OSTEOPOROSIS? 5 Exercises to NEVER do !

» OSTEOPOROSIS? 5 Exercises to NEVER do !

If you have low bone mass density or Osteoporosis, then there are specific movements you need to avoid to prevent compression or wedge fractures. In this video, I will explain the exercises to avoid AND why it’s important to focus on posture and back strengthening exercises.

To my valued YouTube subscribers, I have categorized my most popular videos based on body parts, from headaches to foot pain to make it easier for viewers to watch helpful videos. Enjoy & hope they help!

Headaches, dizziness, jaw & TMJ pain:

Jaw and Headaches https://youtu.be/DMCNQpUPBrQ
2 Exercises for a healthy neck https://youtu.be/uAbDd1oFfzM
Shoulder pain with overhead reaching https://youtu.be/DioQviQ67Xo
Cure your shoulder tendonitis https://youtu.be/M75Cl2Ku2IY
3 ways to strengthen your Shoulder rotator cuff https://youtu.be/1DYH8NX-uNE
At home Frozen Shoulder exercises https://youtu.be/YPiXbktPLaE
Shoulder dislocation exercise program https://youtu.be/2WqAW-k3HWs
Improve your posture with this exercise https://youtu.be/hhQkbd7vfqY
Arm pain? Check your supraspinatus muscle https://youtu.be/ygrtePXp8h0
Lower back stiffness on one side? https://youtu.be/fbzub0TODBw
My #1 exercise for strengthening your Lower Back https://youtu.be/18BEaZWG5HY
5 minute daily core exercises https://youtu.be/DTMyPikgazA
Hip and Lower back stretching routine https://youtu.be/-bMNk0U6QN4
Piriformis muscle tightness (hip muscle) https://youtu.be/yhuvRIkq0IA
Knee pain exercises https://youtu.be/1QWPtma7KHQ
Foam rolling for hip pain https://youtu.be/1SFFRs6q168
Over 50? Daily exercise routine to stay flexible https://youtu.be/-3p4U2-j4DQ
Over 50? 3 must do stretching exercises https://youtu.be/yD3SZDfsmLI
Over 50? 5 Exercises all Seniors should do https://youtu.be/yQ0G5x5hI28
Outer foot pain https://youtu.be/GpgqVjq2zXk
Treat your lateral ankle sprain https://youtu.be/WlcN6G7NbfE
Big toe pain https://youtu.be/9OGdFwOxtz4

#osteoporosis #osteoporosisprevention #osteoporosisexercises



  1. Can i do cardio like bicycle with osteoporosis?

  2. lol I do all of those and I have full blown osteoporosis hahaha wear weighted vests when walking getting stronger everyday… carry 45 lb kettle bells in farmer walk also skipping , medicine ball work to .. not changing my workout 😂😂😂 your making it sound fearful don’t scare people ,,,,sorry had to unsubb …

  3. Is it ok to bend once at a time, just to keep that bending possibility?

  4. I have also found being a Yoga and Fitness trainer ,utilizing props as in chairs,walls to avoid complete folds are very helpful and modified versions

  5. Are they safe for osteopenia?

  6. which are good to do?

  7. I noticed over a period of about 18 months. I could feel myself getting more frail and weaker despite exercising and weight training with a trainer. I could no longer do many yoga poses I had been doing for years and went from 12lb weights to now 8 lb. My bones and muscular systems definitely breaking down. Diagnosed with osteoporosis and scoliosis. Its disheartening.

  8. What about tiny crunches (I made up the name) ?? Where you only lift up your shoulders about 5 to 6 inches from the floor and lower back stays glued to the floor. I have an old spinal compression fracture in L4 and this does not hurt my back but if it is bad I will stop doing it. Just not sure how else to strengthen my tummy muscles.

  9. Thank you so much for this! This might be a stupid question, but I realized that when I sleep I often sleep in a curled up position – is this something to be avoided too? Probably yes then, right?

  10. Thank you for your video. I am learning a lot already. I am 47 years old and perform bone densitometry exams on patients, Radiology technologist- mammographer also. I thought I was very educated on this topic especially after passing my state registry exam for bone densitometry 6/2023. However, then I had my own bone density and have osteoporosis in lumbar spine. Fast forward to now: I have been trying to live a health lifestyle with diet and exercise especially and similar to these ones here in video regardless of medical conditions like asthma and Rheumatoid Arthritis stage 1; the list goes on. I look like a normal and health person however, I experienced extreme pain last week in my thoracic spine. I was diagnosed with a T11 compression fracture and very painful. I have to be off work and assuming at least 3 months with possible surgery. Yoga is very good for someone with RA however, the osteoporosis was not mentioned for any yoga program and to consult with physician first. Again, thank you for sharing and this was very informative.

  11. Is there a better website? My device is telling me that website is not valid.

  12. I can leave out most of those exercises but LOVE doing Forward Fold.

  13. Can you do the forward folds if you hinge at the hip and keep your back flat?

  14. Thank you, I'm a lot like your client and will modify my yoga and pilates pronto! I've just been diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis in the lumbar spine at age 56 despite a very active lifestyle.

  15. I think I am gonna take your advice avoiding things that crunch the spine. I can incorporate some good newexercises with the nest of my old. Many of my work out were recommended by physical therapy. I added some yoga.

  16. I swim and have osteoporosis. So I am not suposed to do the butterfly.??.

  17. I have very, very advanced osteoporosis. The forward bend stuff kind of feels good, stretches my lower back, but boy howdy, all the rest of those will set off fire alarms. Osteoporosis far enough along is like getting a whole new body. Guess we need new challenges?

  18. Hurts me just to watch those .

  19. What about stair climber. I have to hold on because afraid of falling off

  20. A lot of those exercises are not yoga

  21. For Pity’s sake, you tell us what not to do but you could’ve shown at least one exercise for our spine that is safe for those of us with osteoporosis. Come on now!

  22. Thank you for your demonstration, that was very helpful. Great video!

  23. I cannot get my friend to listen to this, and she is going to injure herself!

  24. Is downward dog a bad position for osteoporosis?? I am just recently diagnoses with this and I practice yoga 🙁 Cat cow, twists? Thinking I'm doing something healthy but maybe I'm not. 🙁

  25. A forward fold is much more than just bending over. You lift your sit bones and engage your butt muscles. This stabilized your lower spine. I was just diagnosed with osteoporosis, but just in the spine. Somehow when I was a child my L5 was fractured. I wasn’t diagnosed until after a pregnancy in which I gained a lot of weight. I was in a lot of pain and was determined not to have any type of surgery. Yoga saved me from a life of pain. I do forward folds as described above and have been for 20+ year. They relieve stiffness and tightness in the lower back. I do have hyper mobility in most of my joints and I’m super bendy.

  26. this is so illuminating! thank you!

  27. Thank you for examples for the exercises not to do with osteoporosis. I have low bone density at my lower back, is there any weight bearing or other exercises that I can do to increase my bone density there? Thank you!!

  28. Will CBD help?

  29. Million thanks for giving me one more reason to avoid exercise 😂😂😂

  30. I’m shocked that there isn’t wide certification of exercise instructors for osteoporosis! One false move and game over! Grateful to have found your help!!!!!

  31. Thank you for all the information ❤️. What about scoliosis? Thx

  32. What about a rowing machine workout? Is that stressful on the vertebrae? Thanks.

  33. THANK YOU for this video. I’ve seen so many exercise routines supposedly for osteoporosis that have people doing exactly these sorts of exercises. One of the best pieces of advice I heard in a video with a very experienced therapist who specialises in working with osteoporotic people with vertebral fractures was this: If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis you have to accept there are things you must not do to lessen the risk of fracture. This lady specified some of the yoga and pilates moves that involved forward flexion or extreme twisting with bends. There are still lots of yoga and pilates moves that are safe and the recommendation was not to stop these exercise forms but to stop specific movements that place strain on the spine which is weak in osteoporotic people. These suggestions came from work done in Japan in the 80s that compared flexion exercises such as sit ups with other exercises in relation to fracture and it was clearly demonstrated that those doing flexion movements sustained fractures. Accept what movements you must avoid, the movements you might need to modify and those which are safe. There are plenty of things people with osteo CAN do. Eliminating the risk by stopping the others makes sense.

  34. Thankyou for sharing
    Now I know

  35. Is doing dead lift good

  36. OMG! I was doing all these wrong exercises. Thank you for your valuable advise.

  37. Well that's just ruined my daily yoga

  38. Sir i am a ankylosing spondylitis patient.Sir how can i prevent the low bone density or osteoporosis i cann't run cause i have knee osteoarthritis due to sports injury? please help me sir with some advice i am 23 years old with many severe health conditions🥲🥲

  39. II was shocked to find out I have osteoporosis. Your videos are my "go to" videos for everything! Thank you! 😉

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