Fitness Trainer Al Kavadlo shares his top three workout tips for men over 40:
1 – Exercise Daily
2 – Follow an Upper Body/Lower Body Split Routine
3 – Keep Your Workouts Short
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I always prefer full body 1 day on & 1 day off cardio any kind. But that's me
At 59, for 10 years I have spent no more than 1:15 in the gym. I begin walking on a 15% treadmill for 30 minutes at 2.0 MPH (no hands), with a HR of 135-140bpm.
I then choose 1 muscle group, performing 4 exercises with 8-12 reps, going to failure/forced reps on the last set of each exercise. (Days are: Back, Delts, Chest, Biceps, Triceps, and legs). Individually and targeted.
Bicep and Triceps days are almost like “rest days” and allow me to up cardio to 40 minutes on those days. This provides the opportunity to hit each muscle group twice in a 7 day period with adequate recovery.
NEVER take a rest day because it’s not necessary. Sometimes I will train 60-70 days in a row. Because my pre exhausting cardio is 30 minutes, and my lifting is 40 minutes.
Pair that with a small bowl of chicken/beef/lamb/shrimp and rice with corn and low fat cottage cheese at 12pm (500-600 calories), and a large bowl of the same at 7 or 8pm (about 1,200-1,500 calories) 6 days a week with a modest cheat meal on Sunday (a couple pieces of pizza, etc) Afternoon snacks include a protein shake and a apple.
I grill my proteins and meal prep on Wednesday and Sunday, chop proteins finely and store in large Tupperwares and feed off that during the week with the same bowls each time eliminating guesswork on macros, calories, etc. Allows me to maintain a 2,500 a day calorie intake and the flexibility to incorporate caloric deficit periods to trick the metabolism if I’m looking to go sub 10% body fat for a month or so…maybe a vacation, etc. This program has allowed me to have visible abs all year long.
Last meal at 8pm, and always train fasted in the morning, only drinking plain black coffee prior to training, thereby depleting liver glycogen stores over night and leveraging body fat for training energy. No sugar at all in some of these pre workouts or sport drinks. Total mistake .
This program has allowed me to add 5lbs of lean muscle tissue a year since 55, and maintain a body fat of 10-12% all year long.
Try it. It works. The food sounds boring but you will actually look forward to the mash up of beef, chicken, shrimp or fish etc., corn, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt boathouse farms, soy sauce and rice. When you microwave the bowl, the low fat cottage cheese breaks down into a creamy protein packed base that helps get large amounts of protein down. My wife and kids say it looks disgusting, but it tastes excellent and we that train eat purely for results. Works for me but everyone is different.
Try it.
Any tips for someone with torn ligaments, arthritis, and nerve damage?
Who you calling old? 😂
Why to listen skinny man talking about gym ?
I'm in my mid 50s and strength train about 4-5 days a week. I don't go balls to the wall with it though.
What if you're like "F THAT" I'm doing a full 7 day workout, full body workout spite my age? Like I have the energy, but is it bad for me? Why would age dictate why I should cut back on my workouts?
What about push/pull/legs/off/repeat?
For beginners, sure. I'm 42 and I work lift six days a week; push, legs, pull, push, legs, pull, off. Repeat. I also run 3x a week and walk at least 80 minutes every day. I recover just fine.
Although I will say recovery is very nuanced. It's going to depend on your experience and your testosterone levels. General lifestyle, diet, and sleep all come into account also.
I don't think the number of days really matters much. It's more about total volume per week. For example 5 days of 1 hour sessions is probably much lower volume than four days of 2-hour sessions. Also the amount of time spent in the gym doesn't mean much either. As an older lifter you should be taking more time to rest between sets. That adds to total gym time even though it's rest. Also you should be doing relatively lighter weights for higher reps. That also takes more time than higher weight and lower reps, even though it might be less volume. Basically just make sure you are recovering enough session to session, week to week. Shoot for maximum recoverable volume. Focus on sleep and good nutrition. If you are crazy sore all the time or tired all the time from your workouts, just reduce the volume. Again this doesn't necessarily mean fewer days or shorter sessions.
I like this guy
….Shall we put him to the test????
He runs like Minecraft!
46 and still kickboxing/ muah thaiy..
This guys on roids or trt
You train like you old you going get old results, I’m 53 I still train just as hard are harder at 53 so I don’t live by the old man can’t stuff.
I just found this clip, so I wonder, has he been working out before reaching his 40's or he got this shape after reaching his 40's🤔
1- grow a beard
2- get tattoos
3- have you grown the beard yet? It’s like you’re not even listening
4- be bald… makes your beard stand out more
I am 50, and this advice rings true 😂❤
Don’t listen to this idiot look at the state of him
Only 3-4 days of strength training a week? lol.
And pump those roids!😂
Now days everybody thinks they are the guru of fitnnes ridiculous😮
Only 4 times a week for strength training? my man…
Can't get past that chest tattoo
Never do splits and a rest day, give me a break. You're going to not workout half of your spilt for 3 days?
Even your nipples look young!🤔
40 is old ?
It's not strenth.. it's strength.. there's a g in there douche..
Hey fellas
Let’s not overthink this stuff
Do mobility before and after your workout
Also , mix body weight with lifting
Read a book and go for a walk
That’s it
I'm 53 and i have done the upper body lower body split 2 time a week with cardio the other 3 days. Never spent more than 45 minutes a workout. It works great