How to Protect Your Cats (and Backyard Chickens) From Bird Flu

For cats who enjoy spending time outside, Feah says that leashed walks are a good option. She also encourages cat owners to consider constructing secure catios or enclosed and covered outdoor areas, to allow the animals to still get fresh air and the sensory stimulation of being outside, but without theContinue Reading

One Photographer’s Quest to Redefine the Shark

I expected to meet a dreaded “man-eater,” but when I saw it, I realized that it was a defenseless animal, more afraid of me than I was of it. That moment aroused my curiosity, and I decided to learn more about sharks. I travelled to the island of Guadalupe offContinue Reading

Airplanes of the Future Could Be Fitted with Feather-Like Flaps

These findings could be hugely important for the future of the aviation industry. Climate change is making weather conditions more unpredictable and severe. Over the past four decades, the frequency of extreme turbulence events has increased by 55 percent. To ensure passenger safety, aircraft must become more resilient and capableContinue Reading

Scientists Just Created a ‘Woolly Mouse’ With Mammoth-Like Fur

De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences has gene-edited mice to have mammoth-like features, creating what the company calls the Colossal Woolly Mouse. The lab mice, which have been modified to have shaggy fur and golden coats, are a demonstration of the kind of gene edits that the company hopes to perform onContinue Reading

Your Next Pet Could Be a Glowing Rabbit

Humans have been selectively breeding cats and dogs for thousands of years to make more desirable pets. A new startup called the Los Angeles Project aims to speed up that process with genetic engineering to make glow-in-the-dark rabbits, hypoallergenic cats and dogs, and possibly, one day, actual unicorns. The LosContinue Reading

Years ago, on the Gulf of California, Palacios began implanting small acoustic devices in rays that transform them into data messengers. Fishermen, hired for the task, capture the animals and then return them to the water. This strategy is known as passive acoustic telemetry, and although seemingly invasive, is carriedContinue Reading