Why Pro Bodybuilder Mike Sommerfeld Takes These 10 Supplements for Recovery

» Why Pro Bodybuilder Mike Sommerfeld Takes These 10 Supplements for Recovery

The 2025 Arnold Classic champ reveals his deep stack to rebound post-show.

Pro bodybuilding contest preparation can cause extreme physical and mental stress. Classic Physique bodybuilder Mike Sommerfeld detailed the supplement stack that helped him recover from his 2025 Arnold Classic Physique victory on Feb. 28.

Sommerfeld’s recovery stack is biased toward reducing inflammation and restoring balance, allowing for continuous progress in the gym.

Sommerfeld’s Recovery Stack

  1. Sleep Formula
  2. Multivitamins
  3. Stress-Support
  4. High-Dose Vitamin C
  5. Thyroid Support
  6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  7. Liver Support
  8. Creatine
  9. Electrolytes
  10. Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) 

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Sleep Formula

Sleep plays the greatest role in recovery. Melatonin supplements are popular, as they mimic natural melatonin, a hormone produced by the body that helps regulate sleep cycles.

Melatonin’s effects on sleep, health, and muscle recovery are detectable, though sleep benefits appear modest for most people. (1)(2)(3) Sommerfeld’s sleep formula includes Ashwagandha, Magnesium, Zinc, and B vitamins, which promote sleep by supporting nerve health and relaxation. 


Multivitamins conveniently supplement vitamins and minerals without adding calories. Sommerfeld understands their value as an elite athlete, noting, “I take this every day, 365 days a year, especially during contest prep.” Nutritional deficiencies might impair recovery, and multivitamins help fill nutritional gaps.


“As soon as I drop the dumbbells, I take [stress support] pills to decrease stress levels,” Sommerfeld said. Training increases stress and cortisol levels temporarily. If cortisol stays elevated for prolonged periods, it is catabolic to muscle tissue. Adaptogens like ashwagandha are linked to reduced stress and anxiety. (4)(5)(6)

High-Dose Vitamin C

Sommerfeld takes four grams of vitamin C daily throughout the day, citing immune support and reduced water retention, possibly due to a diuretic effect, reduced inflammation, and kidney function benefits. 

Excessive Vitamin C supplementation can hinder muscle growth, strength, and performance adaptations. (7)(8)

Thyroid Support 

The thyroid is a small neck gland that regulates metabolism, energy, and overall health. Extreme dieting, like during bodybuilding contest prep, reduces triiodothyronine (T3), the active thyroid-regulating hormone. Low T3 can slow metabolism and make fat loss more challenging. 

Bodybuilding prep elevates stress and cortisol and lowers leptin (hunger-regulating hormone), which can suppress thyroid functions. (9)(10) Two ingredients in Sommerfeld’s thyroid support, Guggul and Coleus Forskohlii, showed increased T3 and T4 levels, suggesting enhanced thyroid function. (11)(12)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s have documented benefits for reducing inflammation and supporting heart health.

Liver Support

Sommerfeld takes liver support daily for his genetic liver condition, explaining that “The liver is not just a filter; it produces IGF-1, which is crucial for muscle growth.” (13)(14)(15) Milk thistle and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) appear to have hepatoprotective properties. (16)(17)


Creatine is safe, effective, and well-studied. “Creatine does not damage your kidneys. If your kidneys are already unhealthy, levels may rise, but it’s not creatine’s fault,” Sommerfeld asserted. A wealth of studies have demonstrated creatine’s safety. 

Creatine has been shown to increase muscle size, strength, and power output and enhance brain performance. 

[Related: Creatine Monohydrate vs. Hydrochloride — What’s the Difference?]


Electrolytes—potassium, sodium, and magnesium—are essential for muscle function, hydration, and cramp prevention. (18)

Human Milk Oligosaccharides

HMOs may help support a healthy gut for better nutrient absorption. “We extracted the most powerful ingredient from breast milk (HMOs) known to rebuild your microbiome,” Sommerfeld explained.

HMOs shape gut microbiota in infants. A 2020 study using a simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) found similar benefits for adults, though more research is needed. (19)

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Featured image: @mikethebadass on Instagram

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