AMAZING Core Exercise You’re Not Doing

» AMAZING Core Exercise You’re Not Doing


  1. Sets reps and weight please?

  2. You are a coach more than wonderful and I hope you answer my question are these methods also possible to use in adding stability in the neck muscles and how to use them

  3. I love this exercise. I've been doing these as a modified farmers walk and can feel my obliques getting stronger from the inside out.

  4. Is he doing a movement or just trying to resist the bouncing?

  5. Oh cool. I do the very same thing every time i go grocery shopping with one bag.

  6. I love your videos!!!!!

  7. How much and how often, Doc?!

  8. So is this why I dont enjoy prison sex

  9. I do this by carrying my baby everyday croton method 🙂

  10. Honestly these videos have helped me with some of my own issues. These are pure medical gold.

  11. I often end up with back issues from work. (lifting heavy things in strange positions.) I think this knowledge will help me strengthen the relevant muscles to decrease risk of injury and increase my longevity.

  12. Who is the thick girl with tatoos?

  13. I like doing suitcase carries but holding the weight via a band so it bounces and causes my body to have to adjust to more.

  14. quality content like always thank u sir

  15. Desi s entered the chaat

  16. One handed farmer walk accomplishes the same thing!

  17. I've been doing mobility training and the other day I felt my lower back unlock. It was sore for two days but now I'm fine and have a little more mobility.

  18. how do i get abs and obliques like that

  19. My lower back is tightening and starting to hurt while watching this

  20. You can do side bends or sit-ups…

  21. The first guy is a freaking tank

  22. Dude is wearing Indian national flag. ❤️ 🇮🇳

  23. Your work is great

    Unstable training is counterproductive and does nothing for you and is not beneficial this is all nonsense do your research people you're a much greater risk of injuring yourself and not making any progress whatsoever
    You're not going to benefit from foolish gimmicks like this there's no shortcuts you have to lift with proper form and technique with a controllable weight with stability for hypertrophy and muscle fiber growth

  25. And this is the big problem with Fitness motivational videos people trying ridiculously stupid things like this and believing they work because somebody on a video said something just stick with the basics use good form and lift weights till you fatigue and fail
    Unstable training is counterproductive and worthless to anybody that is trying to achieve significant progress and also put you at a higher risk of injury because you're off balance and using one side of your body more than the other it's dangerous and not very beneficial whatsoever. All this is is in money making gimmick developed by people like him for people who don't know any better and think oh this is new I'll do this because it must work when you don't even do the research behind it. You'll get way more benefit from taking less weight and exercising proper

  26. I like how he always gives credit to wherever he learned something from.

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