8 Best Exercises To Build Muscle At Home

» 8 Best Exercises To Build Muscle At Home

You don’t need a gym if you want to build muscle and have your physique be more defined.

If you do these 8 exercises at home everyday then you will notice good improvements in the way your body looks, the way your muscles are more sharp and well-defined.

The reason is that these exercises are pretty intensive and require significant muscle strength from you to do them. And when the muscles are challenged, this is when you start to grow!

Here are these 8 exercises:
1. Squat (For Quadriceps)
2. Knee Pushups (for Arms, Chest and Shoulders)
3. Super Mans (for Back)
4. Tricep Dips (for Triceps)
5. Cross Crunches (for Abs)
6. Heel Touches (for Obliques)
7. Donkey Kicks (Legs and Glutes)
8. Rise and Plie (Legs and Calves)

Good luck and be sure to subscribe to the channel to receive new video workouts regularly everyday Monday to Friday!

Let’s begin the workout and grow our muscles!



  1. you hav we helped me keep my bones strong for about 3 years now. thank you very much!

  2. Started 25/1/25👍🏻

  3. I started doing it- Jan 22
    Jan 22- 52 kg
    Jan 23- 52 kg
    Jan 24- rest
    Jan 25- 52.5 kg

  4. with more calories intake u can gain muscle's & weight with this exercise in a day
    for weight loss with calorie deficit this exercise does really works … i started for gain muscle & loss weight hope for the best . will meet after 4 months … it's january 25

  5. Knee pushups kaise krne hai nai hote 🙂

  6. it’s evening exercise or morning

  7. I gained 1kg in one month

  8. What time should be for best result??

  9. Am starting this exercise from today Jan 19 I'll update every week my progress

  10. I've started doing this exercise from 17 jan 2025… Will comment back after 1 month and share my personal results! Stay strong 💪🏻

  11. Starting as 41.20kg
    Day 1✅
    Day 2✅
    Day 3✅
    Day4 ✅
    Day 5✅
    Day 6✅
    Day 7✅
    Day 8✅
    Day 9✅

  12. I’m going to try this and will give updates

  13. Age – 16
    Height 155cm
    Current weight 44kgs
    Goal 50kgs
    Starting journey on 16/1/25
    • workout+diet+lifestyle
    Will share my results after 1 month

  14. If it doesn't hurt, then you ain't doing it right.

  15. This workout is for weight loss or gain? ?? Bcz mascles also help in weight loss

  16. Kal se mai bhi start kr tahi… Date…. 16/1/2025

  17. Im gonna start excersicing today, i am ten years old, my classnate is also 10 but stronger, my principal calls me weak so i am going to improve myself.

  18. Starting from today.

  19. I want to loose weight…r these exercises helpful to loose weight..plz do rply

  20. Literally I m doing these over a year and now I gain weight from 38 kg to 47 kg

  21. Hi guyzz 👋🏻
    I am going to start these exercises from today onwards its 11 jan 2025.
    Right now I am 46 kgs and i wanna 6 kgs more for 52 kgs.
    Let's start this journey together and I'll keep you guyzz updating.
    Wish me luck 🤞🏻 🤞🏻

    Day 1 ✅
    Day 2 ✅
    Day 3 ✅
    Day 4 ✅
    Day 5 ✅
    Rest day
    Day 6 ✅
    Day 7 ✅ ( no Sunday break today)
    Day 8 ✅
    Day 9 ✅

  22. I've been doing this for 2 weeks and I'm seeing changes on my body

  23. I want to gain strength not body weight i am 38 yrs female….plz tell me are these exercise for me or any other reference.plz reply

  24. Can anyone tell me k ratt ko kr skte hai yeh ? Excersises

  25. Why there is same exercise for both weight gain and weight loss l'm confused now

  26. Day1✅

  27. Start – 42 kg i have no muscle and im really weak

    See you in maybe 1 – 2 months

  28. I'm 15 years old girl weight 38.8kg height 4'9😭😭😭😭😭😭what can I do…

  29. I'm starting tomorrow. Wish me luck guy's 🙏🏾

  30. I am going to start these exercises from 2025…(January)…

  31. Ye morning me krni hai ya evening me plz tell me

  32. I am 39 kg but i want to gain Weight please helpp me with a diet plan

  33. Hey can anybody send a diet plan for skinny women and does this exercise work ?

  34. Who watching 2025🤗😁 is doing push-ups as difficult for you as it is for me🙄

  35. Those tricep dibs are no joke😂

  36. Do i have to speak with my physician? 😭


  38. My weight is 38.6kgs i want to gain some weight.. any diet recommendations? (Im lactose intolerant)

  39. I am 46 kg…my goal is 52..i will do it from tomorrow inshallahh✨

  40. plz anyone tell me the time for doing it nd how many times to do plz roberta help

  41. Is this ok to do all at one stretch for a beginner…..pls reply me.

  42. I gained 8 kg in two months ♥️🩹

  43. Morning me hi fayda hoga ki rat ko bhi kr skte hai???

  44. Followed this for two days.. I feel like I lost my weight.. I don't know why.. shall I continue it further?

  45. Is it useful to reduce pcod…iam very thin girl pcod age is 27 to increase weight and reduve pcod can i do this exercise

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