They featured in 20% of the 2,810 near-miss scenarios from 2024 obtained by collision support service AA Accident Assist.
The incidents largely involved respondents saying someone almost ran into the back of them, or they nearly drove into the vehicle in front.
Tim Rankin, managing director of the AA’s road collision support service Accident Assist, said: “Crashing into something or someone can be a frightening and stressful experience, yet one in four drivers almost found themselves in that position.
“Some drivers admitted to us that they were distracted by something else at the time, or that they simply weren’t expecting the unexpected.
“Concentration on roundabouts and at junctions is especially important, as these are where drivers were most vulnerable.
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“While inexperience is a big factor, drivers of all ages found themselves in difficult situations.
“Driving is a lifetime skill, so finding a way to encourage and reward in-life learning could produce safer drivers.”
It comes as millions of drivers have been warned of £50 fines for committing a common mistake at roundabouts.
One in six drivers believe roundabouts make their journeys more stressful, according to a study from Compare the Market.
And experts at the insurance firm warn that almost six million of us are not following roundabout rules correctly, putting them in danger of getting a £50 fine.
Compare the Market’s study found some drivers failed to give way to the right at roundabout junctions.
Rule 185 of the Highway Code states: “Always give priority to the traffic coming from the right, unless you have been directed otherwise by signs, road markings or traffic lights.”
Furthermore, over half of UK licence holders (55%) could be at risk of the same fine due to driving over mini-roundabouts. Nearly half (48%) admit to driving over a raised roundabout and almost two-thirds (62%) to driving over a flat one.
Rules 188 to 190 of the Highway Code reveal that when it comes to mini-roundabouts the regulations are no different from regular roundabouts – “It is important to remember that all vehicles must pass round the central markings, unless they are too large to do so. You will find that when driving around mini-roundabouts there is less room to manoeuvre and less time to signal, so take extra care.”
Julie Daniels from the car insurance team at Compare the Market says: “Although you can take the same precautions at a roundabout as you would at any other junction, using a roundabout is considered a complex manoeuvre – it’s eye opening to find out how many drivers are unaware of the correct signals and manoeuvres, or simply ignore the rules put in place to keep themselves and other road users safe.
“We encourage drivers to refresh their knowledge of proper procedures when using a roundabout junction to prevent fines and avoid any potential accidents.
“In addition to learning – and doing – the correct manoeuvres, make sure you always slow your speed and give yourself enough time to react, watch out for pedestrian crossings, cyclists and drivers crossing the roundabout in the wrong lane and remember to use the mirror-signal-manoeuvre process, which involves checking your mirrors and signalling, before making your move.”