The 5 WORST Exercises For Ages 50+ (AVOID!)
Are you over 50 and still trying to crush your fitness goals? While staying active is vital for a vibrant life, some exercises could be doing more harm than good! In today’s shocking video, we’re unveiling the 5 WORST exercises that you absolutely need to avoid if you want to protect your joints, prevent injuries, and maintain your strength as you age.
00:00 5 Exercises to Avoid After 50
00:27 Leg Press Machine
01:00 Plyometric Exercises
01:39 Overhead Presses
02:00 Heavy Deadlifts
02:37 Sit ups and Crunches
03:10 5 Best Exercises for AGES 50+
#FitnessOver50 #AvoidInjury #HealthyLiving #StayFit
I noticed that all the exercises you recommend do nothing for the upper body muscles.
The video doesn’t tell you that any exercise that uses machines or free weights and you’re using too much weight is detrimental to your body so just lower the weight and make sure you listen to your body if it feels good or if it doesn’t feel good.
Wrong about leg presses. I'm in my 60s and press 720 lbs. Wrong about high impact exercises. I do lots of high intensity burpees. Upright presses behind the head is bad for everyone. Wrong about deadlifts. I do those too. Wrong about crunches. They're bad for anyone if you do them wrong.
Walking? Are we all incompetent to you? Research showed that cycling has the least benefit of all exercises.
I've been doing the p90x workouts for over 15 years and I can still do it at age of 63.just my opinion.
I would recommend doing what you can regardless of age. Unless you have injuries.
As we age we start fighting atrophy.
If you stop moving your just going to give in a and get old.
Never give in.
I agree with the majority of those who posted. Anyone whose in good shape and has been lifting weights can do any of these lifting exercises regardless of age if you use common sense and lower the weight and do more reps.
Doing squats you should never place your arm in front as this changes your Center of gravity. Extra weight in front of you is dangerous. You should correct this way of doing squats. Incorrect information.
Just lower the weights and do around 12 reps..should be fine unless you have sharp pain..just listen to your body..
Patronising ageist garbage. Any exercise can be done at any age if carried out in the correct manner and just don’t overdo it.
At 67 given up most of these. Now very few just enough to keep in shape and mind satisfied
I am in my 70's and I go to the gym and lift. I feel great at the end of a workout. I think the key is to know your limitations and to keep your ego in check.
Sad to say but The safest thing to do is unsubscribe to this channel.
So many incorrect opinions in one video. I am 55 and I deadlift, overhead press, and use a leg press machine with never a problem.
It was all of this said heavyweights this could happen to anyone at any age. I’m almost 60 and I’m doing all these exercises but I do them with the lightweights and proper form and much more stronger and flexible than I was in my 30s.
There is a lot of bad advice on the internet. This vid is a perfect example. Squats and deadlifts will preserve muscle mass and bone strength better than anything else you could do for your lower body and back. Just follow some simple rules:
1) Use good form. If form starts breaking down, stop the set. Do not bounce the weights.
2) Keep reps for the big, compound exercises higher, say 8-12 most of the time. It's ok to drop to 5 or 6 for a couple months every year.
3) Avoid those last, gut-busting reps. That's where form breaks down and injuries are most likely to happen.
4) Use a good set of knee and elbow sleeves.
5) Make a good chiropractor/physical therapist a regular part of your health care.
I started lifting at age 13 and I'm still training heavy at 66. I'm still stronger than a lot of those young bucks.
Btw, use a trap bar for most of your deadlifts if you have access to one. It works everything straight bar deadlifts do but with less stress on your lower back.
Pretty sure this is some AI thing. I’m way over 50 and still deadlift and can do all the stuff listed. And – I instruct fitness classes for people in their 80s. We do a lot of overhead presses. No problem!
You fail to mention gymnastic rings. I am 76 and weigh 212. Work out on the rings 3 days a week. Great for strength and cardio.
I’m a retired bodybuilder – this info is spot on! Of course some people can do these exercises and get great results but most people over 50 are damaging themselves
Over 50? 50 is young for someone who has been in shape their entire life. I suggest you start this narrative at 70.
I will say listen to your body – am doing all at 70 but only do what i can accommodate. So no justification in the generalization to all above 50.
Circuit training with light weights with little to no rest isthe far superior .
Using 1 leg at time on the leg press is much safer than Using both! The lower back is at tremendous stress!
I can just hear all the men saying that won't happen to them cause they're such manly men.
Walk into old age. As you get older it's really all about functional strength. Yeah, you have to worry about your knees and back. The only exercise I would say is a complete no no, are crunches; this from a guy that was doing crunches on an incline bench with a 50Ib weight behind his neck, at age 20. Just as a side note, I was as skinny as hell, and still didn't have visible abs.
I do all these exercises plus running marathon distances on occasion. So if you just starting no don't do these exercises . But if you been active use your common sense .
I think this applies if you haven't been active all your life and started late ; but if you have been a life long athlete not so much .
I'm 70 still lift iron 4 days a week. Not benching 225 anymore. 4 sets at 135 getting a pump!
Bulls**t! I'm 65 and I still lift heavy and do these exercises. I can bench 195 lbs 3 reps in one set and 160 lbs 7 reps in each of 2 sets. I can bench 205 lbs once. I curl 50 lb. dumbbells 10 times in 3 sets and ride my bike 2 miles to the gym in good weather. Most advice like yours is a scare tactic! If you enjoy lifting then go ahead and lift. It has kept me fit and healthy.
Still do plyo and sit ups, and thoses leg press machines haha, forget about them!
I’m also 63 and do all the exercises you excludes with great results. Just don’t overdo it.
I agree with the cycling and brisk walking, especially after weight training. Best advice for a strong core is to get proficient with the ab wheel superset it into your weight training routine. It compliments every upper body part you're training
Maybe this is right for seniors just beginning a workout / fitness routine. If you’ve been a gym regular for over 50 years you know what you should and shouldn’t do.
Well, I’m 61… I hit the big weights as hard as the kids and I’m fine! Old people like myself that suffer form pain, don’t get that way cause they are in the gym…. They get that way cause they don’t work out at all!
These are exercises to avoid if you are not fit enough.
See the book "OutLive" by PeterAttia MD
The age to avoid more excercise is when you are in your coffin being visited by those who love you.
This looks like advice for geriatry. Come on! I'm second half fifties, and past 50 I rode Roc du Maroc (endurance MTB), I do Pilates, and yes… cycling from road over gravel to MTB. Just no geriatric style. "Be careful not to…". My GF is a little over 50 too, and we went bikepacking in Italy, and skiing in France. People posting things like this are to avoid!
Only sit ups are bad …and they are bad for all ages
I'm almost 62 & this is
– yeah, I have some knee issues – the leg press actually helps – how about if you have health issues, regardless of age (here you go). Otherwise, get real – I grew up in the 70's / 18 & onward early 80's and I leave the youngsters these days in the dust, lol…
Thanks for the comments. I will skip this video.
82 years young. Subscribe to “Muscle Booster” on line. Great for seniors 65+. Great programs