At Home Back Workout For Men Over 50 (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)

» At Home Back Workout For Men Over 50 (DUMBBELLS ONLY!)

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You don’t need a gym or a long workout to build a bigger back. That is why I am going to give you an at home back workout for men over 50 with the dumbbells only, and the great thing is it is only 4 exercises. Even though you don’t see it, you can’t forget to work your back. A strong back is important, especially when you get older. Having a strong back will help protect you from injury, provide more stability, and help with your posture. Having a big back also makes your waist look smaller, giving you more of a v-shape look. Let’s get started with the 4 exercises in this at home workout for men over 50 with dumbbells only.

Exercise #1: ONE-ARM DUMBBELL ROW. Doing one arm at a time, helps you support your upper body and focus on the correct form. You want to drive your elbow up above your back as far as you can, and hold the contraction at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Make sure you are using a light enough weight, where you control it through the whole movement instead of swinging the dumbbell.

Exercise #2: BENT OVER REAR DELT FLY. You are going to need to use lighter dumbbells for this because you are putting your arm out to your side, instead of keeping it close to your body like the previous exercise. Lead with your elbows when doing this exercise, and control the weight throughout the whole range of motion.

Exercise #3: ROMANIAN DEADLIFT. This workout includes other muscle groups, which means you can use a heavier weight for this exercise. Keep a slight bend in your knees, hinge at the hips, and ride the dumbbells down your legs. When you slide the dumbbells back up your legs, you want to squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.

Exercise #4: SHRUGS. This is focusing on the muscles that go from the top of your back to your neck. When you do the shrug, you want to hold the contraction at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. When you do this, you are going to get some great results from this exercise.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with an at home back workout for men over 50 with dumbbells only. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build more muscle at home, and get back in shape this New Year!



  1. Great workout video. I am over 60, and the chest workout was great also.

  2. This exercise will makes my mouth muscles go bigger too much talking

  3. Amazingly convenient workout methods

  4. Best back advice in along time thanks buddy 😊

  5. Get it Mark, thank you man, I’m 52 , u truly inspire me man, you look awesome and you’re such a humble guy.

  6. How much weight are you using on the dumbells row?

  7. Hi Mark, what is the number of sets and reps for each exercise?

  8. Great advice and pointers. It's critical to use the right weight and strict form. Awesome video! 👍👍👍

  9. I have a bad back. Ruptured disc, bulging disc, crumbling vertebrae, and muscle spasms. I'm very leery of doing the RDL. Is there an alternative? Do you have any exercises to strengthen lower back muscles? Thanks.

  10. Mark, your manner of presentation is down to earth. It IS appreciated by an old "War Horse."

  11. I've been 'training' for over 50 years and all that Mark says is exactly correct. I've chose strength and fitness as a way of life, long ago.

  12. You have to learn to shorten your videos. 19 minutes on 4 exercises is ridiculous. Get over yourself and respect your viewer's time.

  13. Thanks @MarkMcilyar, you totally read my mind, I've been trying some of your routines and I got to say that they have worked beautifully, I appreciate you, cheers !

  14. Why can't/don't you put your opposite knee on the bench during One Arm DB Rows? Wouldn't that support your lower back even more than just bracing your opposite hand alone?

  15. Moe: "How long have you had that weak back?" Curly: "Oh since about a week back." (Sorry fellas I had to throw that in). Good video Mark.

  16. of all the reasons for me to work m=y back what a lady thinks is last on the list…..just saying.

  17. Thanks Mike, very well explained and clear speech, thanks for let us feel the importance to stay in shape after 40…I'm 47! Happy 2022

  18. @Live Anabolic/Mark McIlyar: at exercise number 3: the Romanian Deadlift, your colleague GARY WALKER once said that you should NOT bend your hips/back with your dumbels all the way to the floor because then your upper back will MAKE A SPHERE!
    In other words, your entire back should stay IN A STRAIGHT LINE during that bending and straightening.
    Isn't GARY WALKER right about this?!
    Although I see that YOUR whole back remains almost STRAIGHT if you touch the ground with your dumbels! But of course not everyone can do this.

  19. You're right! Too much talking.

  20. 😀😁🤩🥰😍👍👏💪🏋♂️
    Wow, these are very good excersises and I will do these excersises at home from now on!!! I have 2 dumbbells with a few different weights at home, so….!!!!!! 🤩🥰😍❤👍🏋♂️

  21. Very well said sir about this exercises of back workout and keep it up and keep training hard and be strong always sir and stay healthy and be positive and happy always sir

  22. Mark, for the New Year would you please add timestamps to your videos so when we go back to refresh our memory and review an exercise we can go directly to it? Time stamps (chapters/time code) are super easy for the YT creator to make and it would be so beneficial to your viewers and subscribers.
    Thank you for this channel, Happy New Year!

  23. Where is your man chili recipe? Saw a video once and used to make it. That's good eats!

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