BBC Blue Peter has major change after 60 years on air

» BBC Blue Peter has major change after 60 years on air

According to reports, the show will no longer be live with episodes now pre-reordered, leaving staff and viewers upset.

It comes as the former star of Blue Peter, Simon Thomas took to Instagram, to share his upset: “Apparently (I had no idea) today is the last ever LIVE Blue Peter on television.

“The show isn’t finishing, there is apparently going to be a show online; just not live on the TV anymore.”

Blue Peter faces major change after 60 years on BBC

Reflection on his time on Blue Peter, Thomas shares: “When I look back at those heady days on #bluepeter I will be forever grateful for three things: 1.

“The show took a chance on me all those years ago.

“I had no experience, was a complete unknown and had been told by one Children’s BBC editor a couple of years before that I would never make it as a kids presenter!”

Adding: “Writing this reaffirms how blessed I’ve been to work on show like #bluepeter and had the career I have. It’s given me incredible memories that will stay with me forever.”

Thomas was not the only former member of Blue Peter to share their upset, as Matt Baker commented: “WWHHHAATTT ?? Mate we had the most incredible time!

“The best memories and the end of the most magical energy and spirit to be shared across the Country at tea time X I feel very fortunate to have experienced and shared the feeling.”

Presenter Ricky Boleto added: “I didn’t know either! Can’t believe it. The live element of any children’s TV show is what makes it so entertaining, because anything can happen and usually does!!”

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According to the Mail Online, sources claim the bosses at the BBC had been planning for the change for a while, sharing: “The big bosses all knew what was happening, and those they did tell were told to keep it quiet.

“It’s a huge shock, and a number of the crew still have no idea what’s going on.”

BBC has been contacted for a comment.

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