4 Core Exercises to AVOID with Bulging Discs!

» 4 Core Exercises to AVOID with Bulging Discs!

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To get a copy of Will’s new book, Thriving Beyond Fifty, you can find it on Amazon below:
UK link: https://amzn.to/3mAISFv
US link: https://amzn.to/3J1ACGi
(Amazon Affiliate links) To subscribe to 3-Tip Friday, Will’s free weekly email where he shares his best health tips, new videos and fascinating research, go here: https://info.ht-physio.co.uk/3tf Welcome to the latest episode of HT Physio Quick Tips!

In this episode, Farnham’s leading over-50’s physiotherapist, Will Harlow, reveals 4 core exercises to AVOID when you have a bulging disc or sciatica. These core exercises have potential to aggravate a bulging disc and make sciatica worse! For most people, they should be avoided.

To get a copy of Will’s new book, Thriving Beyond Fifty, you can find it on Amazon below:
UK link: https://amzn.to/3mAISFv
US link: https://amzn.to/3J1ACGi
(Amazon Affiliate links)

You can find our dedicated sciatica website with more information and a relevant article that might interest you here: https://www.howtogetridofsciatica.com/bulging-disc-l4-l5-symptoms-and-treatment/

If you’re suffering from back pain that stops you from doing the things you love, you can take our back pain guide – which will give you 9 expert tips to put a stop to back pain at home – by visiting here: https://ht-physio.co.uk/back-pain-guide-download/

If you’re over-50 with a painful problem in the Farnham, Surrey area, you can learn more about how Will Harlow and HT Physio can help you overcome a painful problem here: https://ht-physio.co.uk/

**Any information in this video should not be used as a substitute for individual medical advice. Please seek advice from your local healthcare professional before taking action on the information in this video.** Full policy here: https://ht-physio.co.uk/injury-disclaimer/



  1. I'm tempted to do zero exercise! Absolutely nothing! There is so much conflicting advice on what to do and what not to do. Here on YouTube and I've had an Osteopath give me different advice to a Physiotherapist. For example, Downward Dog is advice given by Yoga Teachers. Cobra? I'm quitting it all.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on this subject. I live in a house with four flights of steps. Can this course my bulging discs to become worse. Or can it be classed as good exercise.

  3. Thanks for this. Very helpful.

  4. Christ…I Was doing all them 😳. I have recently had mri. Have disc bulge at L1/L2,L5/S1 and protrusion at L4/L5. Will defo avoid all these and the Russian twists with kettle bells. I'm a 54 year old male so this has been excellent info. Have seen your preferred exercices so will start introducing them into my routine now I'm on the mend and 6 weeks since back 'went' again.Excellent channel for an aging bloke from South Wales who is into his fitness…but still thinks he's in his 20's 🙄🤷.

  5. Seems like the dead bug is another one to avoid due to strain on low back. What do you think?

  6. From chile, grest channel just discovered today after returning few hour ago from infiltratr back lumbar op. Now have to do kine

    I havent infiltrate since 2015 jut guess what. My doc always told me to do yoga or pilates…i started on march with reformer and in a month ….i fltration. I am 46yo

    I guess lot have to do with the excercises cause this where the kind of one i made in pilates,leg raises, crunch etc

    Now kine and beware of this kind excersices
    Great channel

  7. Planks are ok with bulging and herniated disc?

  8. I freaking hate mother nature man. I used to love doing all those workouts! 😭😭😭

  9. Great video – really insightful, especially as I do have a herniated disc and have been guilty of falling into the trap of 'strengthening the core' to aid better back health. As a result of watching one of your videos, have changed my daily stretch / core exercise routine and my back is feeling stronger and my torso 'lean' becoming less noticeable. I've still been performing the Table-Top and a few other Pilates-type exercises – which I thought were okay, since the back / lower-back, is flat and being supported by one's core. One exercise I do recommend (as you also do in another video) is the alternating arm / leg raises. This has been a game changer for me. I now do this excercise very, very slowly (Tai Chi like) which boosts the benefits even more. As a result, I can actually bend over and put my socks on without having to rock back onto the bed! Keep the videos coming!

  10. So which ones can we do???

  11. Please, I just want to know how about air cycling without machine!!!!!! , just laying down and moving the legs while the back in normal dorsal position

  12. Really useful. Could be more useful if an alternative was given as xtra information

  13. 😢 I've been doing all these.

  14. Informative video, thank for. But what should I do? Planks? Bird Dog planks? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially by my lower back.

  15. Is running bad for disk bulge? Specially L4-L5 disk bulge.

  16. This video reinforced what I already thought about core exercises. But, is there anything you would recommend for strengthening the core? All I know to do are exercises that indirectly cause the core muscles to work to hold up the rest of the body.

  17. very right. I have L4-L5 disc bulge and all the exercise you mention gives me trigger and bad muscle spasm in low back.I am already avoiding them before seeing this video but good to see the reason.

  18. Great video, really helpful. It would be much better if you could do a video, instructing which core exercises are best to work around the injury? Those ones you said not to do are my favourite, so now I'm worried I won't be able to train my abbs 😢

  19. Forgot one more question: are traction exercises (I think that's what it's called) good for bulging discs ok -you lay on you back and the lower part of the bench or whatever it is called pulls you under controlled increassing pressure? Thanks a lot.

  20. Thanks a lot! My physiotherapy included some of these exercises but not so high, I had to lift my head and shoulders only a bit, as well as leg by leg, they called it static exercises (I have bulging discs L4 and L5 I think with lateral extrusion). Once I even interrupted the therapy cycle and gave it up for a period of time because it got worse. My question is about exercises in the pool (is making bycicle crunch, lifting straight legs forward, backward and sideways ok in the pool, that's what we were doing). What would you suggest to work out in the pool? Thanks a lot. Your advice in all your videos is great.

  21. I do a lot of planks plank variations and seem to help a lot. Crunches, sit-ups, and leg raises are the worse exercises for a bulging disc.

  22. Hi, regarding the leg raises, what's your opinion if your back remains flat on the floor during the exercise? It's still a bad exercise for bulging disk?
    Thank you!

  23. Sir you are amazing mashalla I am in India I see your video please help me for right exercise for disk bulge

  24. Hi, my question is: what should sport active people with some lumbar bulging discs do in order to minimize the changes of agravate the injury? What exercises? What stretches? How many times a week? Thanks

  25. What core exercises would be good to do ? Especially with weights.

  26. Thanks a lot Will for these precious recommendations. As far as I am concerned, I am now able to do the bycile crunch about twice a week (3 sets, 10 reps each leg), does that mean I am closed to being healed?

  27. what about other exercises we could in the gym do after the acute phase ?

  28. I assume these need to be avoided even after your disk is healed, especially if you are over 50, right?

  29. How could I send u my MRI.
    I need to know your opinion plz.

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