The Best And Worst Biceps Exercises

Β» The Best And Worst Biceps Exercises

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Ranking 20 biceps exercises on a tier list based on the latest science. This is how you should interpret my tier list:

All exercises are ranked based on muscle building potential.

S tier – My favorite. Do them if you can.
A tier – Strongly recommend.
B tier – I still do these in certain contexts. There may be better options.
C tier – There are better options for most people. Can still have value in some contexts.
D tier – Probably not a great option for most people.
F tier – Generally not recommended.


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0:00 – What makes a biceps exercise great?
1:56 – Barbell Curl
2:45 – EZ Bar Curl
3:37 – Standing DB Curl
4:25 – DB Preacher Curl
5:20 – Incline Curl
5:34 – Lying DB Curl
6:08 – Scott Curl
6:30 – Flat Bench Curl
7:01 – Machine Preacher Curl
7:16 – Waiter Curl
7:35 – Drag Curl
8:11 – Spider Curl
8:31 – Chin-Ups
9:01 – 21s
10:12 – Standard Cable Curl
10:28 – Face Away Bayesian Cable Curl
11:11 – Bayesian Cable Curl Variation
11:45 – Cheat Curl
12:30 – Strict Curl
13:06 – Hammer Curl
14:15 – Preacher Hammer Curl
14:25 – Inverse Zottman Curl
15:06 – The Muscle Ladder Book



Intra-Set Rest

Preacher Curls vs Incline Curls

Lengthened Partials vs Full ROM


Filmed by Cam Cline
Edited by Rickie Ho & Jeff Nippard (
Music sourced from Epidemic Sound


About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 15 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.



  1. The effort you put in is incredible!

  2. 9:57 you really don't give an F about your toes?!? 🀣

  3. Waiter curl S tier, you’re doing it wrong. Which is surprising ❀

  4. I NEED you to finish this series

  5. Someone help me out
    I face terrible muscle imbalance in my biceps
    For eg: when doing hammer curls, when my left hand reaches failure, for the same number of reps and same weight, my right is barely halfway done
    What do i do
    Should i train both to failure, or should i match the reps

  6. I also do overhand cable curl it also targets on forearms but also some muscles that other exercises don’t cover

  7. 4:07 i'd rather pause for 1 or 2 seconds and get 2-3 more good reps

  8. Hi guys i have a question.
    So i just started going to the gym and i need a Bizeps workout so judging by this video could i use all S tier ranked workouts for the best results or would this be wrong. Would be nice if someone could help me!

  9. justice for targeted individuals

  10. I love the modified 21's. I'll give them a whirl on Thursday πŸ™‚

  11. the curl that doesn’t have a name should be called the nippard curl

  12. Precher Curls hurt so I think I do something wrong. I also rarely see people do them in my gym.

  13. Can you do best and worse glute?

  14. What about the reverse grip curls?

  15. Concentration curl!?!

  16. I love cheat curls, but they destroy my elbows…..

  17. Broo get this mf a degree

  18. Just did your bicep and tricep S tier and had the biggest pump of my life.

    I’m talking Arnie levels lol.

    Thanks Jeff!

    – Glenn in Calgary πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  19. what's the best for the
    Long head
    for the short head

  20. Chest curls are essential for bi growth allow u to do negatives without a spot

  21. This is URGENT!!!! Hey Guys! I just wanted to share with you the Good News of Christ. This is the eternal life in heaven and the adoption as God's children that Jesus gave to humanity when He decided to sacrifice Himself and die on the cross because of His great love for us. He knows how painful it would be, but Jesus still chose to do it. The only thing He wants is that we truly believe in and love Him to receive eternal life, obey His commands, stop sinning, and live a moral life like Jesus did. Time is running out, guys, and Jesus wants us to be with Him in heaven before the whole world falls apart.

    Please remember that Jesus' sacrifice and all of His commands, no matter how difficult they feel like, are for us because He loves us so much. Jesus doesn't want us to suffer in hell forever but instead to live a joyful, perfect life in heaven with God for eternity. JESUS IS COMING BACKπŸ˜ƒ

  22. My right bicep is bigger than my left. How to I get them the same ?

  23. En espaΓ±ol por favorrrrrree

  24. My arms have been blowing out on barbell preacher curls and straight barbell reverse curls. I don't even really touch dumbbells πŸ€™πŸ½

  25. I love this guy ❀ all natural and speaks nothing but factsπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’ͺ🏼

  26. I think it should be called the "Nippard cable curl"

  27. Call it the valkyrie curl


  29. So I should basically only do preacher curls

  30. I've been lifting properly for 18 months and my biceps just do not want to grow. I've put on some decent size in most places. My chest in particular responded very quickly. I've tried upping/lowering the volume but can't find any success.

  31. Any good short and long head bicep workouts?

  32. Really informative, simply explain.

  33. What about just regular Zottman curls?

  34. Funny thing is, his bayesian curl setup is awful. As he does it it's just an incline bench curl but standing. You can see at the full stretch his hand is in line with the cable and all of the forces go through his bones and connective tissue: there is no resistance on the biceps at its stretch. To fix his form: lift the cable arm much higher so that at the stretch the cable makes about 90 degrees with your arm, or at least close to it. Also, push your hips forward to increase the angle between your body and your arm, thus stretching the biceps more at the shoulder. It will be much more difficult, so maybe lower the weight.

  35. 🚨 Someone that doesn’t have impressive biceps like you should not be preaching as an expert in training them. I could go on about just about every exercise that you showed and where you placed them but I just don’t have the time. The top tier exercises are laughable.
    I’ve taken 1st place in every lifetime natural bodybuilding competition that I entered including taking two 1st place trophies home in my first show only 1-1/2 years after first joining a gym. One as a novice and one in the men’s open in the tall class, which has the largest men on stage.
    I competed in the ANBC in New Jersey back in the early 90’s and I never would have won all those shows if I listened to the philosophies that you are speaking of here. One example… learn the importance of cheater barbell curls. Has anyone ever heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, or Jay Cutler.?
    Yes, they juice but the lifting style in all exercises is the same to grow muscle whether you are on or off gear like myself. My 60 year old biceps are way more developed that yours and they’ve been the same size since the early 90s so to all your young guys, it has nothing to do with the fact of how long I’ve been lifting because you only grown to a certain size in the beginning, and then you just maintain throughout the rest of your life.
    Toss those strict standing up against the wall, bicep curls right into the trash bin along with that weird cable bicep curl that you show at the end. My bis shrunk just watching that.
    3M followers and all a bunch of kids that know nothing about how to build a champion body like I did all completely inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger and his encyclopedia πŸ†πŸ’ͺ🏼
    Bro, you look like 18% BF with not one visible defined muscle or vein showing anywhere yet your this huge expert on YouTube.?? I’m 11% year round for the past 15 years.

  36. Aren't you going to finish the list? Hamstrings, Glutes, Traps, Forearms, Core?

  37. Cheers Jeff now I gotta wait another day to do biceps now

  38. My submission for the varied Bayesian cable curls name = Seagull curls

  39. That Bayesian Cable Curl variation should be called The Wolverine Curl.

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