The ONLY 2 Biceps Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)

» The ONLY 2 Biceps Exercises You Need (NO, SERIOUSLY!)

What would you say if I told you that there are only two biceps exercises you need to do? In this video, I am going to show you the two biceps exercises that should make up the bare minimum of your biceps workouts. Not only are these two exercises great for building big biceps, but they are the two exercises that created the foundation of my biceps training.

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Some might tell you that you only need two exercises total in order to build a muscle group. I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be limited to picking just two exercises for a muscle group because each one often has multiple muscle heads as well as multiple functions that can be targeted individually through exercise selection.

The chest is a great example of this; it has three heads as well as two separate functions. Some might tell you that all you need is a flat bench press and an incline bench press. You are only hitting two of the three heads of the chest with this selection and while you are pressing, you are not getting any adduction – another major function of the chest.

With the biceps, you have three major functions: supination of the forearm, elbow flexion and shoulder flexion. However, you are able to attack all three functions with just about any biceps exercise you do, since they are all a version of a curl. This means that you are not required to have a whole range of exercises, unless you are ready to take you biceps training to the next level.

But in the case of needing two exercises to build big biceps, this is simply what the absolute foundation of your biceps training should include. Not every single biceps workout needs to include both of these exercises, but a complete training plan will at least build off or include them at some point. As a matter of fact, these two biceps exercises were staples in my early training that helped me to build the big arms that I have today.

The first exercise up is the strict curl / cheat curl drop set. This is simple, stand with your back, butt, and head against the wall and curl the weight up without losing contact with the wall at any of these points of contact. Perform these curls to failure and then immediately step away from the wall. Here, you are to perform a set of cheat curls, allowing for a little momentum and cheat to get the weight up. Be mindful of the eccentric portion of the lift, however. You will want to lower the weight slow and controlled to get the most benefits out of the exercise.

This drop set combination is great for building big biceps because you are able to overload the muscles with heavier weight in both portions of the lift. Not only that, but the ability to take an exercise to and through failure is a key component to new muscle growth.

The next exercise requires nothing but a pullup bar and your own bodyweight. This is something I did fro ma very young age and I think was a major factor in the development of my biceps. The exercise is simply to flex your arms while holding the bar and sticking your head forward so that the back of your head is in front of the pullup bar. This will make sure that you are not only in elbow flexion and forearm supination, but you are getting shoulder flexion as well.

So what do you do from this position? Well, in order to build bigger biceps you can simply flex and hold there as long as possible and fight the negative. Fight the descent of your body through the entirety of the movement. The key here is to make sure that you are keeping an open angle, about 90 degrees, on your arms while holding the bar.

Similar to performing a chin-up, you don’t want to close the gap between your biceps and your forearms as you will start to activate your lats, which is something you want to avoid if you are looking to isolate and build big biceps.

Now, if you want to take your biceps training to the next level that hits every function of the biceps as well as targets the muscle from different angles, there are many exercises to choose from. I don’t think we should ever be limited to just two exercises for a muscle group, the biceps included. But you should at least start with these two exercises to build the foundation of your biceps growth.

If you are looking for a complete step-by-step training program that will take your workouts to the next level, be sure to head over to and find the workout program that matches your goals.

For more videos on how to get big biceps and the best exercises to do just that, make sure you to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on notifications so that you never miss a new video when it’s published.



  1. THE GIVEAWAY IS BACK – I’m giving away my brand new complete 90 Day Beaxst PPL program to 40 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 40, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! Clicking twice does nothing. Only one entry per video. Remember to watch to the end for more workouts.

    If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. Hindi mein bole na be

  3. Body building is for short dudes

  4. I use these massive boulders in my yard. the people in the apartments around me, think ive totally lost my shit 😂

  5. Your videos are the best. To failure. Absolutely

  6. Your triceps is 2/3 of your upper arm and your arm looks incomplete without huge thick triceps. 5:17

  7. Next video, facepulls for biceps

  8. Thank you very much sir! im trinyg my best to improve! i am 17 yo i weight 55kg only for now… which is underweight i am 5'6 i wish to grow more too! maybe doing this workouts can do me best mwehehe!! thanksss! ill save my jobeng i love youuu

  9. i did 2 long time minimal grow. gone to 5 different ones big grow. So i am very supprised what u say in this video!.

  10. I will try those curls against the wall 🙂

  11. needed this, ive got my triceps down but didnt know how to get my biceps until seeing this. thanks bro 💪

  12. 3:45 Jeff starts to activate the Kaioken against Majin Bar

  13. i got the same pants as you

  14. Perez Brenda Martin Mary Martinez Brenda

  15. sir my doubt is you actually said that resistance bands are easier and productive way to build muscle.. then why are you not using resistance bands for the workout

  16. Dude you’re killing your gains 🤣🤣🤣

  17. Pf course we TRUST ya; your the SHIT !!! 🦾💪🔥😠🙏

  18. I'm 61 and work out a lot to your videos, but I can't seem to get the highest point of the bicep. THe underarm region Even looking at yours, they are in the middle.

    Everyone applauds the bicep peak, BUT I want my bicep and upper bicep to join my tricep and pec region (where my under arm is)

  19. that bicep peak ⛰ just love it 🤯

  20. Smith Margaret Lopez Nancy Martin Ronald

  21. If you don't incorporate a twist in the curl you actually aren't even working the biceps main function, which is to elbow flex the hand from palm down to palm up. Straight wrist curls focus mostly on the brachialis not the biceps?! Come on Jeff!

  22. Just as someone may like licorice, and another may throw up (me), so too should a workout routine vary based on your body type. This would include bone structure/size to muscle/size connection. Everyone is built different. This is to say, you have to experiment/trial & error, to discover which exercise is the "BEST" for your body type, to get your individual/ optimum results. I've never heard anyone explain this perspective. One size does not fit all. Goodluck!

  23. I've been playing video games after covid hit for 5 years and i cant do pull ups that well anymore. Any tips for grip strength?

  24. I wonder what Jeff's body fat is.

  25. for whatever reason, around 1:55 I get the vibe from Jeff as if he was a white Barack Obama 😀

  26. Too many bro, can you cut it down to 1?

  27. Guys whats a good option if u cant extend arms fully at the elbow? Like if I only bring the curl down halfway, will i still get benefit?

  28. Incredibly useful stuff! Thanks!

  29. You're skinny….. Why would i listen to you at all bro.

  30. Hi Jeff. When I do the pull-ups and hang in this video, I feel them mostly in my lats, not my biceps. What am I doing wrong?

  31. to what height should you curl your dumbell for maximum growth

  32. Thanks you Lewendosky your videos always help me!!!!!!!

  33. How many sets should be done?

  34. Does "focusing on the eccentric" mean focus on the negative rep?

  35. Those are the most beautiful bicepses on the internet, bro.

  36. Hey Geoff, you probably won't see this with all you're busy with and that's fine but I just happened to be looking at some videos after i had surgery to repair a distal rupture (currently in physio as well) and was surprised to see you had the same injury but didnt opt for the surgery, is there any particular reason? I'm only 32 and I do manual labour for a living, I went to lift a table (i was delivering tables and i had stacked them up myself, theyre relatively light for me) and went to lift it and with no strain or indication I heard 3 pops and bam, full thickness tear.

  37. You need to make shorter videos with bullet points for viewers to see in the gym.Witj all this talk it takes me 10 minutes to find the exercise itself.

  38. The ONLY 2 Bicep Excercises You Need to Tear Your Bicep

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