30 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL WORKOUT at Home | Muscle Building

» 30 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL WORKOUT at Home | Muscle Building

This is a follow along 30 minute full body dumbbell workout that will target every muscle group with compound movement to help you become stronger, build lean muscle, burn energy for hours after completing and basically leave you feeling awesome!!

The exercises are performed for 30 seconds each, 30 seconds rest. The exercises are performed for 3 sets each.

The weight I am using is 15kg x 2 dumbbells for your reference. So yes, as heavy as you have access to and slow paced, controlled and full range of motion. If you have lighter weights than you would prefer, simply perform more reps than me and at a slightly faster pace.

STATIC LUNGE (switch leg everytime)
SHOULDER PRESS (2 or 1 dumbbells)
BENT OVER ROW (switch arm everytime)

I would just like to point out the following key points to this workout:

● Be sure to switch leg on lunges every set and switch arm on rows every set!

● With the single arm rows, try to stretch upper middle back by taking it slow at bottom to let muscles lengthen then draw elbow up. Switch arm every set!

● I am performing the shoulder press with one dumbbell as well as Sumo deadlift, however if your weights are lighter than you wish, simply perform with both dumbbells!

● Make sure during Romanian deadlifts to keep shoulder blades together, knees slightly bent, push bum back and keep head in line with torso as it lowers!

I hope you all enjoy this strength training and really allow yourself to feel each contraction!

I would consider this strength workout a super workout to progress in weight over time! I would definitely suggest this type of full body workout with dumbbells once a week if you really are wanting to increase muscle, along with bodyweight sessions and isolation sessions as such shoulders, glutes etc. Overtime, aiming to increase reps then move up in weights!💪

And don’t forget.. plank 2 minutes at the end!!🤩

Happy training!!


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▶ Day 1 of my 10 Week EPIC Program: https://youtu.be/c_-v1fYJGO8
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▶ My 5 Min Warm Up Routine: https://youtu.be/c0VxUFHdYzs

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Disclaimer: If you are new to exercise or planning on embarking on a new fitness programme, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases



  1. One of my favorite videos, been doing this one and then the 15 mins arms video for a month and a half and Ive lost 15lbs!

  2. I love this workout. Do 2 to 4 times a week. I'm one of the few that would love this workout without music or just background music with your technique cues throughout and motivation. I'd love the same moves though. I have hypermobility and some weights workouts do not suit me. I'm only a small frame and just lift 20lbs but it works well for most moves.

  3. 홈트로 이정도 근육통이 가능한거였구나…

  4. Jan 7 plank fell at 13 seconds , Jan 27 I did a plank for 1 minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do the video 2-3 times a week ! I am so happy!!!!🎉🎉

  5. Thank you ❤you are so cute and lovely to workout with you

  6. Just came on to say this is a great workout (omg those lat pulllovers felt amazing!) and don't worry if the legs in the beginning kick your a$$, if you get through that you can definitely do the rest! This one is def going in the rotation! 💪

  7. Love it

  8. I want to gain muscle mass and weight i m prediabetic.can i do this ?

  9. Starting this tomorrow 5days a week will keep u all updated weekly. Also changing to a cleaner diet.

  10. I’m a total beginner to strength training but I’m gonna attempt this workout. Wish me luck!

  11. My fat ass barely made it through the first workout and I could not do lunges , I almost pulled every muscle known to man lmaoooo but I did finish the work out . And got 30
    Sec into the plank😂 will do again tomorrow

  12. Build my muscle!

  13. You have a weakness on your right hip

  14. Day one and I picked your workout to do. Couldn’t keep up but I did put the weights down and just continued the movements. Let’s freaking GO!

  15. Love it! Thank you! Positive music is important to me and here most songs are positively charged, cool! 😎

  16. Wonderful workout, Caroline, thank you!

  17. 383 cals 1/23/25 💪😎👍 again!

  18. Brilliant – Thank You!

  19. Love it I did it all❤❤❤

  20. is it okay if i cant do all of the sets, like some of them i can do 3 sets and other i can only get through one, before my body says no and i start getting spasms. After 20 minutes I couldn't go any further, i definitely tried.

  21. I come to this when i have skipped gym for days and then this reminds me that i should not skip gym for days

  22. It is cold and dreary grey here in Canada. These workouts help lift my day. You have a bright motivating demeanour. Truly amazing! Love your workouts!! Thank you for sharing!!💟

  23. lol I made it to 28 for the plank, usually when doing a plank without doing a workout prior I can make it to 1-1:15 mins haha. just shows how effective the workout was, thanks so much for posting this! <3

  24. The year I master this entire routine💯

  25. Jan18th 2025 I just started doing this workout and I am so sore. Update on weight it's 74 kgs. Gonna keep up and let's see if this works out for me. Hopefully it does.

  26. Amazing 👏🏽 🎉 2025 ❤

  27. This is such a great all round workout when i cant make the gym 5 stars 🙂

  28. Anyone 2030

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