Arthritis: Doctor shares warning about foods to cut out of your diet

» Arthritis: Doctor shares warning about foods to cut out of your diet

Millions of people across the UK suffer daily from inflammatory conditions, with arthritis one of the most debilitating for those trying to carry out basic activities.

Having endured the disease, sports nutrition coach Joanna Chodorowska managed to bring her flare-ups under control with the help of a few lifestyle changes.

Chronic and systemic inflammation are becoming widespread issues due to poor diets dominating the West.

But avoiding wheat, sugar, hydrogenated fats and artificial colours alone can make a difference.

woman clenching handThe relationship between diet and arthritis remains unclearGETTY

Joanna told GB News: “The most inflammatory foods are wheat, sugar (including corn syrup), hydrogenated fats and artificial colours. The key is not to eliminate all at one time but to eliminate one at a time.

“As you increase the amount of real food you eat, the pain should start to subside. But if you eliminate the three I mentioned, you will feel a substantial difference.

“Hydrogenated foods are mostly found in processed food, so if you eat more real food this will usually be eliminated. Artificial coffee creamer and creamy peanut butter are also foods with these inflammatory fats.”

Dr Michael Chichak, medical director at MEDvidi, agreed that fried foods, red and processed meat and other foods high in saturated or trans fats, are the main culprits to avoid.

“Such foods have ingredients like advanced glycation end products or unhealthy fats which promote inflammation when consumed in excess,” he explained.

Certain vegetables are also infamous for triggering inflammation and may also make arthritis worse, according to Dr Chichak.

He cautioned: “Some ‘healthy’ foods might not be the best choice for all people suffering with arthritis.

“Take, for example, nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, and aubergines. They are deemed healthy, but they also have solanine which may cause joint pain for some people.

man gripping hands

Arthritis patients should avoid problematic ingredients


“Not all arthritis sufferers may need to avoid these foods, but it would be a good idea to pay attention to symptoms and determine whether these foods are helpful or harmful.”

While there are many ways to treat arthritis, eating to avoid inflammation is an essential starting point.

What’s more, there are no cures for the condition, meaning medical interventions will only go as far as slowing down the disease.

Engaging in regular exercise and avoiding injuries where possible is deemed a key preventative strategy against the condition..

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