Caught in the Shockwave: Japan-US Relations Under Trump

Since the unprecedented bust-up between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on February 28, the Japanese government has been struggling to cope with the rapidly changing situation.  Opposition parties are calling for Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru to join forces with European countries that have expressed solidarity withContinue Reading

Japan and South Korea in the Age of ‘America First’

For both Japan and South Korea, political stability seems like a distant goal. In Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and junior partner Komeito hold a minority of seats in the parliament, putting their government in the precarious position of needing to sway commitments from various opposition parties to passContinue Reading

The Strange Stability of the Japan-US Relationship

The events that have transpired so far in the realm of foreign policy make it clear: nothing should be taken for granted under a second Donald Trump administration. Under Trump, the United States is no longer a graceful benefactor of allies and regional partners, but a restless giant that demandsContinue Reading