5 Barbell Exercises For Strength

» 5 Barbell Exercises For Strength

Strength Training, CrossFit, Barbell Workout, Tanner Shuck

Absolute strength is your ability to lift heavy objects, namely heavy barbells. The heavier the barbell, the greater your absolute strength. Yes, we could talk about force exertion and physics equations, but don’t over-think it.

No other tool can be used to build strength better or with more versatility than the basic barbell. You can build elite strength and a world-class physique with only these five time-tested exercises. – Tanner Shuck



  1. Day A:
    Squat 3×6-10
    Bench 3×6-10
    Pull up 3×6-10

    Day B:
    Deadlift 3×5-8
    OHP 3×6-10
    Bent Row 3×6-10

  2. These are not basic at all. Compound barbell lifts are not for beginners. You can seriously hurt yourself when you don’t have proper form and technique when performing these.

  3. kind of agree

  4. “The barbell back squat” shows clip of a safety bar box squat

  5. Thank you

  6. Yeah, I feel I'm in the right path.

  7. I think also hip thrust.
    No it's not gay

  8. Totally agree 👍

  9. Your back will be destroyed by the time youre 60

  10. Are those bumper plates, or were you legit pressing 3 fuckin plates?!

  11. Great exercises. For an epic workout i would just add pull ups and dips to the workout and side lateral raises

  12. And pull ups

  13. I rather choose isolations & be a 👩


  15. Its weird how you have such poor form on some of these.

  16. THANKS BRO 👍

  17. Epic

  18. I hate power cleans. I don't do them. I like to stick to the five exercises he just listed. Along with other less-known barbell exercises and bodyweight workouts.

  19. Pull ups and dips are up there with these too… Also dumbbell single sided variations of these are superior in my opinion, but that is means for argument for a lot of people. Barbells have their place, especially when trying to build strength quickly.

  20. I heard dead lift is useless and risky .. so it pointless

  21. Hi – I have alhad a bad back with disk issues. Any safer base alternatives you would recommend?

  22. start with light weights for overhead press dont ego lift.

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