The Best Meal Plan To Lose Fat Faster (EAT LIKE THIS!)

» The Best Meal Plan To Lose Fat Faster (EAT LIKE THIS!)

If you’ve attempted a weight loss diet plan of your own, then you’re probably aware that at the end of the day, weight loss is all about calories in versus calories out. Scientifically speaking this is the basic law of thermodynamics for any fat loss diet, but what this simplistic model fails to account for is how the various foods you put into your body then go about affecting these two variables. The truth is that you also need to pay close attention to the types of foods you’re ingesting everyday AND also how you go about ingesting them in your weight loss diet, as that’s what makes all the difference. In this video, I’ll go through how to eat to lose weight (with 3 diet swaps) that can enable you to lose fat faster, and provide you with a sample fat loss meal plan that puts this all together for you.

The first swap you’ll want to do with your weight loss diet is to stick mostly with minimally-processed foods. Not only are these less processed foods beneficial when dieting in the sense that they generally provide more nutrients and keep us fuller for longer, but they also have another benefit that has to do with something called the thermic effect of food, which is the amount of calories that our body burns to metabolize and actually use the foods that we ingest. And one of the unique fat loss benefits about unprocessed foods is that in most cases our body burns significantly more calories when digesting unprocessed foods than it does when compared to their processed counterparts. So, you can further influence the “calories out” side of the equation and potentially speed up the fat loss process by simply swapping these foods for whole grain, less processed foods instead.

Next, let’s dive into how you then go about distributing your meals (aka calories) for your fat loss diet. Research indicates that there does seem to be some indirect fat loss benefits to allocating more calories to your meals early on in the day, and is something that I’ve personally noticed as well. Now obviously this does vary for the individual and may depend on when your workout takes place, I would highly suggest even if you’re intermittent fasting, for example, to at least experiment with just shifting more of your calories to your first meal of the day as it does seem to have some unique benefits in terms of enabling you to control your cravings, burn more calories and potentially create greater fat loss results in the long run as a result.

Now the last swap for your weight loss diet plan is to not only choose mostly unprocessed foods to include your diet, but choose the ones that are highly satiating. As this will enable you to better adhere to your diet and minimize any excess snacking you may be doing that’s sabotaging your calorie deficit. For example, even with calories equated for, simply swapping whole grain bread for oats instead will provide a 25% greater effect on suppressing your hunger. And similarly swapping brown rice for whole grain pasta or boiled potatoes would provide a 30%, or 60% boost in satiation respectively. So what I’d suggest is look over the index and experiment with swapping some of these more satiating foods into your diet and seeing how your body and appetite responds.

So hopefully the video and sample meal plan at the end gives you a little more insight into how to eat to lose weight and how you can start planning your meals based on what I want through while still keeping everything tasty and satisfying. Although some of the swaps I mention here CAN definitely help speed up the fat loss process, just know at the end of the day adhering to a calorie deficit is most important. So experiment with your diet and stick to what you find works best for you and your lifestyle. And for an all in one step-by-step program that not only optimizes your weekly workouts for you, but also shows you how to structure and set up your diet with the right foods and in the right amounts so that you can burn fat as efficiently as possible with science, then simply take the analysis quiz below to discover which specific program is best for your body and where it’s currently at:

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Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo






  1. Hope you enjoyed this one! For more diet & training guidance, take our free analysis quiz at to find which of our step-by-step programs are best suited for transforming your specific body. Cheers!

    P.S. – I somehow managed to totally forget to list the macros of the meal plan and each meal. My apologies. Here they are below:

    Breakfast (with toppings):
    ~900 calories, 50g protein, 123g carbs, 32g fat
    ~450 calories, 29g protein, 53g carbs, 11g fat
    Snack (orange + shake):
    ~150 calories, 24g protein, 16g carbs, 2g fat
    ~350 calories, 39g protein, 16g carbs, 16g fat
    Yogurt Parfait:
    ~200 calories, 20g protein, 21g carbs, 5g fat

    ~2,100 calories, 163g protein, 230g carbs, 66g fat

  2. My problem is that there's a huge gap between lunch and dinner for me, due to my super early wake time (I'm an early riser, typically getting up at around 4.30!!!). I typically have lunch around 11, and dinner around 5.30 / 6 pm with the family. The afternoon feels sooo long… I'm now experimenting with cutting 100 calories from my breakfast and 50 from my lunch to give myself a bigger allowance in the afternoon. My goal is to lose 1 kg of belly fat… Thanks for your video!!!

  3. Fat loss ke liye sirf calories nahi, khane ka tarika bhi matter karta hai. Ye meal plan game changer lag raha hai!

  4. "What’s your opinion on the keto diet?"

  5. I wonder if this info is geared more towards men or if women can benefit from this long term as well?

  6. Thank you so much for this video. It was very instructive.

  7. Perfectly executed video. So easy to follow along with.

  8. Es increíble cómo explicas todo tan claro y motivador. ¡Sigue así, eres un crack! 🚀

  9. Many of your recipes involve "sugar free" sweeteners. I can't have any sort of artificial sweeteners at all (major trigger for my IBS.) Am I doomed since real sugar, honey, and agave instantly turn everything into a high-calorie food?

  10. This was a really great video as I’m trying to lose weight and get more disciplined in my eating habits

  11. Breakfast is the most important meal or the day

  12. Wow! This was incredibly helpful and thank you for the demo meal plan as well 🙏🏼⚡️

  13. I have loose 21 kgs weight in just 2 months

  14. What if you are working? What is the best meal a day? And the time of exercise?

  15. Thanks for helping me understand this so clearly.

  16. Did anyone else notice the "we will make pancakes from minimally processed foods" part? The benefit of unprocessed foods comes from their lack of processing, so by blending them into a fine powder to form a liquid, you would have processed them, no? You basically just defeated the point.

  17. Is this ok for women as well

  18. Great and interesting meal plan for weight loss. Good vedio.

  19. Yes, it is real. Everything you read through in the Tami Nolon Cfd, eating plan guide. The three weeks I have lost Seven lbs, 2.5 in off my waistline and Two inches my hips – Am one jeans size smaller. Whoop whoop.

  20. Always tons of scientifically backed info. Great work !!

  21. In just a month, I lost 40 pounds. Down from 115 kg to 97 kg, waist dropped from 40” to 34”. IF has been amazing! The tonic I use has been a great boost for weight loss. The personalized plans, simple steps, and incredible support made it easy to stay on track. I feel confident, energized, and healthier than ever.

  22. I absolutely love your videos. I always lear something new and I feel motivated after watching.

  23. Hilarious how many people come watch this and just crack jokes knowing they are gonna stay fatties.

  24. A affordable easy meal plan to use:

    Breakfast(Skip if not hungry): Granola and yoghurt or overnight oats with fruit

    Lunch:pasta or salad with your favourite choice of protein

    Dinner: Korean rice bowl or Kimbap

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