The Biggest US Banks Have All Backed Out of a Commitment to Reach Net Zero

Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel for the shareholder advocacy nonprofit As You Sow, said disclosure is a prerequisite for holding banks to their climate goals. ”We want to understand what it is they’re doing,” she said. Laws like California’s bring to light the financial instability wrought by fossil-fuel-driven climate changeContinue Reading

This Goopy Seaweed Slurry Could Make Its Way Into Everything You Eat and Wear

Seaweed forests have become a much-plumbed well for anyone seeking solutions to some of the world’s biggest environmental problems. Companies with a climate-conscious bent are using seaweed instead of petroleum-derived materials to make products like sustainable shopping bags and furniture. Growing more seaweed forests has been hailed as a wayContinue Reading

I’m Not Convinced Ethical Generative AI Currently Exists

Are there generative AI tools I can use that are perhaps slightly more ethical than others?—Better Choices No, I don’t think any one generative AI tool from the major players is more ethical than any other. Here’s why. For me, the ethics of generative AI use can be broken downContinue Reading

California’s Problem Now Isn’t Fire—It’s Rain

California’s weather whiplash has been a problem dating back centuries, or more. Fire is a natural and necessary part of California’s diverse ecosystems, but the so-called “expanding bull’s-eye” of urban areas spreading into prime wildfire zones has complicated things. Before humans arrived in Southern California, Safford estimates, the average watershedContinue Reading

Federal Spending Freeze Threatens Ecosystems and Public Safety

Environmental advocates warned that the order could have immediate and dire consequences for Americans if it takes effect. “From the White House, this is the reckless stroke of a pen,” said Manish Bapna, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, in a statement. “On the ground, it’s a cold homeContinue Reading

The Cause of the LA Fires Might Never Be Known—but AI Is Hunting for Clues

Karen Short, a research ecologist with the Forest Service who contributed to the study and maintains a historical database of national wildfire reports, says understanding why they start is essential for preventing them and educating the public. Strategic prevention appears to work: According to the National Fire Protection Association, houseContinue Reading