In a lengthy social media post on Tuesday, the former vice presidential running mate shared her testimony about her “baptism story,” in which she recalls feeling “a heaviness settle over me, thick and suffocating, like the air before a storm.”
— Nicole Shanahan (@NicoleShanahan) February 25, 2025
The 39-year-old philanthropist and patent lawyer who was previously married to Google founder Sergey Brin described the overwhelming moment that brought her to prayer.
“At that moment, I could only think to bow my head, close my eyes, and offer a silent prayer to God,” she said in the X post.
Shanahan and her former running mate Kennedy, who is now Trump’s secretary of health and human services, ran a hard-fought and independent bid for president but dropped out in August after she revealed in an emotional podcast interview how Democrats and their allies repeatedly sued to attempt to block their campaign from securing ballot access in all 50 states.
RFK’s VP Nicole Shanahan on how the DNC sabotaged their campaign and forced them to be a spoiler. She was a Democrat.
“They kept us off stages, manipulated polls, sued us in every possible state, and even planted insiders in our campaign.”
— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) August 20, 2024
In addition to suspending their campaign in August, Shanahan said in her X post that her family then suffered a “heart-wrenching loss” the following month that she declined to speak about in detail.
She said her faith journey was aided by her masseuse named Ade, whom she described as a “kind, quiet Christian” who would silently pray over her while he worked without letting her know.
“It wasn’t until months later that he told me about it. To this day, he remembers the first time we met and how worried he was about me,” she said.
Shanahan recalled asking him if he knew anyone who could help keep “bad energy” away, such as “an exorcism.”
He said he would help her when she was “ready” and later connected her with Diane Robinson, who helped conduct a baptism in Shanahan’s pool alongside her husband, Peter, on Jan. 19, the eve of President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
She reflected on her experience as a child seeing her father addicted to alcohol and said he would “fall into manic rages” but she “never seriously considered whether demons were real — until recently.”
“Honestly, my last year in politics changed that,” the former vice presidential candidate wrote. “Learning just how far some will go to inflict atrocities on innocent Americans has shocked me awake. Other unexplainable events have also forced me to reconsider whether we are waging a war not merely with flesh and blood but with spiritual forces.”
“Many people shy away from acknowledging the reality of spiritual warfare,” Shanahan said in the X post. “But anyone who has seen addiction up close or lived through deep trauma and witnessed how evil takes hold in this world knows that the battle of good versus evil isn’t just theoretical — it’s real and all around us.”
The California lawyer closed her post with “Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraveunt qui aedificant eam,” translated as: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”