Brad and Mike discuss the 5 worst shoulder exercises if you are over 50 years of age.
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For more shoulder exercises check out our video "3 Essential Daily Shoulder Exercises For Ages 50+ (Only 2 Minutes)"-
Front military press hurts my shoulders, behind the neck presses do not.
Oh, my goodness! I so agree with you on these. It drives me crazy when an instructor includes some these in a class for seniors. Thanks for options that work better for aging bodies.

Just bought the D6 massage gun. Thanks for educating about exercise safety.
For the flies, if you do them on the floor, you can't overstretch your shoulder joints.
Thank you for this! I just ended things with my fitness coach. It became apparent she was treating me like I was twenty and didn't understand how the body changes as you get older. I kept telling her I needed to change the shoulder exercises, and she kept upping the weight and the reps. Every single one of the shoulder exercises she had me doing was on your list. Ug.
For band flys dont have any tension in the band in the position you want to be after eccentric, as it may tear the pec.
Very weird… I had frozen shoulder on one side of my body which meant, I could not tuck the back of my shirt with that arm without intense pain in that shoulder. I was able to get rid of it by doing military presses. Reading about frozen shoulder is hilarious… no one knows what causes it or why it goes away in some.
I have OS acromiale which causes impingement issues from time to time, But pull ups are never a problem; the pushing exercises sometimes are.
Am 71 and continue to do all basic bodybuilding exercises. Sometimes light weight. Sometime heavy. Always with strict form and proper breathing. Use it or lose it not "avoid this and avoid that." Had both hips replaced at age 59. Can now do a machine squat with 450lbs. for 3 reps. Feel great. Start with simple movement and increasing range of motion than add and then increase resistance. No age limits.
What happened to Bob?
I’d recommend for flys, do them on the floor. Your arm cannot pass your body that way, and you can safely go much heavier than normal bench flys
As a personal trainer for 20 years that specializes in the over 50 crowd I agree with all but the first. Doctors and physical therapists love to take away normal human body movement patterns. The more you do that the weaker and less functional you become. Don’t squat, don’t press overhead. Etc.
Overhead press is very important for seniors, if currently injured obviously work your way up to it
And neutral grip palms facing might be best for some.
Cutting it out completely just increases chances of injury in the real world when you reach up for anything
Flys should not be done on a bench, but on the floor. Your elbows should not go lower than your back.
Bear Hugs
Bless you for continuing to fight the good fight.
As someone who previously had shoulder impingement issues and is over age 60, I respectfully disagree with this video. It is true that one should avoid exercises that exacerbate the impingement, but only while your strength and flexibility is diminished. Once you fix your strength and flexibility, you can do ANY exercises that you did in your younger days, exactly in the same manner. The whole "over 50" mythology and bias should be tossed in the trash, where it belongs.
can autophagy help in l4 l5 disc bulge ? if yes, how many hours at a stretch and per week ?
Some health and fitness influencers push avpiding internal rotation of the shoulders and to the layperson this might translate to military presses and wide of bench flyes that extend beyond the nack of head. I don't know if that made any sense. But are there any exercises that are more for the rare chain that do not cause Internal rotation especially for someone is a swimmer like myself? I've been trying.
To have a way over compensate When I do calisthenics so i'm not doing too much internal rotation in my shoulders and now the front of my shoulders hurt. Trying to correct my posture is causing pronlems. Any suggestion,guys?
Please do a video for the best and worst exercises for cervical radiculopathy.
U should abandon the term shoulder "Impingement". It's generally not a helpful term.
Before a shoulder workout, I ALWAYS gently warm-up my shoulders with light weight or bands. Then for my shoulder workout, I start with light weight, high reps. Then add more weight with each set. For better context, I am 64 years old, I've torn both rotator cuffs back in the early 1980's. Had major surgery on my right shoulder in 2017 with mixed results, but over all, it is much better than before. Left shoulder is limiting, but I do all of my PT and regular shoulder exercises. The important thing is to find any kind of exercise you can do without pain and just do it with regularity. Keep moving. I bike, rock climb (indoors and outdoors), tele-mark ski/backcountry ski, train with weights and hike in the mountains of Montana. A body in motion, stays in motion.
Helpful! Just completed PT for an impinged rotator cuff/bicep. Still healing but want to rebuild strength safely.
I'm kinda sad I need this video, but I do!! Too many overhead presses with too many weak supporting muscles. Thanks so much for the great content.
Thank you very much you guys, l like that first one with that wood, it felt good already . Thank you both for serving the seniors

Watching you is worst excercise it confirms we're over the hills! Kidding!
Am I correct the product advertised for pushups years ago that allow your arms to rotate can cause problems with shoulders.
I live in England one day could you please do a video for people who have had a MUA .I had one last week on my new knee because my knee would not bend .At the moment I am using my sons resistance bands I hope I am using them right .Just found your channel its great
Perfect timing for me today! I'm headed out to an exercise class now and the instructor has us do all of those exercises. Now I have a better idea of how to do them better. BTW I am WAY over 50!
You fellas are ANGELS