממני שלא בצדק.. בטח ובטח עוד כשאתם עדים לרציחתי + שקרים בלתי פוסקים בהכל..במו עיניכם ע"י שלטון ישראל/ארה"ב + הפקולטה לרפואה??
Dr Eric Berg I got a question if you go on a sardine fast can you have eggs too or do you just can only have sardines can you tell me whether it's strictly sardines or can you also add eggs to that sardine fast cuz I was thinking of doing a 2-week to a month starting fast and I was hoping maybe I could have eggs along with them sardines but if not I want to do what works best I want to do what gets me in the fat burning mode 24/7 I want the fact that burn off of me like fat burning off of a steak on a BBQ grill so please get back to me and let me know what burns fast the best and the quickest thank you and I appreciate all that you do because I am somebody that trust your knowledge Dr good lord gave you cuz the Lord uses you to help other people and you're giving God glory by letting people know about the things you know about health God bless you and all of your family my friend may God bless you and keep you always
but eggs give cholesterol, which is unhealthy apples are healthy three a day keeps the doctor away