SON OF A DEADLIFT!! (For Growth)

» SON OF A DEADLIFT!! (For Growth)

Ready to get growing with deadlifts?

I wanted to make this video to point out a couple of things, the biggest of which is how you pull through the movement. A lot of times I see people perform these and focus on driving with their legs to get it started off the ground. For me it’s a missed opportunity to really put GOOD stress on your entire back so shift that weight into your heels, keep your knees behind the bar and pull from your hips with a flat back!

Let me know what you think in the comments below and what video you want me to do next!

SONG: Blues or Something Like That – Tigerblood Jewel



  1. Tried my first deadlift today at the zoo, was a bit self conscience back and bicep day but glad I watched this before yay

  2. I'm 63 I never have and I never will attempt a dead lift, guaranteed to throw out my back… Technique technique technique

  3. He's wasn't as funny 4 years ago like today 😅
    No seriously Ryan, is this video still up to date? Is this still how you'd do your deadlifts? Or have you discovered an S-Tier variation?

  4. Thanks for the vid! I’m new to lifting, I’m 38, 330lbs about 37-38% body fat after a few months of working out. Really trying to get squats and deadlifts in my routine. Knees are a little weak from forcing myself through some hard hiking at such a heavy weight for years. Like to use leg press instead of squats for now til I build confidence. Deadlifts I almost always have a sore lower back the night after a workout, usually healed by the next day but always worry I’m doing it wrong. I’ll work at it with this video.

  5. Did he just tell us to do Romanian deadlifts?

  6. Honestly one of the best deadlift tutorials I have seen well done Ryan good cues and fantastic solutions to fix posture.

  7. LOVE your content and I appreciate all of it Ryan! Thank you!

  8. Excellent information!

  9. Thanks for the widow maker tip, Ryan. I’ve added it on and it makes heck of a difference to my workout. (Old fart here, staying at 2x45lbm per side. Saw you loading up 4x and my heart rate dropped…)

  10. Is like your dragging the bar on the led where is ….from the floor to the knees

  11. Ryan, what do you think of the trap bar deadlift as an alternative?

  12. Awesome, I naturally was going barefoot into the DL. Also from your other videos, I started going above the 8-12 reps and finishing off by DL sessions with 20-25 reps with 135. Totally awesome!!

  13. The best in the industry

  14. I’m 6’4” and I’ve been lifting weight since end of February. I am starting to get into 300s and I keep trying to fix my form. I’ll just lift like this

  15. Yessss… barefoot deadlifting feels great. At a gym I'll always put on my converses to spare folks my gnarly feet or even my dirty old socks. But at home even socks doesn't feel great – they can slip a little – barefoot is outstanding. I only ever do high rep DL sets for my drop set and never more than 8-10 reps "touch & go". I think kettle bell swings and snatches are a better option if you're getting in the 16+ rep range. I used to use mixed grip but it was introducing weird asymmetry in the lift and pulling a lot on my left bicep. Since then I've forced myself to use hook grip – definitely not for everyone and even after a few years there are days when it pinches but generally it works really well. Also I'll be honest – I don't see a problem wearing a belt. I never wear one for my first heavy working set, but I do for my remaining sets. I'm certain the belt lets me pull maybe 20lbs more, but it also provides a lot of support in my old age and so far it hasn't introduced any problems.

  16. How many reps sets and days per week to make gains

  17. Quality channel with quality information and guidance. My wife brought me here for your witty comments and jokes I stayed for the GAINS!!! Love the channel bro stay solid stay healthy

  18. Nope! if you can't grip it you shouldn't lift it. Dumb advice using straps.

  19. I’m careful about using a belt. When finished, I sit to take the belt off. The sudden release of compression drops me blood pressure

  20. who cares? get a grip

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