6 WILDLY Effective Muscle Growth Exercises You Haven’t Tried

» 6 WILDLY Effective Muscle Growth Exercises You Haven’t Tried

@DrMiloWolf suggests some uncommon exercises you should consider!

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0:00 Wildly Effective Exercises
1:14 Pistol Squat
5:13 Sissy Squat and Nordic Curl
9:32 Lying Lateral
11:54 Dips
16:04 Leg Curl
18:51 Deficit Pushups



  1. Loaded woodchopper repeat sets to fail seated with heavy kettlebell I use to expand lat work out. Keeps load off my knees and while it does feel like building strength in my back somewhat it’s def keeping load off my back

  2. Dr. Mike, why do I look better than both of you?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Sissy squats are named that way in honor of sisyphus.
    Many drawings depict him in this maner rolling the bolder backwards up the hill.

  4. Funny, couple weeks ago I added decline deficit push-ups to my routine after training bench for a very long time. My chest has never been more sore in any combination of barbell or dumbbell bench pressing. Definitely made me a believer

  5. I have a question about leg extensions:
    I have the leg extension/leg curl attachment for my flat bench in my basement gym, which–in theory, at least–allows me to lay back on leg extensions upwards of fully-flat, thus getting me far in excess of 100 degrees of knee flexion while also fully extending my hip flexors.

    My assumption is that this would drastically increase the effectiveness of the exercise, no?

  6. This guy’s (Milo) knowledge is extremely impressive, and his insights are solid. 🫡

  7. Sissy squat is named for Sisyphus – cursed to push a boulder uphill for eternity.

  8. Sissi squats are named after Elizabeth of Austria, Sissi, who developed and mastered the technique in Imperial Austria in the 19th century. Educate yourselves

  9. I'm in the virtual trenches getting knowledge to go to the physical trenches to get jacked

  10. I do super deep dips and my PT always comments that I enjoy torturing myself. I tell her I learned it from a Dr. lol.

  11. dudes voice killing me

  12. Huh, these "sissy squats" are pretty compelling. I have fucked up legs that render me incapable of planting my heels on the ground (when standing straight with shoes on, my heels are still over an inch off the ground), so pretty much every exercise that requires "planting your feet on the ground" doesn't work for me. But this one seems like you can go on the balls of your feet.

  13. I used to do fully inclined pushups (handstand pushups) when I was still in the military. Blew a vessel in my eye from over stressing and got my ass chewed out at medical. , I stick to 45 degree inclines now.

  14. Go deep or go home And I bet you girl want’s it deep 🤯Old school

  15. Blink Night 🥊 presented by Budweiser. Tonight’s bout is for the heavyweight championship. In the blue corner Mike Israetel, in the red corner Arthur Shawcross! May the best man blink.

  16. Hi Mike and the RP crew. I have a question, not sure where the best place to ask is. For context, I am 50 year old (decent shape) novice lifter. I felt pretty rough this morning, wasn't sure about working out. Stomach issues had me pooping 5 times before my workout. But trying to be disciplined I went anyways. Took about 15% off all my lifts but still went to a couple reps from failure or failure.

    So question is. Is it worth working out when not feeling good (physically or mentally)? Does reaching failure under those settings still equal failure? Perception of failure I would think is quite off.

    Thanks for all the great content. Love it!

  17. @13:32 that's just called "extension".

  18. I don't feel my chest in the decline pushups as much as my triceps, but the soreness stuck to my upper chest for 3 days in a row.

  19. I do pistols on the trx as my final leg movement, and they always make a fabulous finisher for my leg days.

  20. Been fighting for pistol squats since Covid – got and kept my legs jacked thanks to BW leg training – and they called me a mad man. I would highly recommend fitnessfaqs limitless leg program if you don’t have access to weights

  21. Dr Mike I mess with. This Wolf guy, nah i'm good. Talks the talk but he is far from jacked

  22. As a PT… I've never understood the fear mongering around limiting ROM in healthy individuals. Full ROM squats, dips, bench, everything all day. If it hurts slowly work into the extended range.

  23. Hey dr. Mike. Big fan over from Europe here. Could you do a video on training with a suspension trainer (such as the TRX), on why or when it is effective or ineffective and such. Kind regards!

  24. the cap at the end 😂

  25. Pistol squat is not a good exercise because you can hardly load it. if for quads, does not train all heads. Unstable. A hacksquat/leg press with a leg extensions will be way better. The only reason milo Wolf promotes smh is because he has a phd in it and is his source of income

  26. Not the dyel milo wolf 🤢

  27. Everything mentioned here Arnold was doing back in 77

  28. In Chinese Medicine, flexibility is youth. Inflexibility is age. Range of motion is everything.

  29. In my early parkour days before I started lifting. Pistol squats and deep dips were exercises I did often. Been years since I’ve done either regularly

  30. Ring pushups…
    Just saying but gymnasts/calisthenics get big tip of the cap.

  31. I did sissy squats at the gym this week, but I do them more as a stretch… or maybe it's better to say for the stretch. Ankles, knees, quads all get looser and limber as I warm up for high bar squats. Maybe it improves growth. I just like that it makes me feel more limber and mobile

  32. Sissy Squats are named after Sisyphus… whose daily workout is brutal.

  33. You should have suggested performing dips and push-ups on gymnastics rings.

  34. Copenhagen planks definitely deserve a spot on this list, especially if your gym doesn't have an adductor machine.

  35. Since your guest likes dips so much, I'd be interested to find out what he thinks about "the mantle" which is something we climbers encounter a lot on rock. It requires a tremendous amount of coordinated strength to pull it off. Essentially, there's a wide flat shelf in front of you at eye level and one pushes down onto in raising our entire body upwards. Then you lift your feet up and place them either side of your hands. You have to push your chest right up against the rock face, head turned to the side. Otherwise your center of balance changes enough to throw you off the rock. Once we get our feet on the shelf, we stand up slowly leaning as close to the rock as possible because the next hand holds are usually above our head. Its a really scary move because when your feet reach the shelf all that you have to rely on is keeping your center of gravity in the right place throughout the movement when you stand. The mantle is like a front dip. Its very intense especially when you are hundreds of feet up on the side of a rock. Its just you and mother nature. Do or die !

  36. Did somebody mention engagement? Oh right, that's the whole reason I'm here.

    and maybe to gain a bit of muscle.

  37. Sissy squats are named after Sisyphus. Hades made Sisyphus roll a huge boulder endlessly up a steep hill in Tartarus. The maddening nature of the punishment was reserved for Sisyphus due to his hubristic belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus himself. Hades accordingly displayed his own cleverness by enchanting the boulder into rolling away from Sisyphus before he reached the top which ended up consigning Sisyphus to an eternity of useless efforts and unending frustration. Thus, pointless or interminable activities are sometimes described as "Sisyphean".

  38. In the nicest way possible, fu dr Mike for showing me pistol squats did them yesterday. Stairs are once again the enemy which hasn't happened in a long time. Thanks for what you do

  39. I’ve heard if you TREN hard 5 days a week….you will really start to see muscle growth.

  40. mike i love you dog but your blinking twitch drives me fucking crazy brother

  41. We have done these. That's how you learned about them.

  42. Whose glutes are too big?! For research purposes of course. I heard the last name, a man needs a first name.

  43. He has a big D. In his mouth. Why is he saying reverse Nordic curls like reverse nori qua. Wtf?

  44. Reverse what? This mofo is so hard to understand sometimes.

  45. this dude talks like Elon lol

  46. 100 ❤❤❤

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