If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, then you need to work daily on your posture. Strong scapular, lower trapezius, and rotator cuff muscles are a MUST! Learn how to strengthen your postural muscles at home, without any special equipment. Please let me know if you have any questions
To my valued YouTube subscribers, I have categorized my most popular videos based on body parts, from headaches to foot pain to make it easier for viewers to watch helpful videos. Enjoy & I hope they help!
Headaches, dizziness, jaw & TMJ pain:
Jaw and Headaches https://youtu.be/DMCNQpUPBrQ
2 Exercises for a healthy neck https://youtu.be/uAbDd1oFfzM
Shoulder pain with overhead reaching https://youtu.be/DioQviQ67Xo
Cure your shoulder tendonitis https://youtu.be/M75Cl2Ku2IY
3 ways to strengthen your Shoulder rotator cuff https://youtu.be/1DYH8NX-uNE
At home, Frozen Shoulder exercises https://youtu.be/YPiXbktPLaE
Shoulder dislocation exercise program https://youtu.be/2WqAW-k3HWs
Improve your posture with this exercise https://youtu.be/hhQkbd7vfqY
Arm pain? Check your supraspinatus muscle https://youtu.be/ygrtePXp8h0
Lower back stiffness on one side? https://youtu.be/fbzub0TODBw
My #1 exercise for strengthening your Lower Back https://youtu.be/18BEaZWG5HY
5-minute daily core exercises https://youtu.be/DTMyPikgazA
Hip and Lower back stretching routine https://youtu.be/-bMNk0U6QN4
Piriformis muscle tightness (hip muscle) https://youtu.be/yhuvRIkq0IA
Knee pain exercises https://youtu.be/1QWPtma7KHQ
Foam rolling for hip pain https://youtu.be/1SFFRs6q168
Over 50? Daily exercise routine to stay flexible https://youtu.be/-3p4U2-j4DQ
Over 50? 3 must-do stretching exercises https://youtu.be/yD3SZDfsmLI
Over 50? 5 Exercises all Seniors should do https://youtu.be/yQ0G5x5hI28
Outer foot pain https://youtu.be/GpgqVjq2zXk
Treat your lateral ankle sprain https://youtu.be/WlcN6G7NbfE
Big toe pain https://youtu.be/9OGdFwOxtz4
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Will try
This is Good. Can feel the difference! Thank U
Hi there. I have severe osteoporosis and 6 compression fractures in my spine. 2 on upper and 4 on lower. I also have scoliosis so to do the 3rd one on this video with my back against the wall is impossible for me. Also my bones are in the 3% low density. And I stayed indoors for about a month doing a lot of sitting. I have never seen the flab on my thighs look so disgustingly gross. I weigh about 112 pounds if not less than that. I was always in pretty good shape but man oh man I had a hard time with my inner thighs. I’m bottom heavy so booty,hips, thighs and legs. I look like I was 500 pounds and lost 350 pounds. The reason I gave this information is because I need to rebuild all my muscles. Arms and hands and wrists. You can figure out the rest. I use a walker when I’m walking somewhere because I’ll drop from back pain. I am able to walk independently for about 5 to 10 minutes and that’s about it. Btw, I’m 67 years young and I miss walking without a walker. I also got hit by a car twice in the same place as a pedestrian. Last time (at 60 years old), the ball shaped bone in my right knee landed in my outer calf which I had surgery to fix it. I now have a metal rod holding my knee together. Last but not least I already lost 5 1/2 inches in height
. Anyway my goal is to build my muscles and I need certain exercises to do that. My apologies for sending you a whole chapter about my life but I find it necessary so you can hopefully help me with this. I
the videos I saw so far. That’s all folks. 
I can do the Y and the T. Can not do the wall angel. Can not get my arms back to the wall. A number of shoulder injuries. Shoulder mobility is limited. Actually, though, the Y and the T are both very helpful. Will continue to work with them and see if the other might be possible at some point. Thanks so much for the information you provide.
Thank you ! Sounds manageable !
So I am a healthy 53 year old I ran everyday til they told me I have osteoporosis mainly in my spine. I am on infusions for it but the running they feel may be too harsh on spine compaction and cause rounding of shoulders. I must never look at myself but the other day I noticed my shoulders are ever so slightly rounding. I am all about your exercises and channel now. Do you think after doing some of these excercises I could incorporate a weight? Maybe five and increasing to ten especially the wall angels? Thanks
My name is Annemarie I have spinal stenosis, yes pain in my lumbar compressions, muscle pain is so painful
good on you all the best, god bless
Ouch! But thank you for posting. I’m in UK and I’m frustrated at the lack of help with Osteoporoses other than take a tablet. I hate how my posture looks after spine decompression fractures, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed I can improve.
Thanks for helping
I'm just now finding your channel & I like what you are contributing. Thank you. I don't understand when you say a scapula in your back pocket. What do you mean?
Simple but excellent exercises! Added in my daily routine regime.
Sir please show some exercises for women age 50 and having collar bone pain and stiffness Thank ing you
Hi there, I'm wondering if you could suggest some exercises to strengthen the CT junction area, mid and upper neck, and low back. I'm experiencing weakness from an old whiplash and there's some neck and mid-low back hypermobililty too. Not on scans, but I experience it. There's flattening of all spine curves. My head is dropping forward and my mid back is collapsing inward. TMJ issues and my low back over arches sometimes. Cannot lift my head properly, it's causing a collapsing effect on the rest of the body. I cannot do chin retractions or tucks safely. Without the ability to consistently maintain any neutral posture in the neck or low back, those exercises jam the joints instead and I get stuck. Same with isometric exercises or anything done in supine or quadraped. Have had some improvement with mid back and glute exercises and I'm going at the pace my body needs. But I need ideas to bridge the gap. Been working with a physiotherapist for a year. Any advice is appreciated.
Sounds good I do some of these already makes you feel so good and refresh on your shoulders
Thank you

Thank you, is it ok if there is a lot of popping and cracking while doing the wall angel exercise.
Thank you soooooo much!!!! on shining a spotlight on osteopenia & osteoporosis. I have an issue with my posture and will be doing these movements
Thank you!!!!
Love your excersises,,, after two spinal fractures in June and osteoporosis , I need to work on my posture,,, ive lost some height and I don't want a hump,,,, I walk every day,,, but I need some other excersise,,, thank you for your helpful suggestions
Sounds good
When you say "as close to the wall as possible", do you mean actually touching the wall or just stand close without touching? Does it matter?
hello! why these exercises are useful?
Great Set of Exercises! You ARE so thoughtful in wanting to help us all Maintain and/or achieve a better state of physical and mental well-being. Your exercises have helped me so Very Much in the past! Thank YOU Thank YOU.

Here's a great playlist for additional Osteoporosis videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7iadTWb0ExqS-wsl0ssK7jKVwqkRTTlJ Join our FREE Facebook group to learn more! https://www.facebook.com/groups/livewell50